Ween off of Diet Soda or Quit Cold Turkey?



  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    They can pry the Coke Zero out of my cold dead fingers!! I drink 1-2 cans a day and have never noticed any more sweet cravings or other issues.

    However if you are trying to reduce caffiene and don't drink coffee, 6 of these a day seems excessive. I'd try to mix in some decaf stuff, iced green tea, soda water with a twist, etc...
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    I was a big Coco Cola Classic drinker and for me having limited amounts to ween myself off, just didn't work. I had to drop them completely.. but now I feel so much better! Good luck
  • kclynn7
    kclynn7 Posts: 71
    Cold turkey. It is too easy to just say "oh I will only have one more" then you are right back where you started. Does your work have a Kruig? If so, try brewing green tea over ice - it is way better cold and not too much caffeine. You could add a little of (natural) stevia if you need it sweeter - or honey. Good luck - I'm cutting out the diet coke too :)
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    I think it was dr. oz that did a segment on diet cola and belly fat ? I never recommend taking out all the foods you like from a diet. You are setting yourself up to fail. If you like chocolate. Eat some periodically. Just make sure to account for it!

    Diet soda gives you NOTHING! other than a buzz. The aspertane is horrible for you also. it is the one thing I would recommend to stop drinking. I wouldn't stop drinking it all at once though! You will run into withdrawls and headaches. Makes sure to keep your warter intake high!

    Good luck!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Sweet things make me want more sweet things. Substitute something else - I like fruit flavored herbal teas. 0 calories.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    My husband is a HUGE soda drinker too and I was just able to get him to switch to Diet regularly. He has started drinking Crystal Lite Ice Tea to help with him cutting back...but, it isnt cold turkey. You'll have to remember, quiting cold turkey is like quiting a drug cold turkey...the soda has caffiene in it so, you have to see what the lack there of would do to you (i.e. headaches, etc).

    In all seriousness, I would bring back the chocolate a little bit and cut the diet soda, if for nothing else to help with the caffiene. Dark Chocolate has antioxidants in it so, it would be a little better.

    GOOD LUCK...I definitely know what you mean!! :-)
  • dd4238
    dd4238 Posts: 25 Member
    Last year, I decided to get rid of the pepsi in my life. I went with cold turkey, but whatever you think your body can handle is how you should do it. The sugar crash was the hardest part. Once the last can was gone in my fridge I told myself I couldn't buy 6-12-24 pack of anything and now the only time I even think about drinking it is when I am out to dinner. A little indulgence is okay as long as it is balanced with the rest of your diet.
  • traceyleighgirl
    traceyleighgirl Posts: 43 Member
    I used to guzzle diet "anything carbonated". I was addicted! I actually hated the taste of water...Before I quit, I could not recall the last time I drank actual water from a glass.
    I quit pretty quickly, by actually forcing myself to drink regular water instead of pop. Just don't buy it!
    Now I find myself craving water when I'm thirsty! Complete turn-around!
    I stopped drinking diet, even though it was diet, because I noticed it led myself to binges. I really do think that it can lead to overeating, because of the sweetness. I don't know for sure, but I noticed it with myself!
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    You'll need to do what works for you. I was a heavy soda drinker, both diet and regular. What worked for me was to only allow myself a can if I was craving it for more than an hour and I had drank at least 8-16 oz of water during that time. I went from 6-8 can/day to 1 per day the first week, to one every day or two the next to none the third week. The last time I had a soda was Thanksgiving and it didn't taste that good and the carbonation was harsh feeling. The other thing that helped was chewing mint gum because no soda tastes good with mint.

    I've also read suggestions of drinking green tea if you need a pep-me-up. If it's the carbonation you're craving, try seltzer water, some are flavored or I've heard of buying plain and adding sliced fruit.
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    I allow myself one a day, it's my treat. If you really want to quit you'd better slowly ween because you will have migraines from hades!
  • rayraex
    rayraex Posts: 50
    I don't understand how you can't drink coffee because of a heart arrhythmia but you can drink excessive amounts of diet coke... Either way you would be consuming lots of caffeine.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm mostly concerned because I've read that diet soda can lead to sweet cravings and make temptation harder. but that sounds like a good plan cut down to 2 cans a day then see how I feel from there :) Thanks

    Don't go by what you've read in regards to sweet cravings and temptation. It doesn't happen for everyone. I find having a diet pop can actually take away my cravings for something sweet.

    If you are drinking that much pop I would imagine cutting down would be best. Some pop isn't bad for you. Personally I only think it's bad if it either personally leads you to cravings that you can't control with willpower or if it causes issues for you (some people get migraines from sweeteners for example). Unless you are drinking much less water because of your diet pop drinking it's not an issue. Your body does take hydration from everything so you are still getting hydration from pop. There is also not nearly enough sodium in them to create an issue.
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    I wouldn't quit cold turkey. I use to drink a crap load of pop too. I switched to diet then went cold turkey. It didn't work out to good, I went back to regular. I would stick to diet and then add a bottle of water once a day. Then slowly just add water instead of diet pop. I still drink diet but now I have 2-6 cups of water a day now. I know that isn't a lot to some people but for me it is. Never would drink water. Sometimes now I want water instead of pop.
  • libertygirlfla
    libertygirlfla Posts: 184 Member
    Based on the amount you currently consume, I'd recommend cutting down vs. going cold turkey. I've always leaned towards "clean" eating, but was never able to give up my diet soda (Coke or Pepsi). A couple of years ago, I decided I just didn't want to put all of those horrible chemicals into my body anymore. For about a year, I still treated myself whenever we ordered pizza (about 1-2 times per month), but now it doesn't even taste good. It tastes like a glass of chemicals. Guess my tastes have changed after being off of the junk for so long.

    Cutting down to two per day, then one per day and then just on special occasions sounds like your best chance at making this a permanent change. Best of luck and congrats!

  • SlinkySpencer
    SlinkySpencer Posts: 139 Member
    I quit coffee and sodas cold turkey back in January. I was grumpy for a couple days but felt right as rain afterward, and I didn't feel like I needed a "buzz" anymore. You have more natural energy than you might expect once you start to eat right. I've had about four sodas total since then (mostly with friends), and, honestly, they just don't taste that great after you've been off them a while...
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Aspartame is evil, but when I have the occasional soda, I go with Shasta. They use splenda, which isn't great but better that the evil A. Can you drink green tea? When I gave up soda, I switched to green tea and did fine.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    It's really up to you, I've seen different people succeed on both paths. Have you tried to quit things cold turkey in the past? If it's been successful and you've been able to maintain those kinds of changes, then it is likely you can succeed similarly in this situation. If not, gradual decrease might be best.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    It's fine to ween off diet soda.

    Just make sure you do so under the guidance of a doctor or licensed professional.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    IF you drink that much, don't go cold turkey unless you want really severe headaches & feeling lousy all over. I was a big diet coke drinker - I would drink about 4 cans/day. I switched to one fountain drink of coca cola a day before starting MFP, then switched to Coke Zero which I now prefer over everything else except an occasional diet mt dew. As I began my journey last year & as my exercising increased, I lost my craving for it & would treat myself to a 6 oz glass if I was wanting some. Then I started working overtime before Christmas & just finished up on March 27 (working 9-14/hrs day). I began my days with 32 oz of coke zero (I can't stand coffee) and would get another one at lunch. I'm now in the process of "detoxing" from it and am back to one can a day and am not missing it at all. I don't see a problem with drinking it as long as it's not in large amounts. I'd say cut back, bit definitely don't go cold turkey. Good luck!!!
  • runner1609
    runner1609 Posts: 9 Member
    I quit cold turkey. It was difficult for a at least a week. I found that I liked the carbonation more than anything. I started drinking sparkling water such as pellagrino. It's helped a lot. If I need caffeine or a boost- iced tea does it for me.

    Try to avoid the artifical sweetners- they care not good for you and can cause you to have sugar cravings.

    I've been diet soda free for 2 months now!