Having a drink while dieting



  • Steer clear of beer. There are some nice low cal options for wine now.
    Shots with diet soda are a better alternative.
  • If I know there's a night where I'm "going out" and may have a beer or two, I make sure to work out extra hard earlier in the day to earn the extra calories for it. I also drink less now that I'm dieting and MFP has helped me realize just how many calories are in my favorite drinks (aaaaaah!!!!!!!!) but I have one or two every now and then and I've still lost weight.

    I hope this helps!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    just don't drink at all. Problem solved.

    Post number 5, a new record.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    I drink every Friday & Saturday night and I've lost 50 lbs. It can work, but it will work slower than if you don't drink. I have just started adding my average weekend drinks into my daily intake so that I don't have to kill myself working out on the weekends to fit it in. I think this is going to help me. I drink Captain or vodka and diet Sprite or 7up and log all of it. My main problem is hitting the "snack cabinet" after the booze!
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    I have a glass of wine almost every night -- sometimes more than one (if I'm being honest). I even have a tab on my food diary just for alcohol -- you can check! Make it fit. And if it doesn't fit, make the next day a little bit better. I've gone over a few times with calories from beer, and you know what? I'm still alive and I'm still healthy. If you want a beer, you should have one. If you want a glass of wine, you should drink it. It might make your progress a little slower, but if you're still doing all the right things otherwise, why not enjoy yourself along the way? Do you think women in Italy and France are worried about this?
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    I think as long as you have calories there is no reason not to have a glass of wine (or two!). I would rather exercise a liitle more or watch what I eat during the day to enjoy a drink than not.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,225 Member
    A half strength spirits with diet coke is only 35 calories - I have a couple once or twice a week and easily fit them into my calorie allowance.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    If you just want to get small for summer, but then give up the diet and drink and eat what you want, then should not drink because you would get small faster if you don't drink alcohol. If you want a diet you can keep up for a long time then, unless you see yourself being able to not drink any alcohol for that same amount of time, you should let yourself have your weekend drinks. Or you could switch to something you like but has less calories. This site also lets you log what alcohol you drank.
  • Smoking a large joint has zero calories ;)
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    "Having a drink while dieting". Yes. That is all.

    (How about seeing what you are doing as a life long process of being fitter, healthier and stronger, rather than being "on" a diet. If you want to maintain all the benefits of doing this - being a healthy size, fitter etc, you'll be doing it for life. If you like a drink then have one! As long as you count it in I don't see an issue. I'm not quitting drinking until the medical profession tells me I have to :tongue: )

    This gal works out for wine.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    Smoking a large joint has zero calories ;)

    From what I remember, it also makes me eat 4000 calories!!
  • Tann33
    Tann33 Posts: 101 Member
    If and when I go out drinking, I will have vodka and club soda.
  • cazza171
    cazza171 Posts: 1
    stick to clear spirits ie vodka/gin and slim line mixers
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    If you want that drink, have it. Just make sure you log it. Make room for it. Plan for it.
    I do the same with my Tastykake Lemon Pie (300 cal.). I want it, so I make room for it now and again.
  • JVazquez11
    JVazquez11 Posts: 19 Member
    I will drink one or two glasses of red wine on the weekend with no remorse. Each ounce of wine is approx 25 calories so one glass of wine is between four to six ounce which equals 100 to 150 calories. I just take those two glasses of wine into account on my total caloric intake for the day. If I know I'm going out I might eat a little lighter during the day or workout a little harder to make up for the additional calories. You can't take losing weight so seriously that you don't have any fun. You don't have to give up every guilty pleasure.
  • LilLuLu4
    LilLuLu4 Posts: 29 Member
    "Having a drink while dieting". Yes. That is all.

    (How about seeing what you are doing as a life long process of being fitter, healthier and stronger, rather than being "on" a diet. If you want to maintain all the benefits of doing this - being a healthy size, fitter etc, you'll be doing it for life. If you like a drink then have one! As long as you count it in I don't see an issue. I'm not quitting drinking until the medical profession tells me I have to :tongue: )

    This gal works out for wine.

    Cheers! :drinker:

    Yessssss to this!
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    The way I look at it is that I'm not dieting, I'm changing my lifestyle, and if I can't have a drink or two in my lifestyle from time to time then I want no part of that lifestyle.
  • I' trying to lose weight and be able to keep it off. That being said I'll never do it if I kick all the things I know I can't kick forever. I'm 23 and still enjoy the bar scene with friends. I don't go often as I'm married with a 16 month old. When I do go out though I go out and drink whatever I want. I haven't gained any weight back, and when I go out I eat like crap. I know it's not healthy, but one day I'll stop doing it, that day is not today. It's perfectly acceptable to go out and have one nice drink that you want and have water the rest of the night if you'd like.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I still drink sometimes. I just make room for it in my calorie allotment for the day.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Smoking a large joint has zero calories ;)

    I have got no idea why but I instinctively 'LIKE' this post. (Sorry, I'm not a Facebooker, I just follow what the kids do ...)

    I get out of my freaking tree regularly on red wine and still lose weight.

    Maybe I'm malnourished.

    Maybe I'm a dreamer.

    I'm not the only one.