100-120lbs to lose...anyone else out there?



  • FishingFan123
    FishingFan123 Posts: 48 Member
    Me too, From my starting weight (Aug 2012), 100#. Despite what my ticker tape says, I am taking it 10# at a time., so far its really 22# since last August 2012 (I should have tried harder).

    Please add me!
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    About 100-115 to lose here too. Anyone may add me.
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Not what you asked but I have lost 110 lbs and am a very supportive friend to those who are in this for the long haul.

    Would love to add you to my group of awesome pals.

    Good luck!
  • jordanhuber
    jordanhuber Posts: 12 Member
    Hi wanna lose 120lbs!
  • healthyfitjenn
    healthyfitjenn Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I'm Jenn - I originally had 100 pounds to lose - now I'm down to about 70 left to go. Fee free to add me!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    My final goal is 118.6 down from my start. So about 75 more to go! :D
  • I have over 100 lbs to lose, any one feel free to ad me.
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi! I'm Abby. I've got 85 pounds til my first goal weight of 150 and then another 20 pounds to 130 which is my ultimate goal weight. Feel free to add me!
  • AngelaBianco82
    AngelaBianco82 Posts: 91 Member
    I just added you
  • Mommylicous
    Mommylicous Posts: 121 Member
    Me me!!! Please add :) new as well
  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    Always welcome for more friends, I have right around 100 to lose.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    120 pounds here. You guys are more than welcome to add me. Who wouldn't want to be friends with all you gorgeous ladies.
  • I have been a member for a few months now and I have lost 40 lbs. I still have over 100 lbs to go and I would love for anyone that wants to add me to please add. We can do this!!!!!!!
  • Hi! I'm Michelle. I'm 43 YO. I had previously lost just over 100 lbs using WW and have since put it all back on and then some. I have at least 100 lbs to lose from where I am now to get back to where I was. I'm really more concerned about being healthy at this point.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    120 is my goal and I am over half way.
  • amy231291
    amy231291 Posts: 1 Member
    I have lost 24 pounds and have another 126 to go, add me if you would like :)
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Hi! I started here with 162 pounds to lose and am down 78 so far. Feel free to add me for support and motivation (anyone can) :)
  • wakesurfer2012
    wakesurfer2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Yep! I had 105 to loose. Down 40, still have 65 more to go!
  • lmhay3s
    lmhay3s Posts: 3
    I started just a couple of weeks ago and have my goal set for 70 lbs, but could really do 100! Sending you a request and would enjoy any others!

    L :)
  • gaynorv
    gaynorv Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there happy to be your friend, pls add me - I have 115 to lose, 27 down log in every day and from the uk : )