I need advice/ideas

I'm a single working mother of 3 little ones. I am also a full time college student. I'm struggling to find the time to get to the gym so I am changing my thinking a bit. I need good ideas for home exercises. I haven't worked out at all since June and will be the first to admit i'm out of shape and weak so I can't handle p90x or whatever its called. So if you know of anything I could do I'd love some input! Thank you! :smile:


  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    I'm a single working mother of 3 little ones. I am also a full time college student. I'm struggling to find the time to get to the gym so I am changing my thinking a bit. I need good ideas for home exercises. I haven't worked out at all since June and will be the first to admit i'm out of shape and weak so I can't handle p90x or whatever its called. So if you know of anything I could do I'd love some input! Thank you! :smile:

    Your best bet would be to take a brisk walk with the kiddos, or perhaps take them to the park for some frisbie, etc. Do you have any pets? Walk the dog, perhaps, before the kiddos get up :) I also highly recommend many of the BeachBody workouts. I am currently doing TurboJam and it's the most fun workout I've ever done, and also the highest intensity. I can do it right in my bedroom with plenty of space, so it's easy to fit into the busiest of days. Pretty much any at home DVD would work for you!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Check out NerdFitness.com
    There's a TON of ideas that you can do at home with just your bodyweight.
  • krys10frasure
    I have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and I love that its only 20 minutes and ive already lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks!
  • rokuhn
    rokuhn Posts: 2
    I recommend investing in a piece of equipment. I got a treadmill years ago and wore it out. When the kids were small, the only time I could get a good workout was 4 or 5 in the morning. I only use a few times a week now, but on rainy, cold, dark mornings, I am so glad I don't have to go outside.

    I also like DVDs. There are so many with different time slots and intensities. I used to like Kathy Smith and Firm videos, but they are so dated now (the recent Kathy Smith ones aren't as intense as I like, though her instruction is always good). I like Jillian Michaels now. Chris Freytag with Prevention is very good if you want something less intense.

    The suggestion to get the kids out with you is great. I wish I had done more of that.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    30 day shred. It works and it's quick. The DVD is cheap, too.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I have a weighted hula hoop that I use frequently in the house, the suggestion to take the kids for a walk is a great one. I walk the dogs a good bit too. I don't know how much extra $$ you have available to you but games like Just Dance & Dance Central are also a good idea, aside from the investment of course.

    I was able to save for a few weeks & get a used xbox & kinect, games were also purchased 2nd hand. There's also YouTube workouts for free :wink: I'm not sure where you are but kettle bells are also something that you may be able to work into your routine with little monetary output.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    I've been using the (free) sworkit app on my iPhone. it creates a little circuit that I can do at home (you can determine length, whether it's cardio/strengh, etc.).

    I also do Wii Fit sometimes for a light workout, or Just Dance. On the weekends I try to get the kids out for a long walk.
  • CMGoodie
    CMGoodie Posts: 93 Member
    Here some ideas that use your body weight:

    Mountain climbers
    Running in Place Intervals - Run slow for a good warm-up, then run as fast as you can for 1 min then slow down for 30s then speed back up
    Suicides....great for a decent hallway - Find 2 spots in your hallway, run to the first touch the ground run back to start, touch ground, turn and run to 2d spot and touch, sprint back....if you have a small hallway, do about 3 reps.
    Jump rope

    Strength Tng:
    Triceps - Find a bench, chair, or even your couch - sit at very edge, place hands on sides, bend knees to a 90d angle, then slowly lower yourself to the ground and lift. For added weight, use you littlest child (if they are toddler age) and have him sit on your belly while you do this; or straighten your legs for an ever better challenge.

    Chest - Push-ups. Find a wall, counter, or sturdy platform and do push-ups. Graduate to floor push-ups on knees then regular push-ups as you strengthen yourself.

    Chest presses/ bicep curls/ tricep extensions: A gallon of milk weighs 8.4 lbs, a gallon of water 8.3 and the container has handles:
    Chest presses: Lay on the floor with 2 gallons filled with water (one for each hand), elbows at a 45d angle, and lift straight up.
    Bicep curls: Stand or sit, elbow leaning on knee for support and lift, hold for one count and down.
    Tricep extensions: Stand or sit, raise arms and bend elbow so hand is behind your head and lift, hold for one count.

    Legs: Squats, pulse squats, lunges - for weight combos use your water gallons for upward curls on your way up, or raise above head on the way up for shoulder presses.

    These are just a few ideas you can do at home without equipment for a start....and utilize parks for these too. Working outside seems to trick the mind, the workouts are easy.

    Good luck.
  • SerenaBeans08
    SerenaBeans08 Posts: 83 Member
    I love Jillian Michaels DVDs (literally all of them) and TurboJam. They are both really good and most workouts are only 20-25 mins.
  • Amy_Andrews
    Amy_Andrews Posts: 106
    Women's health mag has some awesome 15 minute workouts that require no equipment or just a set of dumbbells.