Interducing Myself

Hello I am very new to this site and not sure if this is where you are suppose to post things. But here I go anyhow. I am a diabetic now just became one in Feb of this year. Scard me some and it is all new to me. I was told I need to lost weight and the my glucose level well drop down. I am a type 2 diabetic. Not use to reading labels. Still learning all the stuff I need to know. But this program is helping a lot because at least now I don't have to count calories. I have not figured that one out yet. But I like that this program does it for you. Way to know people who made this possible!!!!:happy: Thank you. :smile: :smile:


  • peanutsbuddy
    peanutsbuddy Posts: 5 Member
    I am again on a journey of weight loss, life change. I too have medical issues that can be corrected through weight loss. It's definitely worth it. I have to remember to do it for myself. I find it doesn't stick if you do it for someone else. Good luck to you.

    I want to be strong again like in this picture.
  • teresa1121
    teresa1121 Posts: 113 Member
    I am a diabetic also for months controlled it with weight loss and then i hit a slump of depression and started gaining found out this week i have to take meds for it where i did not before. so i understand the nerve racking and scary situation cause i just cried and vowed i did not want to give myself shots;; so i joined the gym got back on here for support and started logging my food if i bite it i write it.. you can do it we are here for you... add me if you like.. have a safe journey ... and remember you are not alone.