Scotland/UK People?

Hi! My first post here. Im from just outside Edinburgh and just wondering if there were any fellow Scots or UK people here?
I'm a SAHM with a 5 month old boy and have lost 36lbs so far through exercise and better food choices. Currently on day 9 of the 30DS. I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight but I want to lose another 14lbs to be at mh ultimate goal weight.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello!


  • emilyrobe
    emilyrobe Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Claire :)

    Well done on the weight loss. I'm desperately trying to increase my weight loss and get fitter as now I'm 40, and my youngest is 13 in May I can no longer keep blaming baby weight LOL

    I'm based in the UK and would love to connect :)

  • Vanwee933
    Vanwee933 Posts: 22 Member
    Im in Lanarkshire, im on maternity leave with my 8 mo, planning to take a year out. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you for responding ladies! Thanks Emily. It has been tough, especially the last 14lbs and I still have another 14 to go, just slowing down now. Must keep going!
    Vanwee I have added you.

  • Mrshlh
    Mrshlh Posts: 1
    Hi I just joined today, I'm a SAHM to my 3 year old and one year old. I'm from Yorkshire and have 56lbs to lose :( x
  • ciarabubs
    ciarabubs Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, I am from just outside Glasgow. I have been doing MFP for almost a week now. So far I have been impressed, also love the boards. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • kathneal67
    kathneal67 Posts: 35 Member

    I was born in the UK but live in NZ, don't know if I can be included. Great work all of you. I have a 11 yr old gilr and a husband who acts like he is 5 years old sometimes! I have been on MFP for about a month now, went a bit awall a couple of weeks ago but back on track now. Long way to go but things will be thrown at us to try and keep us going! Add me if you wish, even though our time frames are opposite! I used to live in Cheshire, but over in NZ I always say Manchester - home of Coro street as they all know that.

    All of you keep up the great work

  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member
    I have added all of you. Thank you for responding!

    Ciarabubs, I love the boards too. I had no idea they were here.

    Mrshlh you can do it! It seems daunting, I had 50lbs to lose but I am now 36lb down. I set myself mini goals and that kept me motivated. Good luck!

    Kathneal, hello in NZ. All are welcome!
  • mrsjobba2
    mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm from Newcastle, I've been using mfp on my iPhone since January but only just discovered the website / boards yesterday . I love the app & support. I've got just under 2 lb to get my two stone off! I weigh in on a Saturday so keeping my fingers x. Feel free to add me as a friend x
  • theironpenguin
    I'm from Scotland feel free to add
  • padipaddy
    padipaddy Posts: 12
    Hi there,

    I'm Robert from the north of Ireland (uk part).... Howdy! Good to hear from others of the European persuasion , I have been on MVP since early march 2013 and its a great program for recording food/ excercise.


  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    Hi Claire

    I'm from Renfrewshire in Scotland BUT I do not have a baby so can't really blame baby weight lol. I'm 22 and I have about 45lbs to lose.
    Well done on your weight loss, feel free to add me
  • amandatiffany90
    Hey everyone!

    I'm Amanda, 23yrs old and I'm originally from Canada, but I've lived in England for 1.5 years. 6 months in Oxford and now in London for the last year!

    I love adding other UK people so I can see what y'all are eating!
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member

    I'm also just outside Edinburgh, albeit in another direction. :-)

  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I'm from the UK but living in Scotland now.
  • m1key87
    m1key87 Posts: 113
    Hiya I am 25 and live in Northampton lost 10lbs so far and now starting to bulk up. Any one feel free to add.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Hi I'm from the NE great work on your weight loss so far
  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello new people, I have added you all.

    Mrsjobba, fingers crossed for your 2lb loss, well done so far!

    Theironpenguin, brilliant username.

    Hello in Ireland, paddy!

    Imperfect_ang, best of luck. You can totally achieve your goal jusf keep focused.

    Hi Amandatiffany, hope you are enjoying London. My best friends live there so I visit very often and really love the big city.

    So great to see so many people from the UK or nearby.

    Starting level 2 of 30 Day Shred today, I haven't taken a rest day yet as I haven't felt the need to but after watching what I will be doing today I am thinking I might need to change that.

    My weightloss has slowed recently and I am thinking this is due to undereating so going to up my calories a bit and see if that has any effect.

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member
    As I was writing, so many more lovely posts! Thank you all, have added you.
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello! I'm from Edinburgh.

    Managed to lose 2 stone about 3 or 4 years ago, but the final stone is a constant battle - lose it, then gain it, then lose it etc.

    Logging calories is the only thing that works for me and these boards are great inspiration exercise-wise. So I'm back here again to get rid of that extra stone!
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    Aberdonian here. I accept friend requests.