What was your "A-ha!" moment?



  • 2daughtermom
    My "A-ha!" moment was actually a series of things happening all at once:

    1) I went for my first gyno appointment and was diagnosed with PCOS. He told me losing 30 pounds would help me a lot. PCOS can also cause diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. I already had that in my genetics- I didn't want to fuel the fire anymore. Also, losing weight would help me not rupture any more cysts on my ovaries (which are EXTREMELY painful).

    2) I was dress shopping for a very special night... I saw the most beautiful dress in the whole world. I ran to it, and checked the sizes. It only had it in size 2, 12, 24. I swore I would never be a size 24, and I know a 2 is just not possible for my body frame- but I could easily wear a 12 if I lost some weight.

    I don't think she would be a friend of mine much longer. Some people can't help how big they are. My thyroid is making it difficult for me, but I am trying.
    3) A very close friend said on her Facebook that she hates fat people, and they're just disgusting to her. I could only stare at the computer and think "Is she talking about me?"
  • mstarrett01
    mstarrett01 Posts: 74 Member
    3) A very close friend said on her Facebook that she hates fat people, and they're just disgusting to her. I could only stare at the computer and think "Is she talking about me?"

    I have to admit that I've had that thought, though I would never post it on Facebook! I've never even mentioned it before now. I know that, in my case at least, it's completely a psychological, fear-driven response. I have an aunt that I think she might be larger around than she is tall, and my worse fear is to end up like that. I'm so afraid that I'm going to be morbidly obese that I just can't stand it when people are excessively fat. My thoughts usually center around "why don't you do something?!?" I bus to and from work, and I sometimes see very large people that quite literally take up 2 seats or more, and my Freudian thought is "well that's just rude!" I know I'm terrible for thinking these things, but at least I'm being honest about how I feel and why I have these thoughts.

    WOW I just had an evil thought like this just today, and I felt bad about it, but then again I was like really you could do something. I sit at my desk and I am in full view of a girl who is the same age as me but about 80 lbs. heavier than me. I just sit here and watch her eat all day long, and its not like she is eating heathy foods. I now know how many calories she is consuming in some of the stuff she eats, and I am like WOW, do you understand what you are doing to your body?? I feel so bad for thinking this way, but I know she can do something about it. We had a weight loss contest a few months ago, and she was all about it, she lost about 10 lbs. Now I see her, and she just keeps gaining.

    I have had a lot of ah-ha moments. I have been up and down with my weight my whole life. After my daughter (1 year ago), I was I just wanted to be skinnier and happy with my body for her, so she doesn't see me "hate" on myself. I don't want her to have a low self esteem like me. I just decided a few weeks ago I was going to do this. I need to fit into my wedding dress, and not feel uncomfortable on my honeymoon. I want my husband to be like "Yah thats MY wife" I was reading a magazine and saw something about this site, so I decided to check it out. And I am here on the road to heathy me!
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    At the beginning of my marriage (when I was much thinner) my husband made only one request of me: to stay healthy. My family has a history of morbid obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease and (of course) early death. My sweet husband wanted (and wants) for me to be healthy and active so that we could raise our children actively and then grow old together.

    I have not held up my end of the bargain. I am currently 120 pounds over my healthy weight range (and 120 pounds heavier than I was the day we got married).

    My "ah-ha" moment came a month ago. For his birthday, my husband sat me down and gently told me that he didn't want any presents. He just wanted me to promise him that I would start taking better care of myself.

    I love him so much, and it broke my heart that I haven't kept my first promise to him (that I would STAY healthy). So, in order to show him how much I love him, I am DETERMINED to become more active and cut out calories.

    It's not about my weight. We both feel that I am beautiful. It is about living a long life with him.

    This is similar to what happened to me. Seeing my husband so distraught about my weight really made me take a look at myself. That's what got the ball rolling, but now I'm finding new reasons to do this for me everyday.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    3) A very close friend said on her Facebook that she hates fat people, and they're just disgusting to her. I could only stare at the computer and think "Is she talking about me?"

    I have to admit that I've had that thought, though I would never post it on Facebook! I've never even mentioned it before now. I know that, in my case at least, it's completely a psychological, fear-driven response. I have an aunt that I think she might be larger around than she is tall, and my worse fear is to end up like that. I'm so afraid that I'm going to be morbidly obese that I just can't stand it when people are excessively fat. My thoughts usually center around "why don't you do something?!?" I bus to and from work, and I sometimes see very large people that quite literally take up 2 seats or more, and my Freudian thought is "well that's just rude!" I know I'm terrible for thinking these things, but at least I'm being honest about how I feel and why I have these thoughts.

    Oh, well, she went into detail about it. She basically said she hates fat people because they don't ever try to do anything to help themselves, they're eating all the food in the world. It wasn't how you feel (because I feel the same way as you do- I'm scared for other people). She just went on and slammed fat people and put them all in the same category.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    For whatever reason, I've been ok with the extra weight I've put on the last 5ish years. I was happy, socialized, confident & just dealt with the fact that I gained weight. Now that's scary. I still can't really figure out why I was ok with it.

    My "a-ha" moments was more of an "a-ha" event. I told myself that I would change my life & be more health conscious when I turned 40. Here I am... 40...