Sugars in fruit?!?!



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Going to post something valid instead of livestrong articles? And guess what fruits contain other sugars than fructose

    What I'm suggesting is that you simply post informative responses instead of attempting to belittle everyone with your apparent WEALTH of knowledge by trailing commentary that reeks of sarcasm. Why not share that wealth of information and actually EXPALIN what you mean. Even in your response to me, "going to post something valid instead of livestrong articles. And guess what..." could have been more imformative. You could have responded with "the reason that this article can not be taken at face value is... I hope this helps to clear things up." But instead, you chose a more confrontational approach and rather less constructive. I don't know what the difference is, just like the person who started this thread and is asking these questions, that's why I came in here. What they are looking for educated answers, not someone to talk to them like they're stupid.

    The 2nd paragraph should have been enough indication that the livestrong article wasn't a very good article to post or rebut anything
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    I used to eat a TON of fruit and I was always hungry. So I started limiting my sugar intake which means limiting my fruit and have noticed since I eat high protein I am not nearly as hungry as I used to be.
  • obviously not!! the type of sugar you find in fruit (fructose) has nothing to do with the processed type you find in junk food!
  • Heypapajinx
    Heypapajinx Posts: 12 Member
    -yes fruits have sugar.... but there's no such thing as 'bad' sugar and 'good' sugar... sugar is sugar my friend.

    -no you shouldn't stop eating fruit. It is packed with nutrients, incluting fibre and vitamins. i try to set my limit at 2-3 servings of fruit a day.....because i love it and would eat it all the time if i could.

    -eat more vegetables than fruit, I only eat about 3 servings but i know i should be eating 5-6.

    -take sugar intake off of your food calculator.... i think its a pretty low goal, and it discouraged me even though i was eating pretty well.

    -if you're really worried about sugar intake, look up fruits with high sugar and only have them once a day, or every couple days (oranges, banana, apples, grapefruits, etc.) and eat low sugar fruits instead (black berries, strawberries, blue berries)

    :) hope that helps.

    It does. Thank you!
  • I ignore all sugar from natural fruit. By this I mean I won't count an apple but I will count apple juice. It's one of the things that most people wish MFP could do but can't, distinguish between natural and added sugar.

    And metabolically speaking what would be the difference from let's say natural and refined sucrose?

    I have no idea scientifically speaking but I couldn't follow a plan that wouldn't let me pick apples from a tree and eat them.

    Guess what? Your body can't distinguish between the sugars just like mfp can't

    For a second suppose your succinct answers can be confusing to people who attempt to do their own research and find things like this:

    ...telling them that their body will have a more difficult time breaking down and metabolizing refined sugars. Perhaps being helpful could be more, oh, I don't know, informative and less like sarcasm.

  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    From Biochem in college (years ago) Fructose and glucose both monosaccharides have the same chemical makeup C6H12O6 but different structures. Your body will breakdown down most of the Fructose to glucose. Some of it will not. If glucose (the most abundant sugar in the body) is not used by your cells as energy immediately, it will likely be stored as fat. This is why exercising is so important. It allows the body to use up the glucose and therefore can not store it.

    My belief is to limit the amount of fruit to a reasonable level and that all depends on how much energy your burning on a daily basis. The thing about fat cells is, your body can create them, but it cannot destroy them. They only become (in a sense) dehydrated with no current function, until its time to store energy again. This is what they learned in the last decade and clean bulking became the new way to pack on good muscle without putting all the extra fat cells in your body.

    All in all, limit your fruit but don't cut it out. There are so many good properties fresh fruit has to offer (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants etc...) If you eat a lot of fruit, do a little extra cardio then go eat some protein. A deficit with balance is the key.

    Good luck!
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    However, think of it this way - when you eat an apple, along with those sugars you're getting vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, etc. If you ate that sugar in the form of a candy bar, you'd get little to none of that. The other health benefits of fruit outweigh the negative impact of the sugars (when eaten in moderation, of course).


    So it's ok to eat Lucky Charms cereal because they fortify it with vitamins and minerals and fiber? No it's not. The trick is to not spike your blood sugar. So you need to chase that apple with some protein and some exercise.

    True, but not exactly what I was initially getting at. The OP asked if one should stop eating fruit because of the sugar. My response was to that question - no, I don't believe one should stop, because fruit has many other health benefits beyond just the negative impacts of sugar. Many other posts in the thread have covered ways to further mitigate the negative effects of the sugar in fruit, so I didn't address that.

    (Edited to fix my quotes)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - you just need to cut the fruit intake back so that you are not blowing out your sugar intake everyday..

    As others have noted sugar is sugar...whether from fruit, or a candy bar..

    so stay within your sugar limit and you will be fine.
  • kaycevaughan
    kaycevaughan Posts: 91 Member
    I don't pay a whole lot of attention to my sugar count on here. I do individual foods I may be eating because they are added sugars. I can't say as to how our bodys react to different sugars; whether it's the same way or not. But I can tell you that on any fitness sites that seems to know what they are talking about say that it's recommended to have 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. So, split it up and have your 5 servings. However, like some people said you can eat too much. Too much of a good thing is, simply, too much of a good thing.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Chill, just continue eating fruit as you would - I have an average intake of sugars of 100g and that is eating fairly clean...
    nuff said :tongue:
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    No - eat it rather than refined processed sugars. Well done.
  • apcartwright
    apcartwright Posts: 27 Member
    I believe sugars in fruit have been my enemy for years but I didn't know it. I never tracked sugar before, but would mainly eat fruits and vegetables but not have much success in losing, now I track it all the time and find that losing is going much better, I try and stay with the low sugar fruits and veg, I wouldn't say cut them out forever but watch them closely.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    try adding the fruit before you eat it. that way you can what has lower sugar and make your choice
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Here is something useful - go to and find lower glycemic content fruit. Stick with those and limit to a reasonable level every day. I allow 2 pieces of fruit a day and 1 thing of added sugar (yogurt, juice bar, dessert, cereal). I eat sugar free bread and avoid all processed foods with added sugar (other than my 1 allowed item above). I still blow out my sugar levels every day, but I know it's for a fairly nutritious reason and not because I consumed a SoBe Energy drink or 15oz big gulp of coke.
  • TrishaRN_74
    TrishaRN_74 Posts: 102 Member
    I go over my sugar count every day. Partly because of my 3-4 TBSP of coffee creamer daily (it used to be 6-8 so this is a HUGE change for me), but also because I LOVE fruits! I have faithfully tracked my food for almost 6 weeks, and I have been exercising 4-6 times a week and I have lost 13 pounds so far. Unless you are not seeing a loss on the scale, I wouldn't worry about how much sugar you are consuming.
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    I go over a lot if its fruit please don't worry! it is the bad sugars you don't want! :bigsmile:

    178 lbs!!! Incredible!
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    Personally I believe it depends on the person. I know for me, I am pre diabetic with insulin resistance so sugar from fruit is JUST AS BAD as fruit from a cookie. I've read the same can be said for "apple" body types. This is why they hold fat in the mid section because we tolerate sugar differently than others. Just like hot peanut butter and avocados have high fats and calories but they are good fats can be said with fruit. Eat it all in moderation. Melons have the most sugar. I stick with apples and bananas because they stick with me longer. Blueberry is good also for antioxidants. Hope this help but with this type of question you will get a million different replays. Its one of those that is interpreted on case to case.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I was thinking about this issue myself this mornung when I had half a grapefruit and half a cup of strawberries and was over my sugar for the day with no other sugars. I didn't think it meant I shouldn't eat fruit but I do think it means that no matter how much I run or how good I am, I never deserve a cupcake.
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    I didn't think it meant I shouldn't eat fruit but I do think it means that no matter how much I run or how good I am, I never deserve a cupcake.

    Hahaha I love this lol