I could really use some friends for support and reasurance!

I was doing really well for about 3 weeks then I fell off a little. I got back on track a few days later but tonight, I ate a chippy tea aswell as a 100g bar of chocolate and I really feel awful. I feel like I've just undone a whole lot of good. I still live at home with my parents but will be moving out in August. When they have takeaway, or there is bad food lying around the house I find it extremelly hard to resist.
Thank you. Yours, Megan.


  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it, you had a bad day and that's that. Start fresh tomorrow!
  • Megan, We all make choices we regret sometimes. But that is part of life. Now you just have to make it right. You can admit you messed up but we are all human. Just move forward and do better. You can do it :)
  • Fitbilk
    Fitbilk Posts: 2
    Your young just need to set goals and stick with the plan.

    I started a diet or way of life to get rid of my type two diabetes. I have lost 17lbs the first month. My wife bought this book at Costco by Dr. Furnham, he also has a website. Its mainly vegan but I have never ate so much and had so much energy and I'm full, It is mainly protein. I am going to start exercising when it warms up but so far I haven't done anything. My wife is pissed because it is working for me, she has been dieting forever and I have lost so much already. I wake up refreshed every morning around 5:00 and sometimes sooner. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!!
  • anhellica2001
    anhellica2001 Posts: 9 Member
    The good thing is that you can start over again! Don't give up, there's always tomorrow.
  • JVick2013
    JVick2013 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm starting over--seems like starting from scratch, again. I need a few people in my corner as well. I'll check in with you periodically. Maybe having a semi-anonymous person to touch base with will help. Hope tomorrow is better than today--for me as well as for you! :)
  • breezylou2
    breezylou2 Posts: 61 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over food. Yes, you are changing the way you are eating, but that doesn't mean that you only get to eat salad. Next time skip the chippy tea (thanks to Google for clearing that one up for me!) and eat two chocolates, log them and eat around them for the rest of the day! You can still eat "bad food" and lose weight. Just take it a day at a time.
  • aprilcherryblossom
    aprilcherryblossom Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the wise words (: I guess it isn't the end of the world. Just a bit annoyed at myself. Oh well. Gym in the morning after a healthy breakfast. Thank you again and good luck with your own weight loss journey
  • You can add me:) I am good at motivating :)
  • U ill get this1 we are in it together:)
  • You'll get there. Making changes is a process, and not an easy one... but it's worth doing.
  • lmanes1
    lmanes1 Posts: 64 Member
    Even when I have a day I'm not so proud of, I log every bite, and move on. The week usually averages out. You can add me. :flowerforyou:
  • Zonadow
    Zonadow Posts: 10
    Listen to this and don't beat yourself up over a bar of chocolate. I used to know a guy who lost over 100lbs - and he'd eat healthy, and exercise a whole lot, and push himself, but he chose one day of the week to splurge on food - eat something he really wanted to eat, so long as it wasn't -too- over the calorie limit. Candy, fast food, whatever he wanted.
  • kmfink69
    kmfink69 Posts: 1
    I've lost over 50 pounds in the last 2 years and the way I overcome the temptation to eat stuff that's not good for me is to have one cheat day a week where I can eat whatever I want. And on those days, I cheat! It helps psychologically when I'm craving something (usually something sweet like chocolate!) because I know I can wait a few more days and then eat it without feeling guilty on cheat day! It also benefits me physically because it allows me to spike my caloric intake for a day which tells the body that it's not starving and it's okay to keep letting go of the fat! Give cheat day a shot and see if it doesn't improve both your mental and physical well-being. I've got your back, Megan!:happy:
  • Diane_1984
    Diane_1984 Posts: 18 Member
    Im the same, everyday is a struggle but just have to keep moving forward. Feel free to add me you can never have enough support!
  • fluffy925
    fluffy925 Posts: 93 Member
    Tomorrow's another day!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    If some foods are off limits you're bound to want them more than usual. Let yourself have a few treats and do your best to eat healthily the majority of the time. This is about changing your diet and lifestyle for the better and it'll only be sustainable long term if you allow yourself to have some chips or chocolate occasionally
  • wheezeybouncer
    wheezeybouncer Posts: 122 Member
    Honey, don't sweat it. Make up for it the next few by eating so much healthier (I work my chippie meal into my week by the way) Not overly fussed on loads of chocolate now (argh! Chocoholic has almost recovered!) Add me if you want to x