hi! Looking for some friends!

My name is Brigit. I am 5'1" and currently weigh 192. I am looking to drop about 40 pounds. I have been as low as 143 pounds 2 years ago, when I was going through a divorce, and I don't think I look good at anything less than 150. I am Pear shaped with a good size butt, and I am happiest when I still have some curves. There is a difference between rolls and curves though, lol. I am looking to get more fit, as I am the mom to a beautiful 9 year old daughter. I want to be a positive example of healthy living for her. When I am not planning for the zombie apocalypse I work full time as a nurse, and I am currently back in school to further my education. I am engaged to a wonderful man, who loves me for me, and is nothing but supportive of my lifestyle changes, but he is naturally tall and thin. I think it's hard for someone who has never had a weight problem to truly understand the challenges I face on a daily basis.
So, I am looking for positive, motivated people to be friends with!


  • Tlglose
    Tlglose Posts: 49 Member
    Hi... I'm Traci. . I'm 51.. 5'5".. and weigh 161#.. looking to lose 10#. Very hard at my age. But I know I can do it. I'm a clinical assistant in an orthodontic office, married and no children..
    Glad to be here :tongue:
  • Tlglose
    Tlglose Posts: 49 Member
    Btw.. it says I started here in 2010.. but I never used the app....
  • time2kickbutt
    Hey! I'm new to this too (just signed up today) I am 28 and am 5"3 and currently weight 178, and looking to drop 30lbs. Add me so we can connect and help motivate each other :) Good luck on your journey, I know you can achieve what ever you set your mind too!!
  • bluebuggy1970
    bluebuggy1970 Posts: 70 Member
    I am looking for a few more friends, feel free to add me. I am 5'5" and have 30 lbs to lose.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hey! I'm sending a FR now :) If anyone else is looking for support, feel free to add me!