Grounds for Dismissal?

I workout with a trainer once a week since December, we work on weight training and I have been happy to a point. Last night, he told me he was starting a "cleanse" to remove all the "toxins" from his system. <cringe> I have never relied on him for nutrition advice, and I have been happy with the fitness advice to an extent. I guess I was surprised at his ignorance but I just figured a professional would know better, now it has led me to worry about if I should be wary of any fitness advice as well.

Has anyone ever received questionable advice from their trainer? How did you handle it?


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I workout with a trainer once a week since December, we work on weight training and I have been happy to a point. Last night, he told me he was starting a "cleanse" to remove all the "toxins" from his system. <cringe> I have never relied on him for nutrition advice, and I have been happy with the fitness advice to an extent. I guess I was surprised at his ignorance but I just figured a professional would know better, now it has led me to worry about if I should be wary of any fitness advice as well.

    Has anyone ever received questionable advice from their trainer? How did you handle it?

    Is he trying to sell you anything to cleanse your toxins as well?
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Holy cannoli, yes.

    Stuff like that is why I stopped going to yoga classes. I just couldn't accept advice on health and fitness from people who believe in energy locks and breathing into your buttocks. Cleanses are even worse.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Everyone and anyone can be a trainer nowadays it seems. But I don't believe that trainers usually have any nutritional training and what not. If you think his fitness advice is good, then just stick to talking to him about that and don't take any nutritional advice from him. Or find a new trainer that you trust.
  • Jessiebell527
    Jessiebell527 Posts: 110 Member
    No, he hasn't tried to sell me anything and by the look on my face I am sure he could tell I wouldn't buy, but I just have such an icky feeling about a professional with this kind of ignorance. Don't they go through formal trianing? I go to LA Fitness, I would imagine you would need some sort of credentials?
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    You go to him for weight training, not nutritional advice. If you are happy with the weight training, then what does what he decides to eat have to do with it? Unless he tries to convince you to do it as well, I see no reason to stop training with him.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Have you or anyone at LA fitness checked his credentials?
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Don't talk politics or religion with him either. I'd let it slide if he's otherwise good.
  • Jessiebell527
    Jessiebell527 Posts: 110 Member
    Don't talk politics or religion with him either. I'd let it slide if he's otherwise good.

    LOL! Thanks!
  • Jessiebell527
    Jessiebell527 Posts: 110 Member
    Have you or anyone at LA fitness checked his credentials?

    Had not occured to me. Any clue as to how to go about that?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If I was happy with the fitness stuff, I would not dismiss him. Especially since you weren't looking to him for nutrition advice.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Has anyone ever received questionable advice from their trainer? How did you handle it?

    Most trainers believe they know it all. Just tell him to STFU and push you harder on LIFTING heavy things
  • Jessiebell527
    Jessiebell527 Posts: 110 Member
    Has anyone ever received questionable advice from their trainer? How did you handle it?

    Most trainers believe they know it all. Just tell him to STFU and push you harder on LIFTING heavy things

    Great advice, thank you.
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    he told me he was starting a "cleanse" to remove all the "toxins" from his system. <cringe>

    It is entirely possible that he's not doing the type of cleanse your mind (and mine) immediately goes to when we hear the word "cleanse" (unnecessary magical pills, crazy diet drinks, etc...). It may very well be as simple as him cutting out meat for a week. Different people have different definitions of a body cleanse. For example, one person's "cleanse" after a vacation of eating piles of processed foods may be eating raw food for a period of time.

    Although it is just as likely that he's doing a crazy magical pill cleanse. lol.
  • Jessiebell527
    Jessiebell527 Posts: 110 Member
    he told me he was starting a "cleanse" to remove all the "toxins" from his system. <cringe>

    It is entirely possible that he's not doing the type of cleanse your mind (and mine) immediately goes to when we hear the word "cleanse" (unnecessary magical pills, crazy diet drinks, etc...). It may very well be as simple as him cutting out meat for a week. Different people have different definitions of a body cleanse. For example, one person's "cleanse" after a vacation of eating piles of processed foods may be eating raw food for a period of time.

    Although it is just as likely that he's doing a crazy magical pill cleanse. lol.

    Excellent point, though I got the feeling it was a crazy one!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    If you are getting good results from his training I would say continue and continue to only rely on him for training only. I'm glad you are one of the people who understands that for the most part trainers at a gym have no real nutritional or physiological training.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    If you're going to be that judgemental, then it probably is time to find that PERFECT trainer for you. After all, the ground you walk on is hallowed.

    JFC.... did he say he was doing the Master Cleanse or something? You know, there's nothing wrong with doing a cleanse depending on the protocol. He could drink water for 24 hours, and yes, he would purge toxins. Everyone thinks everything is a cleanse nowadays and the info you gave us leaves out a lot of details.

    Also, let me just say, I looked at your breakfast yesterday...... how in the hell is someone the devil for mentioning a cleanse and you're taking every synthetic supplement from Walmart? :laugh:

    Gulping down chocolate casein protein shakes is the enlightened path now? MFP is a wild place.
  • Jessiebell527
    Jessiebell527 Posts: 110 Member
    If you're going to be that judgemental, then it probably is time to find that PERFECT trainer for you. After all, the ground you walk on is hallowed.

    JFC.... did he say he was doing the Master Cleanse or something? You know, there's nothing wrong with doing a cleanse depending on the protocol. He could drink water for 24 hours, and yes, he would purge toxins. Everyone thinks everything is a cleanse nowadays and the info you gave us leaves out a lot of details.

    Also, let me just say, I looked at your breakfast yesterday...... how in the hell is someone the devil for mentioning a cleanse and you're taking every synthetic supplement from Walmart? :laugh:

    Gulping down chocolate casein protein shakes is the enlightened path now? MFP is a wild place.

    Thank you so much for your constructive response. I always thought there were major organs for cleansing toxins, I must be nuts. Also, thank you for commenting on my diet, I'll follow yours, sounds like you are perfect. :)
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    I wonder sometimes if people don't SAY they do stuff like cleanses to feel other people out. A local radio station's (nationally syndicated) morning show has a trainer/fitness dude on it once a week. He talks about cleanses. AND doing them. Ignorant people are everywhere, regardless and in spite of training.

    My mother is an RN. You should hear some of the dumb shiz she's said to me as I've lost weight.

    But, you already got the answer. If he's giving you good exercise advice, don't can him for his loony nutritional ideas.
  • Pinkkfrost
    Pinkkfrost Posts: 29 Member
    All trainers have varying levels of education.
    My advice to you is to: TRY another trainer, even just as a one time thing, just to switch things up.. See if another point of view gives you a better workout more tailored to you.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    WHY?? just for that??? nothing wrong with that.