Looking for a few good friends.

Suppot is a powerful thing :happy: (day 2 on this site)


  • treasurep
    treasurep Posts: 88 Member
    Yes it is and here you will receive plenty.
  • mfpchar
    mfpchar Posts: 29
    I friended you!
  • bbblue92
    bbblue92 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi there! Welcome. Feel free to add if you need any friends. I've been off and on the wagon several times since starting this early this year. Good news is I haven't gained the weight back, just been stuck at 13 lbs. :sad: Goal for me is to loose a pound a week until the end of November, I have my brother-in-law's wedding to go to so that was good so I can set my goal to. This site really works for you if you really log everything in (i've been inconsitent with that lately, but I'm trying!) Good luck to you! :wink:
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Welcome!!! Lots of support here!

    Feel free to add me to your friends list!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Feel free to add me! I will help ya with what I can
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member

    Hope you are getting ready to concur the world on this site. I will tell you with some strong determination and the will to succeed you will go far. I have done well by logging all my food. It helps to do it before you eat it (you will be surprise how many calories are in things) I check,check and recheck the calorie content because they are not always accurate on the site. I am not a big exercise person (very hard to fit it in most days) . I work out abit with my WII (too much fun) I started by calorie level at 1200 but after a few weeks I discovered that it was far to low so I brought it up to 1430 and I lose 1 pound a week almost like clockwork. I hit the wall a couple times and did not lose for the week then the following week it got its MoJo back and off it came. I can tell you that I do budget for a treat ( I love Yoplait delights chocolate raspberry) There is a really good web site hungry girl.com tons of recipes for some yummy food (one of my favs is chicken cordon blu ) I really began to have more energy at about 20 pounds off. It is funny because the body changes slowly but its cool to discover all the new things that you have (or to be more exact the things you don’t have) like one less roll on your tummy or hey I forgot I have dimples in my cheeks :bigsmile: Again you can do it just hang in there an be patient.
  • mommy0304
    mommy0304 Posts: 5
    Hi everyone,

    I'm new here, just signed up yesterday!!!! I've been struggling to lose weight for awhile now,and have been up and down. I get discouraged when I fail,and then I let myself down. I know that it's a long journey to lose weight since it just didn't come on all at once and it will take awhile for it to come off. I want to lose weight in a healthy way. I try my best to eat healthy and to watch my portion controls, sometimes it's hard. I just had a baby 6 weeks ago and have lost most of my pregnancy weight,but I still have a long ways to go. I also have 2 other kids,that keep me busy. I've been going for 20-30minute walks every night if it's not to hot to get the baby out..I drink alot of water,so that's not a problem. If I could lose just 30 lbs I'd be happy,but I do need to lose more. I'm trying to set small goals so I don't get to discouraged. My husband just tells me I look fine,but I'm not happy with the way I look,and I want to change that.. I'm looking for some friends that will help support me and keep me motivated as well. Someone I can talk to and become good friends with,not just for weightloss,but someone I can always count on. I'd like to get to know more people. My weight is not something I like to talk about,and it's something I don't talk about,as I'm afraid I'm going to get judged. I've been made fun of my whole life for being heavy and I have cried alot over it,I"m a very sensitive person anyways,but am uncomfortable with my weight,and it's time I do something about it!!
    Please add me as a friend,so I can get the motivation and support I need,so I don't feel all alone. Thanks!!
  • RadioGaGa
    RadioGaGa Posts: 12 Member
    New here also! Found that this is a great site with some amazing people. I learn alot just by reading the post and information others have posted - I would love to have you as a friend.