What's the magic combo,hoe do you break a plateau?

Help, my starting weight was 265, I'm currently at 209 and I've been here for months. I did an underwater body comp test about a month ago and my body fat is 36%, I bought a body media and my average daily burn over the last two weeks is about 2684, my average calorie intake is 1762. I started working with a personal trainer 3 times a week this week, alot of using my own body weight, planks, wall sits, chair dips, squats, push up, burpees and so on, I also regularly walk in our Foothills anywhere from 3 to 5 miles at a time 2-3 times a week. What am I doing wrong? My dairy is open please check it out and give me ideas and tweaks. I really want to get this next 30 pounds or so off as soon as The last two weeks have been a little stressful, my dog had ASL surgery and then my Husband blew a disc and had to have emergency back surgery, so the stress factor has been pretty high and my sleep has been less than desirable. But things are back on track! Thanks for reading and thank for any help or advice you can give! Loving the MFP community! Stacey


  • snelson1966
    snelson1966 Posts: 31 Member
    "how" do you break a plateau?
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    For me it was making sure I was eating enough and then to mix up the workout. I know some people say not to do cardio, but I love cardio (along with a bunch of strength training) and I mix it up-I run outside, do hills and intervals on the treadmill, use the elliptical, arc trainer, and bike. Sometimes I do Zumba. I think sometimes we just need to mix things up. Also, I try to stay lower in carb, but I don't think that's always necessary...I just like to get high protein levels. Good luck!
  • Jude_V
    Jude_V Posts: 72 Member
    Have a read of this http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/948699-lower-threshold-for-calories and do the calculations to find out how much you should be eating. You may need to eat a bit more. Also - I found I started losing it when I lowered my carb allowance - I try to keep under 100g a day...if you find that hard you could just make sure you don't eat processed/refined carbs in the evening - things like pasta, potatoes and bread. See if these things help over a couple of weeks...
  • Loisxyz
    Loisxyz Posts: 17
    Try cutting carbs to around 100 or if too difficult 150 but avoid them in the evening.
  • DerROK
    DerROK Posts: 14 Member
    Gratz on the loss to-date ;) Have you adjusted your Nutrition now you have lost weight?

    Nutrition is a very big topic with many research articles, myths etc....

    Personally, I stick with a simple philosophy

    To get a lean body, I need protein. 2g per kg weight
    To fuel me to a lean body, I need quality carbohydrates. Carbs are a very big topic area, start by trying 2g per kg (i.e. = to protein) but many will argue drop lower
    There ae many nutrients and minerals I need, but if I pop a quality multi vitamin and pick from quality proteins and carbs and have fruit too should have them covered.

    Now, the challenge is to do that all in under your daily calorie allowance -20% ^^

    A good source of info is the controversial, but imho awesome Scooby http://scoobysworkshop.com/

    N.B. The calorie counts in the exercise part of this tool are very, very generous. Lots of blogs about that I see. So, don't be tricked into letting yourself eat back all the calories suggested by the tool......
  • DerROK
    DerROK Posts: 14 Member
    Just thought I would add, used a Polar HRM on my Keiser exercise bike last night. HR between 130 and 150 for 30 mins (some standing sprints thrown in). Keiser computer combined with Polar HRM awarded me 238 calories. Stationary bike, very vigorous effort (bicycling, cycling, biking) in the tool would award me 644 calories. Thats alot of extra food I could have eaten by using my percieved/self judged effort and gone ahead and selected exercise from the tool calories and not using a HRM.
  • snelson1966
    snelson1966 Posts: 31 Member
    I use the Body Media to calculate my calories burned, I have found it's a bit lower than my Polar HRM and the FitBit I use to use, the exercise calories I have booked on MPF come from Body Media, on the Body Media site I am running at about a 900 calorie a day deficit. I have never thought to reduce my carbs, I have been increasing my protein due to the muscle building I'm doing with the Trainer. It will be be tough to reduce the carbs but I will look into how to do it and talk to my trainer for ideas as well. I can get rid of the Fiberone bars to start. Thank you all.