I don't get it..........

kellyd23 Posts: 24
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, it seems like when I slack off and don't exercise, I lose weight...well, now I'm back on full force staying on track and exercising daily........and the scale is literally up 5lbs from Saturday! (Granted I have issues and weigh myself like 10 times a day) but still I was at 168 Saturday and up to 173 today! I'm mainly doing cardio and end with some abs and thigh workouts....no weights so what's the deal?? How am I 5 lbs heavier?? So frustrating!


  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Is it your TOM? I can go up 3 - 7 pounds that week.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    I am having the very dame problem
  • kellyd23
    kellyd23 Posts: 24
    Nope........mid-cycle as we speak :(
  • krv1818
    krv1818 Posts: 5
    Are you eating your exercise calories? I know it sounds crazy but you really do have to eat enough or you will not lose. Also, are you drinking enough water? Your body is amazing and it will try to protect itself by hanging onto what it needs! I had the same issue and when I do it right it comes off at a good pace.
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    If you've increased the intensity of your exercises recently, it's probably water weight. Your muscles are holding onto water...this often happens with an increase in exercise. Also, if you've eaten at a restaurant/eaten lots of high-salt food in the past few days, you're probably retaining water from that too.

    I'd suggest you drink lots of water, keep exercising and eating well, and wait a few days before weighing yourself again. Your body will adjust to the exercise. Sometimes it just takes time.

    Don't worry! There is pretty much no way you could have gained 5 lbs of fat in just a few days.

    Also--take your measurements. Don't rely on your scale as your only way to measure progress. A lot of us on here lose inches before the scale budges. As long as you stay consistent and don't give up, the weight will come off!

    One more thing--good for you for exercising! Working out is so good for your body--and that's worth it on its own!
  • kellyd23
    kellyd23 Posts: 24
    Yes, I eat back my exercise calories and drink at least 64 ounces of water if not more every single day! It's just not making sense to me
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Check sodium levels.
    Check side effects of any meds.
    Because of all your aerobics, you may have gained 5 lbs of muscle.
    --- Measure yourself and see if the tape reveals your weight loss.

    When do you weigh? I weigh (naked, without glasses, even) the very first thing in the morning after I visit the toilet. I do not eat or drink until I weigh myself. I know, I'm pitiful, but that is when one is at their lightest weight.

    Hugs! :drinker: (water)
  • kellyd23
    kellyd23 Posts: 24
    I have defintely upped my work out intensity. I have added a one mile jog on top of my daily gym routine and feel like i have so much more energy. I was so proud of myself..then I see this! It makes me just not want to work out!! I don't OFFICIALLY weigh in for MFP until Saturday so Maybe it will prove to be water weight and be gone by then...I sure hope so!
  • kellyd23
    kellyd23 Posts: 24
    Check sodium levels.
    Check side effects of any meds.
    Because of all your aerobics, you may have gained 5 lbs of muscle.
    --- Measure yourself and see if the tape reveals your weight loss.

    When do you weigh? I weigh (naked, without glasses, even) the very first thing in the morning after I visit the toilet. I do not eat or drink until I weigh myself. I know, I'm pitiful, but that is when one is at their lightest weight.

    Hugs! :drinker: (water)

    I actually have severe issues with the scale. I seriously have something wrong with me, I weigh right when i get up before I eat or drink, I weigh again before my work out at the gym, and then I weigh again probalby 5 times or more when I get home. I'm literally obsessed with the scale....but I don't count what it REALLY says until Saturday mornings! However, saturday it was 168 yesterday 171 today 173!!! It's just going up and up and up!
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    If after you weigh in on Saturday you still have a gain, try only eating 1/2 of your exercise calories. I personally have found that I can't eat all my exercise calories or I gain weight.
  • Hotabs
    Hotabs Posts: 41 Member
    Hi. All

    I have the same problem but am following the atkins diet and counting my carb intake. Try not to eat yr exercise allowance. Only eat yr allowance for each day. That way your exerise allowance means that you should beburning more energy which your body will have to take from your fat stores. Am laughing as am writingthis because I know this is correct but I have just relised what am doing wrong myself. I am not drinking enough water just pure water so the scale isn't moving but I know I look thinner because someonecommentred on myweight loss again and ask me what I was doing. Anyway i have taken up jogging round my park before work needto try to jog every dy but carnt seem to. Like you I do mostly cardio in thegym but I only manage 1 day a week. Please try mesuring yrself & don't give up. I won't if you won't. Haha
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    Try not to eat the workout carlories that you have earned. Only eat your daily calories. Also try to do other workouts besides cardio. your body will get use to one workout and will begin to slow down the weight loss process. so you should change up your workout to shock your body and you will begin to see the lbs drop. Also swimming burns alot of calories. I hope this information is helpful.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    This used to happen to me when I worked out a lot too and I don't think it has anything to do with you eating too much or anything like that... but can't really tell you exactly what it is!

    I used to take my day off before my weigh in and that seemed to help me keep track of my actual weight.

    As you say, your main problem is that you are weighing all the time. I'm usually pretty good but have been terrible the last couple of weeks and it's really discouraging me. My July goal is no scales at all!!
  • well rewieghing yourself every 5 minutes is not going to change what the scales say but... start by making a note and put it on top of your scale and write whatever makes you feel good. Mine says Don't step on this until you know you have lost some wieght love yourself. Might sound crazy I DONT CARE :happy: lol. My only question is how long have you worked out and what did you eat? That can change your entire day and dont wiegh in the afternoons ever EVER!!! If I workout 45 mins in the morning after I workout without eating I wiegh more on the scales. Then I do an afternoon walk after lunch and a snack, I wiegh even more. Then I do another 45 mins and I wiegh more or the same from the morning. Crazy but thats just fluctuation nothing you can control. The first wieght that you gather from the morning is the true reading without food/water from the day. You can still retain water from previous days and you can also have some build up in your digestion depending on what you ate the night before. Try adding olive oil or some natural laxative you could be constipated. Keep up a natural level of fiber in your diet to keep the system moving. Good luck :smile:
  • Alure
    Alure Posts: 30
    If it's discouraging you, throw away the scale. Literally. Hide it. Eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and exercising will make you more fit. You'll feel better, your clothes will fit better, and you will look better overall. Obsessing about your weight all the time isn't productive, and it can be discouraging (waiting for the water to boil). From what I understand, better measurements for fitness success are actually taking measurements and body fat percentage, as both show changes in body composition (smaller and denser with more muscle vs. getting on the scale and determining you got fat from trying to get fit). Try other methods of measuring success, or make a rule about how often you can weigh yourself (maybe even just once a week). If you know you look better, does it matter what the scale says?
  • EmmmyK
    EmmmyK Posts: 21 Member
    I totally understand about the scale..It's an obsession...I have began weighing myself every morning after going to the BR and then in the evening so that I can calculate pounds gained with food...ahhhh it's crazy..but I find myself more Focused through the day with food and what to eat etc. I have alot of weight to loose and I am on track and loosing.. if I don't weigh I tend to eat more..

    Good Luck!

  • Hotabs
    Hotabs Posts: 41 Member

    Water water water

    I took my water bottle everywere we me yesterday. In meetings a drank diet coke. Had my usuall food went for a jogg in the morning. And.Am over the moon today the scales have moved now weight 11.05. Ok it's only 1lb lost in what 3 weeks but it's gone. So keep at it.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Unless you ate 17,500 more calories than usual, you did not actually gain 5 pounds.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't weigh yourself more than once a week, at the same time, before eating.

    It is very discouraging and inaccurate!
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    Hon, it's a scale. It's a number. Nobody goes down the street and thinks "oh hey, that girl looks like she's about 125 pounds, how attractive!" it's more like "hey this girl exudes confidence and looks like she's treating herself well, how attractive!" Seriously. I'm not at my 'goal weight,' more like my goal 'feel good body,' but I saw the guy I'm crushing on at the gym yesterday and he hugged me despite me looking like a hot mess and sweating hardcore. I guess I just looked like I was kicking some *kitten* on the elliptical. I'm feeling more confident every day and I haven't weighed myself in a while because I don't have a scale, nor do I really want one.

    How are you actually physically feeling? What kinds of things are you eating? Are they processed foods, fast food? Who made the food you're eating? How long does it take you to eat a meal? Do you savor your food? Do you cook at home?

    Food is complex, this whole weight thing, is complex... but if you drive yourself crazy because of a number on a scale... you will fail. This has to be about the journey and how you feel, not necessarily a number or how you might think you look now.

    Weight loss shouldn't be miserable, it should be about mindful eating and savoring your food as well as getting some daily exercise to destress. You also need to sleep at least 7 hours a night to refuel and to rest your mind. Hope that helps - I don't mean to be blunt, but chillax!
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