100-120lbs to lose...anyone else out there?

Hey, I'm Amy. I'm a 19 year old student in Kent, UK. I've got 120lbs to lose ideally, although I think I'll be happy with 100. Anyone in a similar position want to be friends for support/motivation?


  • Hi Viola Im Sunday I have 139 lbs to lose
  • :flowerforyou: hope you are haveing a great day ...
  • aebabies
    aebabies Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I literally just signed up 5 mins ago. I need some encouragement too, so ya'll feel free to add me. I have around 100 lbs. to lose.
  • SusieDerkinsRocks
    SusieDerkinsRocks Posts: 30 Member
    Add me! I had the same starting point!
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    115-125 pounds to lose here! Add me!
  • Kreider86
    Kreider86 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey, I started a month ago and am down 6 lbs... I put my goal as 60, but quite honestly I want to lose 100... Starting weight of 249.. ouch! Friend me! :smile:
  • 1diggs
    1diggs Posts: 35 Member
    I have 150 lbs to lose need all the encouraging i can get
  • Mrsmegans
    Mrsmegans Posts: 5 Member
    I just started 2 days ago and need to lose 110 :)
  • Hello -

    I am a newbie here. To date I have lost 23 lbs. Looking for friends on here also.:smile:
  • ashj3nt
    ashj3nt Posts: 7 Member
    I've been a part of MFP for, well I know its been more than 2 years..... Up and Down, Up and Down.. that's the story of my life, but not because of this site... This site gets me back on track. Good Luck to all of you! 100 + is a LARGE goal, but I know if we all keep each other in check, we can make it happen. I have about 100 more to lose... GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Dawn5377
    Dawn5377 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is Dawn,
    I would love to be able to lose a 100 lbs or more. I need to for my health! I'm a 34 yr old diabetic and I just know in my heart of hearts that if I can get my weight under control, I will be off my meds. That's my goal! My motivation is my 2yr old son. He needs his Mommy around for many yrs.
  • Hello my name is Stacy I have 125 to 130 pounds to lose. I am doing this for my health. I would love for you to add me! We can support each other through this journey.
  • Dawn5377
    Dawn5377 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all my fitness pals,
    It's me again, just wanted to say that I love that it counts all the sugar and sodium for u as well!!! Wow, it really gave me an insight to what I'm doing wrong. I just got my eyes opened. Can we say revelation!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Monsterliana
    Monsterliana Posts: 178 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm trying to lose 100-150 pounds! Add me!
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    Got about 150 more to lose, have lost close to 60 thus far :) Feel free to add me :)
  • I have close to 100 lbs. to lose... nice to meet you! :smile:
  • angel_bear60
    angel_bear60 Posts: 29 Member
    hi, i'm kandy. at this point i'm working to get to 180 which i was when i got married 28yrs ago. i may try to go to 150. i'll know when i'm the right weight but at least to 180. add me for support.
  • aebabies
    aebabies Posts: 4 Member
    Hey guys! I have right at 100 to lose, please add me! I need the support :)
  • kgrenades
    kgrenades Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Good luck everyone! I just started my weightless journey.. I have to lose 120 pounds. I have always had my weight fluctuate throughout my life. I'm 24 years old and I have a toddler.. I put on the most weight after I had my son... I am now about 230 and want to get down to 110 ... Feel free to add me. =)
  • Hey!
    Nice to meet everyone.
    I'm Jenna, and currently a nursing student. For years I've had issues with my weight, and just recently started back up on the website after losing a little motivation. I have about a good 125-150 lbs to lose. Even 100 is fine. Definitely feel free to add me for some motivation! (: