Struggling please help

HELP! i need insight, the scale hasn't budged in 2-3 months! I'm 5'5" with double d b00bs and at 140 now so i know i don't have too much to go but this is sooo frustrating! My goal weight and weight i usually feel most comfortable at is 135-130. I made my diary public, and before this was doing weight watchers with about the same point amount as MFP has given me for calories (calculated out using range of calories people say the new pp points are). I know a big theme is that its possible to undereat and I know i do work out a lot but i get nervous basing my calories burned estimate on mfp and am therfore skeptical to eat back those calories. I have also begun incorporating some strength training to possibly rev up metabolism but don't include that in diary because it's difficult to track. I've lost this weight in the past, had a much easier time getting to goal weight 3 years ago before ww changed to pp but am struggling so badly this time and feel so defeated. Any insight would be greatly appreciated, I feel like I am very knowledgeable when it comes to this stuff (fitness/nutrition/weightloss) typically but am feeling really lost here.


  • lmao!!! I just posted this same exact thing!!!!!! Crazy! ok well I will track your responses and mine. We can do it! Good to know I'm not alone!
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    I finally got a heart rate monitor which gives me a closer calorie count than the averages on MFP. Make sure you are eating enough.. I stuck on one weight for 2 months ( was crazed by the end of that ) LOL. I upped my workouts and my calories a bit and finally shook it loose. But the scale is not the only measure... clothes fitting differently?? inches lost?? it ALL counts... keep at it...make sure you are eating enough.. for example 1200 calories is in NO way enough for me.. getting 1400 was much better and restarted my weight loss..
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    I'm 5'5" with double d b00bs

    Pics or it didn't happen :laugh:
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Perhaps you should adjust your caloric intake, adjust your work out.
  • 00one
    00one Posts: 2 Member
    Oh my goodness you are so not alone we are all struggling and need each others help, I need to get motivated so here I am open to suggestions :)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    HELP! i need insight, the scale hasn't budged in 2-3 months! I'm 5'5" with double d b00bs and at 140 now so i know i don't have too much to go but this is sooo frustrating! My goal weight and weight i usually feel most comfortable at is 135-130. I made my diary public, and before this was doing weight watchers with about the same point amount as MFP has given me for calories (calculated out using range of calories people say the new pp points are). I know a big theme is that its possible to undereat and I know i do work out a lot but i get nervous basing my calories burned estimate on mfp and am therfore skeptical to eat back those calories. I have also begun incorporating some strength training to possibly rev up metabolism but don't include that in diary because it's difficult to track. I've lost this weight in the past, had a much easier time getting to goal weight 3 years ago before ww changed to pp but am struggling so badly this time and feel so defeated. Any insight would be greatly appreciated, I feel like I am very knowledgeable when it comes to this stuff (fitness/nutrition/weightloss) typically but am feeling really lost here.

    Step one - go to the success forum and read some of the stories of people who have truly ' struggled' to lose amazing amounts of weight and made complete body and life transformations in the face of adversity.

    Step two - hopefully that put your mind into a different prospective. 140 pounds at 5'5" is hardly the end of the world, in fact it's considered a healthy weight.

    Step three - invest in a good minimizer bra for your DD's and quit whining.
  • Have you tried Juicing?
  • skepple
    skepple Posts: 8
    I havent tried juicing yet, i tend to get really compulsive and obsessive about weightloss and have been like this for the past few years so i don't know if that extreme of a push would throw off my psychie but i have heard good things. Have you had success with juicing?
  • I havent tried juicing yet, i tend to get really compulsive and obsessive about weightloss and have been like this for the past few years so i don't know if that extreme of a push would throw off my psychie but i have heard good things. Have you had success with juicing?

    Don't do juicing it is unhealthy and burns you out quickly. I can't see your diary, but can make a few guesses.

    Are you working out? How many days a week? You should try doing HIIT and work out at least 5 days a week. Be super strick and honest with yourself on your diet. When you are large, it is easy to lose weight in the beginning, but the leaner you are, the tougher it gets. Find our your body fat percentage and set small goals. Do you stats as well. Waist, hips, arms, ect.

    Also, full fill your calorie intake. If you are allowed 1500 calories a day make sure you are as close to that as possible. Don't try to starve yourself. Eat your protein, carbs and fruits and veggies. Don't snack on crap.
  • skepple
    skepple Posts: 8
    its public now if you want to take a look! i work out 6 days a week ususally spinning for 25 min then 30-45 min of weight training some days as well. I get 1200 calories witout the extra exercise calories (which i know i should) but dont use these for the most part. Like i said, I'm nervous the mfp is overestimating calories burned or i am underestimating calories because i dont want to get into weighing every piece of food i put in my body becuase it gets me to that obsessive mode i am trying to avoid
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    Have you calculated your BMR per the various online calculators? I'm 5.5.5" as well, and my BMR is somewhere between 1350-1380. I have my daily goal set for 1450 (to ensure I actually eat above my BMR), and I eat back all my exercise calories. After basically maintaining for the past 3 months, I'm finally back to losing weight, and I attribute it to increasing my exercise and strength training. Having had a quick look at your diary, I would recommend upping your calories to at least your BMR, which I doubt is as low as 1200. I found that things became much easier for me once I upped my daily calorie goal from the default set by MFP.
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    1200 calories is too few if you only need to lose 5lbs. Eat more, work out your TDEE and take 10-15% off and eat that. The last few pounds will be slow, but MUCH slower if you eat so little.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Buy a body fat monitor and ditch the scale. Scales weigh everything - water weight, skeletal mass, muscles, organs, skin, hair, clothes. Body fat monitors measure JUST BODY FAT.
  • Alright so I am seeing a lot of negatives on the sugar intake. Watch that first. You do not want to be consuming too much sugar.

    On most days you were way under your calorie intake. Don't do that! Your body is saying "whoa, she isn't feeding me, I need to start storing something must be happening!" Don't worry about not eating enough. Right now you aren't losing weight, so clearly your idea of "I am probably eating too much, I should eat less" isn't working.

    Also, I see that you are drinking your water....bad idea. You need AT LEAST 8 cups a day. It makes a difference, cleans our your body and get rid of water weight.

    On the is what I would suggest.

    Mondays - 20 mins cardio - Chest Day
    Tuesday - 20 mins running - Leg day
    Wednesday - 10 mins of HIIT - Ab day
    Thursday - 20 mins cardio - Arm Day
    Friday - 45 mins Cardio
    Saturday - Rest
    Sunday - 10-20 mins of HIIT - Calves/Back

    You basically need to start increasing weights, set goals and beat them for your cardio and eat more. I know your common sense says, "eat more, but I want to lose weight"...ignore it. I eat 6 meals a day and have lost almost 10lbs in a month.
  • RedneckMomma77
    RedneckMomma77 Posts: 85 Member
    its public now if you want to take a look! i work out 6 days a week ususally spinning for 25 min then 30-45 min of weight training some days as well. I get 1200 calories witout the extra exercise calories (which i know i should) but dont use these for the most part. Like i said, I'm nervous the mfp is overestimating calories burned or i am underestimating calories because i dont want to get into weighing every piece of food i put in my body becuase it gets me to that obsessive mode i am trying to avoid

    If you're working out 6 days a week, with both cardio and weight training, you need to eat your exercise calories. 1,200 calories is no where near enough to fuel all of that activity! You have to feed your body to see the results. Also, as your muscle content comes up, you will burn even more calories, and should have to eat more to maintain. When I set up my account I told MFP that I had a sedentary lifestyle, so I would know that little or no exercise was figured into my total calories for the day. That way I can add exercise and not have to worry about eating the calories twice. I think if I could have, I would have told MFP that I stayed in bed all day long, just to extra sure.

    I also get the statement of not wanting to become so obsessive over your eating habits, and if you don't want to constantly weigh and measure your food, maybe you could make an effort once a week to weigh your food into appropriate servings, where you just had to enjoy them at will. On your meat, if your grocery store had an actual meat department, butcher included you could have them cut your meat into appropriate servings there. Just a thought though.

    Good luck, and I'm sure you will break your plateau.
  • rxqueenruby
    rxqueenruby Posts: 1 Member
    Perhaps you should try switching up your foods. I would recommend Bob Harper's (trainer from the biggest loser) Skinny Rules book to anyone. I lost almost 5 lbs in one week when I started following his food suggestions last year when his book came out. I am not one to eat crap but I do indulge at times but rarely. Before reading his book, I made good food choices anyway but after reading his book, I would incorporate items such as ezekiel breads, no grains for dinner and lots more fruits (berries especially) and vegetables into my diet. The book makes sense and I continue to carry it around with me for reference.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member

    Don't do juicing it is unhealthy and burns you out quickly. I can't see your diary, but can make a few guesses.

    Are you working out? How many days a week? You should try doing HIIT and work out at least 5 days a week. Be super strick and honest with yourself on your diet. When you are large, it is easy to lose weight in the beginning, but the leaner you are, the tougher it gets. Find our your body fat percentage and set small goals. Do you stats as well. Waist, hips, arms, ect.

    Also, full fill your calorie intake. If you are allowed 1500 calories a day make sure you are as close to that as possible. Don't try to starve yourself. Eat your protein, carbs and fruits and veggies. Don't snack on crap.

    I agree with everything mentioned here!

    Often the issue with not loosing weight is because you are starving yourself. I have had success with going off your allowed calorie intake (eating about 50 - 100 cal more then I was suppose to ) for a few days then going back on your regular calorie intake. make sure to keep up your workout routines and drink loads of water!

    How are you sleeping? Is there any new stresses in your life?
  • skepple
    skepple Posts: 8
    Hey guys thanks for all of your support. To answer the water questions I ALWAYs drink about 8 tall glasses of water a day. I had a kidney stone when I was 14 so have been water crazy every since. Also, have started incorporating some strength training because i was doing LOTs of cardio but realize that's not the best way to go. I know the answer is that i probably just need to eat more but its difficult to wrap my head around that when trying to lose weight.