People tell me don't lose anymore......



  • hinzee4
    hinzee4 Posts: 155 Member
    You look awesome and congrats!! I think it's totally up to you!! And as one poster said that others thought he was obsessive about going to the gym, etc, I'd rather be obessive about losing weight and getting healthy than obsessive about sitting on the couch doing nothing!!!! You are an inspiration!!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Agree you have VERY done well and look absolutely beautiful! :heart:

    Honestly I think you can lose more if you want to. You are not yet at a healthy BMI and I would personally make that a goal (unless you ARE at a healthy body fat percentage and happy with that). I know there are a lot of mental adjustments that both you and the people around you have to make. I have definitely had friends tell me to stop losing while displaying behaviors that suggested they found some aspect of my changing appearance threatening. It's about your health and how you feel though.
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    I have to agree with other responses in that you look fantastic! That said, I also agree that you should continue to work toward a goal that makes YOU happy. People who do not see you every day just see a lot of loss from when they saw you last and that may be what concerns them. If it is genuine concern, offer to show them this site and explain what you have been doing and that it is the HEALTHY way to get to a healthy you.
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    Okay.. first of all, YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!!!:love::love: Congrats on your weight loss. It must've been hard, but you stuck to it and you deserve a round of applause. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Please don't follow those weight loss charts too closely...Everybody is different and you can't base what you believe your "healthy weight" should be off of a chart.

    I'm 5'6 and they say that my healthy weight should be 140, but in the past (before I got chubby now lol) I weighed between 150-160 I look super skinny and my BMI was very healthy. People always thought I weighed 40lbs less than what I really was.. But If I listened to those charts I would have fought to come down to 140 or 135, which would not have looked good on me.

    Where you are now looks great! Seriously! I won't be like those people who tell you to "stop losing", but I strongly suggest that you begin to STRENGTH TRAIN like crazy! Eat lots of protein and strength train every major part of your body so you can get that even leaner physique. That way, your body fat will go down even more. You will gain muscle weight and probably lose another 5 lbs of fat, which is exactly what you want to happen. & for the people who want you to stop, they just need time to adjust mentally to the "new" you. They mean well and they love you, but ignore them, LOL

    Good luck!
  • AmyBeth719
    AmyBeth719 Posts: 184 Member
    You did an amazing job and look great!!!
    Don't go by what other people say, they are not you and they don't know how your body feels. Do what feels tight to you.

    I am 5'1 3/4" and currently weigh 130. I am determined to get down to 110/115 again and stay there this time. At that weight is where my body feels the most comfortable. I have had a tumor removed and have a scar across my bikini line and when I am over 115 my scar hurts and bugs me. People tell me that I look fine, but I want to feel comfortable in my own skin.

    Good luck to you! Stay determined!
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Let me start by saying..Congrats to you and your success. You stomach especially looks AMAZING.. I hear this line quite often from others as well as here other people in this journey complain about people saying the same thing. My suggestion is do what is comfortable for you. Regardless of a chart for your height if you are comfortable where you are or want to lose more weight go ahead. It is about a healthier lifestyle and what is going to make you happy at the end of the day. The more you feel happy about your accomplishment over time people will get use to the new you....Keep up the outstanding work...
    This! Congrats again you look awesome!
  • RawMomma10
    RawMomma10 Posts: 89 Member
    Im going to add my opinion to everyone elses.... YOU LOOK AMAZING!! Way to work your butt off girl!!!

    As for loosing more weight..... are you doing this journey for yourself or for everyone else??

    Lose until your are happy and feel "ok now I can stop".... Its all up to you.... opinions are like buttholes.. everyone has them... and while some may share theirs out of love for you... you still have to put your foot down and decide whats best FOR YOU!!!

    Good luck and keep up the good work!! :)
  • jmorrisof2
    jmorrisof2 Posts: 108 Member
    First off, I just wanted to tell you that you look amazing! You are inspiring to us who are just starting our journey. You are inspiring to those who look to these success stories to find hope and motivation for them to continue on their journeys to losing weight.

    Don't let what others think or feel affect how you feel about yourself. If you are happy and confortable in your own skin, that is what matters.

    Sometimes people are afraid of your success because you are rocking their boat, so to speak, and making changes. This makes them have to take a look at themselves and makes people uncomfortable.

    You rock!
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    You look awesome!!! Totally up to you if you want to lose more or not! If you are not sure maybe maintain for a litlte and work on just strength training when you decide? Either way you look amazing and its a choice only you can make!
  • carom915
    carom915 Posts: 32 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss!

    I've read some of the other posts trying to see if anyone has said what i am about to say, and I didn't see it when I skimmed, if someone did say this, than I apologize.

    I think that you look fantastic, and as a person who is only 5'2 I can say that my personal goal weight is 123 or a size 4-6. I don't think your goal weight is unhealthy.

    That being said, maybe it's not your weight loss that is worrying your family, but how you are going about your weight loss. Now, I don't know you at all, and I'm not saying that this applies to you, only you know that, but I'm wondering if maybe they are worried that you aren't eating enough or that you are starving yourself or that you are an exercise anorexic (where you exercise off everything you eat).

    I hope I'm not being offensive, but when I have been worried about people I know losing weight, it wasn't the weight that they lost that was the problem, but how they were losing the weight. You should know that you are beautiful at your current weight.

    If you're being healthy about it, then I say screw them all! Do what makes YOU feel good.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    Are you happy with how you look? Maybe toning will take care of your problem areas or maybe a few more pounds... DO WHAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY......I was never happy with my body til I found MFP and with the calories and the exercise, i am almost where I want to be.....
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    You look awesome
  • jlturner386
    jlturner386 Posts: 65 Member
    I think you have done an amazing job! One thing I wanted to suggest, have you ever had your body fat measured by a professional using a caliper? My dr. tried to tell me that I need to be at 125 at 5'2". I have never been that small in my life since puberty. I'm currently using a local meal delivery service, its owned by a professional body builder and gym owner in my area. He measures both my husband and me ever 3 weeks, he does body measurements, weight and skinfold measurements with a caliper. The first day I met him he asked me what my goal was, and I said 155, he looked at me like I was crazy then asked how much I weighed. I told him 198lbs. He made me get on the scale. When he did my body fat measurements and called me the next day he said he and I will never be able to use the BMI chart bc it does not account for how much lean body mass you have. He told me at the time that I had 121 lbs of lean mas which means that I WILL NEVER BE 125lbs, unless I lose muscle tone. Heck no! He said at 155 I would be at 22% body fat that's considered FIT. The first three weeks I lost 9 lbs of fat and GAINED 2lbs of muscle. So now my goal weight is 160, that's 23% body fat. I think some people just have a leaner body than they realize. The number on the scale is NOT as important as your FIT LEVEL.
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    This may sound silly, but your husband may just want a little extra to hold onto. :-) (One of my best friends is about your size and that's what her husband had said to her). In the end it's up to you, as long as you continue to do things healthfully.
  • meljane28
    meljane28 Posts: 17
    I don't understand why people always feel the need to make comments like "you're wasting away" and tell others not to lose any more weight- unless of course someone looks emaciated or sickly! It's a personal decision and you should do what you feel comfortable and are happy with!!:smile: And you look GREAT, fantastic job!!!
  • AllNewMelanie
    AllNewMelanie Posts: 47 Member
    Yes I have had my BF% checked and I am at 24% when I started I was at 40% YIKES!! My goal is to be at 20% body fat which I think is a fitness level but thats what I want... I want to be toned and fit looking.... :O) I am not going to give up my any means, I love weight training and HIIT that I could never give it up...
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    I'm 5'3 and just now a little under where you started. I already have people telling me not to lose anymore. I've decided that it has way less to do with how much you may (or may not) need to lose and much more to do with them seeing a big change and not wanting you to change more. BUT, it's not up to anyone else. It's up to you. I think you look great as you are, but I definitely don't think you'd be unhealthy if you went a little lower. I'd try to get an accurrate body fat % and go more by that than the scale though.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Only you can determine when to stop. When your body fat is at a healthy percentage (I obviously don't know where you're sitting with that right now), then is a good time to re-evaluate. Don't listen to some arbitrarial chart that was meant to be a guideline for a population and not individuals. Focus on you. You're the only one that matters in this.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I think you have done an amazing job! One thing I wanted to suggest, have you ever had your body fat measured by a professional using a caliper? My dr. tried to tell me that I need to be at 125 at 5'2". I have never been that small in my life since puberty. I'm currently using a local meal delivery service, its owned by a professional body builder and gym owner in my area. He measures both my husband and me ever 3 weeks, he does body measurements, weight and skinfold measurements with a caliper. The first day I met him he asked me what my goal was, and I said 155, he looked at me like I was crazy then asked how much I weighed. I told him 198lbs. He made me get on the scale. When he did my body fat measurements and called me the next day he said he and I will never be able to use the BMI chart bc it does not account for how much lean body mass you have. He told me at the time that I had 121 lbs of lean mas which means that I WILL NEVER BE 125lbs, unless I lose muscle tone. Heck no! He said at 155 I would be at 22% body fat that's considered FIT. The first three weeks I lost 9 lbs of fat and GAINED 2lbs of muscle. So now my goal weight is 160, that's 23% body fat. I think some people just have a leaner body than they realize. The number on the scale is NOT as important as your FIT LEVEL.

    Agree whole-heartedly. My fiancee's mother did a medically supervised weight loss program and they told her that to have a healthy body fat %, she shouldn't go below 175. She's 5'5" tall. I know that has to be either overweight or obese by BMI standards, since my goal at 5'9" is 170 and that's at the highest end of normal for my frame.
  • KaraAlste
    KaraAlste Posts: 168 Member
    You look great.

    If the weight keeps melting off naturally. I would say get to a healthy # on your chart. That is just their way of saying "you look amazing and I can't imagine you any better than you already are." Take it to the next level girl!
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    Great job on your weight loss! I'm 5'3" and I started my weight loss journey at about the weight you are now and I did not look as good as you (I didn't look good at all). Your hard work is paying off. It's your body, so if you want to lose more weight, then do so. Go by how you feel and what you're comfortable with. When I was about 140 lbs I was told I was too skinny. I still felt out of shape and did not like how I looked in pictures. I still continue my fitness journey (not trying to lose weight anymore, working on building muscle) and at 125 lbs, I feel comfortable and more confident in my own skin. So do what you are comfortable with at least you are doing it the healthy way!
  • Jennrunns
    Jennrunns Posts: 6 Member
    You might just have heavier bones. Some people do. I have a friend who is taller than me and we look about the same size but she always weighs much less. So keep that in mind if you don't get down to 135. You do look great and some of those charts do not account for muscle weight which you have if you are working out and especially if you are lifting. Funny, women lift and want to get smaller. Men lift and want to get bigger. :-) Just take it easy, keep up the healthy habits and be very proud in your healthy body that you have now and you healthy lifestyle!
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    You look great!

    I think sometimes the people who love us are used to seeing us when we lose a lot of weight, they may perceive us as being too thin only because they have not seen us thin before and they think of us as bigger people.

    If they were to see a stranger with your exact body type, my guess is that they would not think that person is "too thin".
  • zengurl72
    zengurl72 Posts: 12 Member
    I am 5'2 and currently weigh 184 lbs. I topped the scale at 204 in December, and January started my new lifestyle. When I went to the gym and met the personal trainer for the first time, he asked me what my goals were.... I told him I wanted to lose a few pounds but I was more into toning and feeling better. He got indignant with me and threw a fit when I said I didnt want to go below 165. I have been 165 and was healthy and felt good, thats where I think I look best. My "ideal" weight is supposed to be something crazy like 112-124. I could never imagine myself at that weight! The moral of this story is... you have to be happy with yourself and your choice to maintain or lose more. No one else should make that choice for you!

    With that being said..... now my opinion...... Congrats on the weightloss! Thats a wonderful achievement! You look good now at your current weight, but you could use tightening and toning. I think the rest will fall into place once you start focusing on that instead of weight loss. Again... this is just my opinion......
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    Congrats! You look wonderful:)

    As many others have said, do what feels right for YOU! :)
  • You look great!

    When in doubt consult a doctor. Those charts are made for grand sweeping generalizations. As individuals we are all different. You are beautiful but if you want to keep going without any doubts you are doing the right thing get a check up.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member

    Stop where you feel comfortable,not your family and NOT charts.

    Weight looks different on different people.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    I think you aren't going to get many definitive responses like "Yes, stop losing" or "you need to lose more" because if you didn't lose another pound, you DO look really good. I don't mean in comparison to your old self, I mean you just look really good, right now, as is.
    that being said, You don't look too skinny and you have a nice, healthy butt that men probably love but if you lost more, that would get a little smaller and no harm done.
    It really is a matter of what you want right now but nomatter what you do, congrats! you look great. :)
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    I agree with everyone who says you have done a great job and are looking wonderful. I also agree with those who say you need to do what feels great for you.

    BUT, you DID ask for opinions and here's mine. I think you could stand to lose a bit more. 5, 10, 15? I am not sure. Maybe do 5 lbs at a time and reassess? You could go about life as you are and be fine, no doubt. It's up to you how far you want to take it.

    Again folks, she asked for opinions and this is mine. OP, your hard work shows. Congrats to you!

    I agree. You have clearly done a lot of hard work, and it shows! Go you!

    But, as a complete stranger to you - there is definitely further you could go. Now, whether that means "losing more weight", or "gaining more muscle/losing more inches" - that's up to you. Your actual weight may or may not hit 135 (bone density and lean mass will certainly factor in) - but I don't think that's an unreasonable goal. Losing another size (or maybe two!) definitely looks do-able, to me. Judging by the results some other MFPers have gotten by lifting heavy, I'd recommend that.

    I'm 5'1", and my goal is 110-115, with a small bone structure. 135 on *me* is at the top end of overweight, and it looks it. On you, with another couple of inches on me (and what looks like a medium bone structure?), a toned 135-140 would probably look really great.
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    So I am in my journey just about 7 months and boy has been a very hard and emotional journey. I never thought when I lose weight that I would be so hard on my self...

    First of all, you look beautiful right now. I agree with everyone who believes that you get to be the one to decide where you want to be and no one else. However, it's possible that the people around you who love you are worried about you, especially if you are being extra hard on yourself. Be careful about this. Your goal of 135 is just fine and perfectly healthy, if that is what you want. And you are just fine and perfectly healthy right now, as well!
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