TV shows such as BL and Losing w/Jillian



  • I would say that if I knew America will be watching me in 8 weeks, I would work much harder than I do now!
    1-2 lbs a week is safe, but if you have a lot to lose, you could lose a bit more every week! If you change your eating/exercising habits, ANYTHING can happen!
    Why bother putting the shows down, let them inspire you:) I do.....
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    I find it interesting how people look at this from a negative perspective.....and no I'm not here to defend either show (haven't watched losing it w/jillian but can already gather what's going on there).

    What I can say is that the weight loss for these people is somewhat secondary to the emotional damage that each of them have faced because of their weight, childhood, upbringing, etc. I find that to be a bigger triumph than the weight loss alone. I always thought the main idea of the show is to show people that if you work hard enough and try, anyone can lose the weight. It's true, these people had no outside lives to interfere with their weight loss journeys. They probably spent in excess of 6 to 8 hours a day working out. I'll bet if any one of us had that kind of free time, we'd pull similar numbers, especially in a controlled and monitored environment (doctors, trainers, everything facilitated). I'm sure there were people who used dehydration just as well as over (hyper) hydration to fluctuate the numbers because people still treated it like a was a game, but the reality is you'll get more out of people when you make them comptete (have something to strive for). In the end though, these people still looked and felt a lot better about themselves. I look at the show as a motivator because even though I know I'm in range for where I want to be, I won't want to fall into the trap and gain the weight back.....because you never forget what it took to get you there, much less want to have to go through it again.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Haven't had a chance to watch Jillian's show yet, but, I absolutely love BL!!! We all know what is normal for the avg person to loose. These shows are not the norm. It is ispiring and motivating to say the least. As Jackpotclown stated, they deal with a bit more then weightloss. I tell you whenever BL is on, I am on my elliptical for the entire motivatest me tremendously!!!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Agreed! To be honest, I can't help but wonder if there is something a bit dodgy about the show like maybe it is filmed over a longer period than they let on.

    There is, at least in the case of The Biggest Loser, a "week" on the ranch is often 10-14 days. Also, it is a contest for money, and you know the producers can't watch people 24/7. According to veterans of the show, a LOT of dodgy things (dehydration, seriously undereating/overexercising) is going on.

    I tried to watch Jillian's show, but it angered me so much in the first five minutes I had to change the channel. She was screaming and humiliating a woman (who was a young widow) in front of her two young children. That's not "inspiration" that is abuse!

    I used to find The Biggest Loser inspiring, but now I just worry that the average American will quit because they're not losing double digits every "week".

    Sorry, that was opinionated.:ohwell:
  • I enjoy watching those shows, but do think that they set up unrealistic expectations for overweight people. I've lost a ton of weight, but didn't do it in 16 weeks. No, it took me 2 years. And I still have a lot of excess skin to contend with.

    The contestants on TBL (from what I've read) eat around 1200 calories per day, but burn a MINIMUM of 8,000 calories per day. So when you look at those numbers, it's not hard to see how someone can have a 10lb or greater loss in one week.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I love BL but I'm not a fan of her new show. I guess it's because with BL I know the workouts are a full time job and the eating part is restrictive. With her new show there's very little info on the regime these people are on. I watched it a few times - 1st episode and caught the end of last nights episode and I get depressed thinking that these people are losing 50lbs in 2 months and I can't seem to go beyond 1-2lbs a week. I know that's healthier but like most people I want results now.
  • For the people not thinking these could be slightly realistic .....what about the exercise videos....'results are not typical' but do you stop trying them?!?!?!?
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    If the contestanst are burning min of 8000 calories a day, there simply isn't enough time to eat and they must feel pretty sick from all that working out....I know it looks like they are working out all day when we watch the 1 hour show, but I guess they pretty much are doing so even when the cameras are not rolling. Last month the show came to my town for tryouts, several reasons I would not tryout the first being, I know I could not do those workouts! They deserve the results they get, but what a shame the show sets them up the failure in the long run. many regain since it's not a realistic lifestyle. Oh well it's just for ratings anyway... and seeing someones weightloss is inspiring. They should just have a show that highlights peoples before and after pics, we all love to see those!
  • pajamamama
    pajamamama Posts: 61
    I was having a discussion on Facebook on the Losing it with Jillian page about the unrealistic expections of the people on the shows losing 50-55lbs+ in just 8 weeks and shows like The Biggest Loser that the people lose 8-10lbs a week, that this sets an unrealistic image to what weight loss should be, and it can actually discourage the average person trying to lose weight.
    Any thoughts, agree or disagree?

    I think this every time I watch the show. It almost makes me not want to watch it and is kind of turning me off to JM.
  • bugs759
    bugs759 Posts: 22 Member
    I think typically people are eating much more than 1200 cal per day. Men in the 2200 range and women probably more like 1800.....but they are burning way more calories per day.....and they need the extra calories for fuel. In the case of BL those people are working out 8 hours a day or more......that's all they do. Have not watched the new Jillian show.

    And yes it is unrealistic to judge what you do at home by the people on BL......they are essentially "working" on losing the weight. We are here working, having families, dealing with everyday life. It is reasonable to lose 1-2 lbs a week.
  • I'm not a huge fan of either of these shows. I've seen two episodes of "losing it'. I think the intent of the shows is good. I don't know the whole story or the if the rumors behind them are true. I read posts about under eating and working out excessively. The expectations of working out 5 to 8 hrs a day and not eating as one should are very unrealistic. Especially to people with children/families, their career's and whatnot. I think both shows are good "motivation" to show people that weight loss can be done with hard work, determination, and a often times a drastic change of lifestyle. I'm sure the money helps in certain situations too. But, I don't think that should be the "ultimate" reward or the goal for these people or their families to work towards losing the weight. I like everyone else here am fighting the battle of losing weight and keeping it off. I believe as long as it's done in a healthy and safe way. The couple of pounds a week method seems to make sense to me. Not worrying over vanity pounds/weight or water weight. I think each individual should set realistic goals and work towards them slowly and in a healthy manner. Losing weight and keeping it off is a life long battle and doesn't happen over night. The main thing is getting people healthy so they can enjoy their lives and the people in them.
  • bugs759
    bugs759 Posts: 22 Member
    Well said Body/Flash
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I enjoy watching those shows, but do think that they set up unrealistic expectations for overweight people. I've lost a ton of weight, but didn't do it in 16 weeks. No, it took me 2 years. And I still have a lot of excess skin to contend with.

    The contestants on TBL (from what I've read) eat around 1200 calories per day, but burn a MINIMUM of 8,000 calories per day. So when you look at those numbers, it's not hard to see how someone can have a 10lb or greater loss in one week.

    Congrats on your weightloss... over 200 pounds lost, that is AMAZING!!!!

    I also enjoy watching the shows (although I'm not an avid watcher, but if its on and I'm in the mood to veg out and watch a show, I will watch it). I also think that the time frame in which they lose is way small, and seems to be very unrealistic compared to what a normal person could lose, in a healthy way. At least they are monitored by doctors and things, but I would be interested to know what really happens behind the scenes. My favorite part of the show is to watch some of the people beam with confidence and with tears to their eyes as they've never felt good about themselves before. So I do think that in a way these shows helps these individuals get over the obstacles that are hindering them to take the first step in getting healthy, and pushes them to their max. But, every day for 8 hours? yikes, I'd be super thin too..haha! I do wish that these shows would extend their "timeframe" so that we could see these people meeting realistic goals to use as examples in our lives. I always watch the show knowing full well that this is reality TV and that the results aren't typical.
  • candican
    candican Posts: 96
    I don't really follow the shows, but how is it an "unrealistic" goal? I don't even think that should be a goal- working out 8 hours a day and eating virtually nothing. If you think about it, it is realistic to lose that kind of weight if you were in the exact same situation. But almost all of us are not. We are not confined to a camp of trainers, nutritionists, doctors, competition, or with the expectation that we have to unveil ourselves to millions of people on TV within a certain time frame etc. I don't think the point of the show is to say you can get these same results in this short amount of time. That is really not possible or even healthy for most of us. Why anyone would watch those shows and think they can accomplish the same without the same resources and time commitments and 8 hours of exercise is beyond me. I don't think the shows set up unrealistic goals. Rather it's the viewer who's being unrealistic if they think they can get the same results without being in the same situation.
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    You read my mind! I watched Losing It last night while on the treadmill and was just aghast that these people can lose so much weight in such a short period of time. I guess if you turn your entire life over to exercise and do a massive calorie cut (I'm thinking these people must be given an eating plan and routine from the producers) its possible but really? 55 lbs in 8 weeks. I'm lucky to make my 5lbs per month goal.

    With BL - you gotta realize that this is all they do - work out. If you do it for 9 hours a day and given strict dietary guidelines in a controlled environment it possible. Just realistic for those us who have to work 8-10 hours a day, run a household and do whatever else it is what we do. I find the show very inspiring but I know that its not something I could accomplish at home.
  • candican
    candican Posts: 96
    Is this realistic?

    Yes, if you work out all day long, do nothing else, and don't eat, this is what will happen. It's just a fact. It's science. If you burn way more than you take in, you will see dramatic results. It's not unrealistic, it's real...if that's what you're gonna do. But let's face it, unless we're a contestant on that show and cleared from any medical problems that would affect the results, we are not going to have the results the contestants do. That shouldn't be anyone's goal because that lifestyle is not sustainable. Sometimes I wish I could just take 2 months off to go to a "fat camp" like BL...LOL. Wouldn't it be great if that's all we ever had to do was focus on weight loss!
  • pxgabriel
    pxgabriel Posts: 21
    I was disturbed by the kid beating himself up for only losing 3 lbs, it took me all last month to lose 3 lbs. What are they doing to lose so much weight so fast? And jillian said the mother should lose 31 lbs in the 8 weeks, and the mother threw in " I lost 31 lbs". I'm not sure about the 50,000 dollars, most of the people don't have jobs or are unemployed (not necesarilly by their choice I'm sure), and when the mother fell off the treadmill, Jillian didn't say, "I'm sorry". I want to hate her, but the families seem so happy. What do they do when one of them falls off the wagon? Seems like expl:sick: oitation to me. Its good if they are leaning new eating and workout habits, but I don't see how you could possibly lose that much weight that fast in a healthy way.
  • pxgabriel
    pxgabriel Posts: 21
    I have to agree!:flowerforyou:
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