Looking for MFP Freinds!!

I have been using this for over a month and love it! Would love to have more friends to keep me motivated and help them on there journey as well! Looking to lose fat and gain a tad bit of muscle! Friend me !


  • KaryLT88
    KaryLT88 Posts: 11

    You can add me if you want to. I've been here for only 5 days, but I have found the page super motivational!
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    Me too. I need more friends. I
  • valenbryce
    valenbryce Posts: 10 Member
    You can add me if you want to. I find having people to be accountable makes a huge difference and the encouragement is nice too!
  • I'm always looking for more friends! Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • lexus2134
    lexus2134 Posts: 21 Member
    The more the merrier :) I love having people to keep me accountable! Anyone can add me.
  • Hello, brand new here and I am looking forward to losing weight with everyone. :happy:
  • courtneywiens
    courtneywiens Posts: 148 Member
    hey, feel free to add me, i've been at this for awhile but love meeting new people with similar goals (if those goals are to be healthy lol!) :)
  • jmlf4
    jmlf4 Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me. Just joined this week and need support too.