Message for those asking for help



  • I love when people have theirs able to view..I like getting ideas! I think mine is friends only, but I've been wanting to share it with everyone. I don't always reach my calories, so I also don't want to be *****ed at haha. I'm always really busy, and have a hard time fitting all my calories into my day. Especially lately. I'll be glad to undo mine, if anyone wants to look at it for ideas. I eat clean. I use nothing processed, boxed, etc.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Also, DanOoh, sorry to have continued this discussion on this thread, wonder if there is anyway to move the appropriate posts to your other thread on "giving advice"? Does MFP have a merge option?

    No apologizes necessary. I'm enjoy the discussion.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have to say that if someone asks for an opinion in an open forum, you are inviting everyones view. I have done this before, mostly in the first 6 months. I did not like all of what was posted, but I took it into consideration.

    One such remark has stuck with me since early on. He was a rather blunt person and when I posted a thread stating I had no time to cook things fresh,he pointed out I had been on MFP posting why I could NOT do things for a few hours:laugh:

    To this day when I think about skipping an exercise session, or opening a can of peas, his AV comes to mind.

    The problem with always being ultra supportive is that we lose the honest feedback that can bring positive results.


    :drinker: I couldn't have said it better!

    If I ask a question here about my individual situation I fully understand I'm going to probably be ridiculed along with getting some really bad advice. If I'm lucky I may get some good relevant information mixed in, too. I take a lot of factors into consideration when reading responses here: who seems to know what they're talking about and what personal experience they have with the topic and what information they've provided to support their viewpoint and THEN I draw my conclusions from there.I believe the vast majority of MFP users are very well intentioned. But a lot of us are ignorant and/or tactless, too. :laugh: I have seen some horribly irresponsible advice being given on MFP. However, there is a lot of what I believe to be very good and helpful information here in the archives, you just have to know how to sort it out.

    I very rarely post topics here. If I'm looking for comments on a specific topic, I search the post archives first. That way I don't put myself out there and I still get some good opinions and information about the subject. :smile:
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