The "Yet" Mentality

FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
So I've been reading some motivation topics here and responding and it dawned on me. Too few people have the "yet" mentality while they are working towards their goals.

I had written "I don't have nice abs (yet!)" and I think that last part makes all the difference for me. If you're significantly overweight and you've lost 40 lbs but you're still fat or still don't look good or nobody has noticed, just keep at it because you're just not there "yet". You already look *better*, and you just have more work to do, but you will get there, and when you are you will look the way you want to look.

See even though I haven't reached my goal, I know what I will look and feel like when I do get there, and I already identify with that person. I'm not weak, because I'm doing the work to get stronger. I'm smaller than I would like to be, but I WILL get there and so I'm just as set as the guys who have already reached that goal.

Just sharing, hope this helps. NEVER feel bad about not being at your goal yet, or about being too overweight in spite of loosing a lot, because you've already got the right mentality and you'll get there soon enough.

Another thought about weight... it sucks to lift less weight than the next guy, but we're both pushing our maxes = both doing the same amouth of work, we are equally tough.


  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    Great motivational post (: thankss
  • as4593
    as4593 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for posting! Needed this!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Yeah I just think too many people want praise about how they look when they don't quite warrant it yet. If I had a dollar for everytime a woman asked me "I lost 5lbs, can't you tell??!!" and I politely say no... and everyone chides me for it.

    I'm not being mean AT ALL (I'm proud of them for working hard and loosing.. in fact I find that incredibly attractive), but I'm all about being realistic. If I don't notice that means nobody else really has either. Just keep at it, it's NOT A BAD THING! Besides what you're really looking for isn't weight on the scale, it's BF%!