Constipation and Gas - Please Help

dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All-

This is one of those embarrassing subjects but I just don't know what to do about it so I am asking for help. Everytime I start a Life-style change (I refuse to call it a diet) and eating really healthy with lots of vegies, lean meats, fruits, etc....I start experiencing horrid gas (and I work in an office) and constipation. I just don't know what I can do that will ease this situation and still keep the healthy diet without having to take a laxative on a regular basis which then throws my body into the opposite situation and I don't leave the restroom at all.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I can't believe I am the only one who experiences this.

Thanks in advance


  • CMenendez
    CMenendez Posts: 62 Member
    A high amount of veggies will produce a high amount of gas. You could try to take Beano. I have taken it before and its not bad just seems that the more veggies you eat the more you have to take. I would also recommend a stool softener to help you day, its not as harsh as a laxative. I would stay away from the broccoli, and cabbage. This seems to produce more gas. Hopefully this helps you. i know it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.
  • lhain
    lhain Posts: 6
    I had the same problem. On the advice of my doctor, I added a probiotic to my daily regimen. I take it in the morning and in the afternoon. My digestive system is finally on an even schedule. I hope this helps.
  • Tashia_HH
    Tashia_HH Posts: 99 Member
    I mix benefiber and miralax every morning for constipation. As for the gas, Gas x or Phazyme works well. Good luck!
  • Denimgirl
    Denimgirl Posts: 87 Member
    Here is what works for me.
    Keep sugar (refined or natural) to a minimum.
    If eating fruit eat fruit that is high in fiber.
    Drink PLENTY of water. Dehydration=constipation
    Exersize. It really does help me go regular.
    Eat bulky veggies raw (like broccoli) a couple times of day.

    Generally when making a life change :) it takes a few days for my body to detox and those problems become almost non exsistant.

    Hope that helps.
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Don't avoid healthy veggies! Broccoli is one of the best foods for you. What I've found is that it takes a while for your body to adjust. I too would suggest Beano or GasX. For the constipation, I've found that eating either oatmeal or fiberOne cereal each morning has kept that away almost totally. You just have to make SURE you are drinking enough water. I dieted and lost almost a hundred lbs. several years ago and I had HORRIBLE constipation which caused painful hemeroids (sp?). This time I'm having no problems like that. Don't stop the veggies as they help with the constipation too. Drink lots of water and walk/exercise.
  • goli1982
    goli1982 Posts: 2
    on the constipation part: try to incorporate nuts like pecans or almonds to your eating regimen. I notice they help me stay regular. on the working in an office use some room spray before someone walks in? helps me too! : ) Beano works for me too! hope that helps!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I share an office with a couple of D'bags that I can't stand, so it's all good. If you care about your fellow man, the gas is just a good excuse to get up and take a little walk outside from time to time. I do that once in a while. Beano-GasX, I dunno, never tried 'em. I don't like people that much.

    I'm fortunate with the regularity, but my wife struggles sometimes. Sunkist sells these yummy little individually wrapped prunes, and when she feels the urge she grabs a couple of those and some time later,,, :smile:
  • mfpchar
    mfpchar Posts: 29
    I have a friend who's worked in a hospital for 25 years, and she just puts her ear to the ground and keeps me apprised of findings. One of them was that eating a banana everyday seems to work better than fiber, and she said that if its too much sugar, the key is to eat food with magnesium.

    Anyhow, if anyone has any more insight on that, much obliged. I've been following this idea and I've seen improvement, but I've only been at it a couple weeks.

  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Thank you to you all for your suggestions. I had completely forgot about the Probiotics and I used to take them and then got out of the habit. I will also try the cereal in the morning along with the Beano. I am drinking lots of water and exercising as well so can't say that has helped much except that maybe it would be worse if I wasn't.

    Good luck to all
  • jbwegner
    jbwegner Posts: 254 Member
    I used to have major bubble guts. But then I cut out dairy almost 4 weeks ago, and now all my tummy issues are gone. Maybe you can try that?
  • browneyesbb89
    browneyesbb89 Posts: 141 Member
    If you don't mind me asking, what is a probitic. I sometimes have this problem.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Probiatics are a supplement for the digestive system. It is similar to the healthy bacteria found in yogurt.
  • mctny
    mctny Posts: 6
    Is acidophilus considered a probiotic or is there something more in it? Do you buy it in a health food store or is it available in other stores? Thanks!
  • dharmachic
    dharmachic Posts: 21
    Hi Dawn, I have had chronic constipation sometimes accompanied by gas due to health issues. Exercise, drinking water, probiotics and eating fiber sometimes helps, but since my problem is chronic, I don't see much results from just doing these. The only thing that has really helped me was a vegetable broth that my mother, a nurse, introduced me to. It's a home remedy by Tateishi Kazu that has been around for decades and is fairly popular in Asia.

    It's also touted to relieve other maladies but although I can't attest to the other benefits, it sure does keep me regular (and not the crazy laxative kind!) more effectively than any conventional pill or natural remedy. It does take a bit of work to prepare, but once you include it as part of your routine, you'll get used to it - and this is from a girl who never has time for anything ;).

    Fill a stainless steel stock pot or large pot with water and put the following unpeeled (but washed) ingredients in:
    - 1 raw carrot
    - 5 pieces of dried s-h-i-take mushrooms (must be dried, not fresh, more concentrated that way)
    - 8-10 in. piece of burdock root (also called gobo in Japanese markets, or oo-ung in Korean markets)
    - 1 daikon radish with leaves (best to find ones with the leaves in Korean markets)

    Let the whole thing come to boil, then simmer for 1.5-2 hours. Let cool then strain and immediately put liquid in container and keep in fridge. Do not let it stand in room temperature after it cools for too long or it will spoil.

    Drink it like you would drink water. I find it has a nice earthy flavor and don't find the flavor unpleasant at all, especially cold - tastes like mild tea. One pot will usually last me 2-3 days. It can also be used as a vegetable soup base as well.

    Believe me, when my mother suggested it, I had my doubts, but when I tried it, I was summarily humbled. It is also considered a detox drink so you may urinate more and experience a bit of dry mouth (side effect of burdock) but after about 3 days, I became completely regular for the first time in years.

    You can google Tateishi Kazu and vegetable soup or broth or 5 veggie soup for more information. There's also a packaged version, but I haven't tried it and honestly, it couldn't be better than homemade, right?

    I hope this helps!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I have a friend who's worked in a hospital for 25 years, and she just puts her ear to the ground and keeps me apprised of findings. One of them was that eating a banana everyday seems to work better than fiber, and she said that if its too much sugar, the key is to eat food with magnesium.

    Anyhow, if anyone has any more insight on that, much obliged. I've been following this idea and I've seen improvement, but I've only been at it a couple weeks.


    Yes, bananas are a great source of Potassium which the body needs for proper digestive relief. Using MFP I found how Potassium deprived I was and have increased food intake with higher levels of Potassium (I LOVE Lemons, Yams and sweet potatoes :heart: ). I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome) when I was 19 and have suffered for years until recent. It was rough at first but the potassium additions (both veggies and increase in supplement) I am doing okay in that area. I'll never be a rose :flowerforyou: but it's tolerable now. :blushing: But the Beano suggestion will help you over the 'rough' spots. :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Regarding the bananas, my dad has consipation problems and his doctor said stay away from bananas as they are binding--not what you want if you have constipation!! Yes bananas are a good source of potassium, but they are a high glycemic fruit also, so they aren't always the best choice, depending on the individual.

    If your new lifestyle includes an increased consumption of dairy products, I would eliminate them and see if your symptoms abate. My husband had problems similar to the ones described, and when I got him to stop drinking two glasses of milk with dinner and eating ice cream for dessert, his symptoms went away. We decided he was probably lactose intolerant and a dietary adjustment was all that was needed.

    Good luck.
  • lady_of_steele
    lady_of_steele Posts: 36 Member
    So this was a great post and good timing for me. I've been off work for two days due to constipation. At this point, I feel it is chronic and I'm going to see a specialist about it soon. Ever since it's gotten warm outside, I've noticed it get worse because I don't eat the same things for breakfast in the summer as I do in the winter (oatmeal, primarily). Maybe I can force myself to eat the oatmeal.

    Thanks for the posting and the tips about probiotics. I'm a faithful water drinker, walker, and fiber supplement taker, so any additional info is appreciated. Good luck!
  • Brelynn
    Brelynn Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks for all the info.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I've been a constipated mess most of my life (both as a child and as an adult) and finally found something that truly has helped...a nutritional product called shakeology. It does contain probiotics and fiber (apple pectin), but also includes many servings of fruits and veggies in a single 140 calorie serving. I actually blogged about it (my blog post is #2 and #1!), and thought you might appreciate some humor regarding a not very pleasant condition (constipation).
  • hannah_lin
    hannah_lin Posts: 54
    I often experience the same problem of constipation when I'm making a lifestyle change. Which is odd, because I tend to eat a ton of fiber!
    2 things that seem to have helped in the past are kombucha tea (for the probiotics) and yoga... Hopefully we can all solve this!
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