What happened?!!



  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    If you really want it you can get it done. Get some awesome friends on here that will help you to be accountable and if you still can't do it then its truly not what you want. I can understand, I've been there before and sometimes just bucking up and hopping into the habits of watching your food, getting to the gym or outside. Maybe start by getting into doing some stuff with your adorable kid, maybe take for a walk or doing some soccer kicking around, etc. Sometimes just the small stuff like that gets you moving again and gets you where you want to be. I have some awesome friends I've met on here and even swapped phone numbers for the texts when they see me slacking or needing a boost. Add me if you'd like, I'd be happy to be that voice in the back of your head telling you or keeping you going.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    The reasons need to be the right ones. It needs to be for your health, and to be there for your kids longterm, and to feel better and be able to do more with your life, not for a wedding, or a vacation or some other shortterm event. You also need to do it in a way where you are not in dread of continuing it. Find forms of exercise you can enjoy, whether it is sunny or rainy, whether that be walking, jogging, rollerskating, hiking, swimming, dance, martial arts, weight training, biking(great one for summer), workout dvds/videos at home or wii fit. There are endless options. Just being active is a great start. There are lots of fitness videos online for free on the fitnessblender site. Try some of those, have your kids do one with you, might all have some fun.

    Make small changes in diet you can sustain, rather than thinking you have to live on 1200 calories of rabbit food. Many on here are losing weight on 1600-1800 calories and upwards with exercise, which leaves ample room for treats as well as plenty of nutritious food. Give yourself challenges and focus on the changes in your body, rather than the scale number alone.