30 day shred...dare to be shredded?



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    For me, its the inner thighs today!
  • DivaMuscle
    DivaMuscle Posts: 20 Member
    I haven't had any knee pain from this...hopefully it is from teh Zumba then so you can keep shredding!

    Absolutely - on day 3 now of the shred - and I definitely feel like Im able to push harder - but it's still a tough old workout... cant wait to weigh myself this weekend:wink:
  • I was just telling a friend about this earlier today. I'd love to join you. I'll dig out my DVD and start today. I'm ready to be shredded!
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    Just bought this tonight and did L1D1... :noway:

    This is hard!! :grumble:

    The jumping jacks and the "butt kicks" are really killer! I just couldn't do the last cardio session :ohwell:

    I won't be doing this every day but I hope to include it in my regular workout routines! :drinker:
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Nice to meet everyone. I started shredding last week but not daily. I have done level 1 for 3 days so far. I alternate with Biggest Loser Boot Camp. I find it hard to believe that 20 min is only 259 calories burned (I weight 214). Oh well. I feel great already. The stairs at work are getting easier and the pushups -ugh- are actually getting easier too. I'm with everyone on the arm raises with the lunges. Torture! Now I'm just waiting for the scale to honor my hard work with a budge downward!

    Hey does anyone else imagine punching Jillian when you do the squat punches? LOL. It helps!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    Shread!!! Starting TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING IT!:laugh:
  • I was just telling a friend about this earlier today. I'd love to join you. I'll dig out my DVD and start today. I'm ready to be shredded!

    I found it and started last night. Whew! I'm sore! :happy:
    On my way to do Day 2 right now.
  • Hey does anyone else imagine punching Jillian when you do the squat punches? LOL. It helps!

    YES!! I do this too! haha - it does help!
  • DivaMuscle
    DivaMuscle Posts: 20 Member
    I started aiming my punches at Jillian today too :laugh:

    Finding level 1 a bit repetitive so I upped the weights today and was absolutely drenched! Who wouldve thought 20 mins could make you sweat so much!
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    i hear ya!! today was day 3 and i feel both stronger and more sore! still doing "girl" push ups though! pretty sure i'll just be happy to keep up with her push up pace while doing girl push ups!!!
  • kmulhollen
    kmulhollen Posts: 54
    Might not be able to start till after the 4th but I'm shooting for tomorrow anyway! Ready to be shredded!!!
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Day 4, Level 1 complete! I still do the pushups on my knees but I started trying to do 1 or 2 on my toes. As for the burn... I looked up Tae Bo on the exercise database because I think that's closer to the calories I'm burning. Just a thought.
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    Anyone else's calves just so dang sore after doing this workout?? I did L1D1 yesterday and today I can barely move them! I think it was all the JJ's.

    (and yes... I've stretched... I've got the heating pad on them now!)
  • DivaMuscle
    DivaMuscle Posts: 20 Member
    Anyone else's calves just so dang sore after doing this workout?? I did L1D1 yesterday and today I can barely move them! I think it was all the JJ's.

    (and yes... I've stretched... I've got the heating pad on them now!)

    Yep, my calves feel like they're splitting! But that's hopefully a good thing!

    I'm still doing the girl pushups as well, but will try and do some proper ones today. Keep up the good work guys!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hey guys! I would love to join this group! I started the shred about 2 months ago and got to day 13, unfortunately, I injured myself and was diagnosed with achilles tendonitis. This has luckily cleared fairly quickly! I have been doing the shred for the past two weeks, on and off (off usually at the weekends) but I'm ready to start all over again. :flowerforyou:

    As I have progressed through all 3 levels, I will be changing the level's I do each day. Starting with level 3 today with 5lb weights. Since I started the shred, along with diet and ab training, I have lost several inches and many more pounds. I feel strong and many of my muscles appear to have toned up considerably :flowerforyou:

    In my opinion, Level 2 is quite tricky...level 3 focuses upon cardio whilst using the weights, and although it's difficult, it is not as hard as the plank work in level 2. :ohwell:

    One more thing, a few people I have spoken to, including physio's have suggested that the knee circles can be more damaging than beneficial to the knees...therefore I change these to neck circles...as with my ab work, I find that although I try to keep my neck neutral and relaxed, it very often tightens up.

    Good Luck everyone!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Was going to do Level 3, but fancied a change...so had a go at level 1! The cardio is harder in level 1 than level 3...seriously! I did the entire two sets of the side lunges with anterior lifts! Ouchie!

    I'm going to a funeral today and didn't want to push myself too hard...but will do level 3 when I get home, or the steps fitness video...variety is the spice of life eh? :flowerforyou:

    Have a lovely friday guys :happy:
  • nannweeks
    nannweeks Posts: 14 Member
    Finally got day 1 in of Level 1 this morning! It felt GREAT! :)
  • DivaMuscle
    DivaMuscle Posts: 20 Member
    I've been doing the 30 day shred for 6 days now in total - so thought I've give a bit of an update.

    Waist - I've lost 1/2 inch
    Hips - I've lost 1/2 inch

    Weight loss - 1.6lbs

    So all in all not bad at all - especially as I have overeaten a few days this week.... fingers crossed the 30 day shred continues to deliver!

    How's everyone else doing?
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    Anyone else's calves just so dang sore after doing this workout?? I did L1D1 yesterday and today I can barely move them! I think it was all the JJ's.

    I just finished my 3rd day of Lvel 1 this morning and my calves are tight, but it's my Thighs that are sore! I'm debating when I want to try Level 2. I still burn about 250 calories doing one so I'll probably hold off for a bit. Also still deciding if I want to try and do this everyday or mix in days of running. hrm.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Level 3 this morning after a few bevvies last night :sick: Phew...that was tricky! Level 3 is a killer on the shoulders...ouchie ouchie! I don't find the level 3 cardio as hard as level 1..really, but I find I sweat so much more during level 3.

    so tomorrow is day 5 for me...going to give level 2 a go tomorrow! Hoping to hit the 160's this week too, I'm .2 of a pound away! So I'm going to push myself extra hard! :flowerforyou:
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