Massive weight gain please help!

Hi people hoping for some advice - I am female 29 5"10 and did weigh 154lb on Sunday which was my goal weight (lost94lb) I went away for Easter break and relaxed on diet and just got home to find I have gained 14lb?? Is this even possible? I know I ate badly but seriously this seems a extreme amount to gain in 5 days? I am very very upset and been crying most the morning - sounds silly to some but I have worked so hard to shift this weight and seems all my hard work is undone :( I have been on a 1200 cal diet high protein under 100g carbs a day to lose the weight! Is this actually fat and weight I have gained? Please please help or advice?


  • Dottyb1940
    Dottyb1940 Posts: 188 Member
    You would not put on 14lbs in such a short time I am almost sure it will be fluid retention, go back to what you have been doing before your binge.I can bet it will come off within a couple of days, stop getting upset you have done so well to get to the stage you are at. Don!t dwell on it.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Hi people hoping for some advice - I am female 29 5"10 and did weigh 154lb on Sunday which was my goal weight (lost94lb) I went away for Easter break and relaxed on diet and just got home to find I have gained 14lb?? Is this even possible? I know I ate badly but seriously this seems a extreme amount to gain in 5 days? I am very very upset and been crying most the morning - sounds silly to some but I have worked so hard to shift this weight and seems all my hard work is undone :( I have been on a 1200 cal diet high protein under 100g carbs a day to lose the weight! Is this actually fat and weight I have gained? Please please help or advice?

    if you are emotionally upset or crying, then you need to get a more realistic understanding of how your body works. none of this is worth crying all morning about. your body is a complex "machine" with many different metabolic processes occurring simultaneously or in sequence. you really can't predict when your actual weight losses or gains will show up on the scale.

    however, you cannot gain 14lbs of fat in 5 days unless you eat 49,000 EXTRA calories. you did not do that.

    relax. calm down. understand that the scale is an imperfect measuring tool. you are giving it credit for more accuracy than it truly has.

    you can be retaining a lot of water due to sodium intake or other reasons. you can also have a bit of food still working its way through your intestines. also, 1200 calories is probably too low for you. if you are eating at or below your BMR for a prolonged period of time, your body changes to adapt to what it sees as a stress condition. these changes will affect how easy or difficult it is to burn stored fat in the short term. you need to make sure your BMR and TDEE calculations are correct and your loss rate is not too aggressive. remember in Aesop's fable, the tortoise reached the finish line before the hare!

    1 gallon of extra water weighs ~8lbs. some bodybuilders can retain that much or more and will use temporary low carb diets to shed that water just before a competition (from what i've read on the subject).

    finally, do not get so emotionally invested in the path your body takes from point A (overweight) to point B (goal weight). it's not going to take the shortest and simplest route. all that matters is getting to point B. how you get there or how long it takes is mostly irrelevant.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Not weird that you gained so much weight. Losing 94 lbs on a 1,200 kcal diet isn't the healthiest option plus (as you now noticed and will notice) not very sustainable. Try to up your calories little by little to maintain, so your weight won't be as sensitive to normal eating anymore.

    It's definitely not 14 lbs of fat though. Have a few weeks of healthy eating and it should fall right off again.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    For your age, weight and height you are eating far too little on 1200 calories unless you are also eating back exercise calories. Maybe your body is just holding on to some food now it got some. Work out what you really should be eating on here because I'm certain it's wrong. I lost weight on 1650 as a lady three times your age, only walking half hour a day and much shorter.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    For your age, weight and height you are eating far too little on 1200 calories unless you are also eating back exercise calories. Maybe your body is just holding on to some food now it got some. Work out what you really should be eating on here because I'm certain it's wrong. I lost weight on 1650 as a lady three times your age, only walking half hour a day and much shorter.


    your body is just so pleased it got a decent amount of food for a few days!
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    Broken scale. Try replacing the batteries. It is virtually impossible to gain 14 lbs. in 5 days. That would be a calorie surplus of 10,000 kcals a day. Equivalent of 3 chocolate cakes a day. Either that scale is broken, or you really like chocolate cake.
  • Belleboutique83
    Checked the scales may other half is weighing the same and so is my friends! Well I do like chocolate cake but not 10,0000 calories worth :(
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Not weird that you gained so much weight. Losing 94 lbs on a 1,200 kcal diet isn't the healthiest option plus (as you now noticed and will notice) not very sustainable. Try to up your calories little by little to maintain, so your weight won't be as sensitive to normal eating anymore.

    It's definitely not 14 lbs of fat though. Have a few weeks of healthy eating and it should fall right off again.
    1200 has nothing to do with it. I'm not sure what your big issue is with it, OP has lost a lot of weight...I'm pretty sure that didn't happen over night so it is quite sustainable, no?

    The problem is that OP went off the rails a bit and now has a bit of water retention and bloat. You need to change your settings to 'maintence' and it will up your calories, also lay off the scales for a bit.
  • marilynolivares1
    marilynolivares1 Posts: 61 Member
    you are probably just bloated. give it sometime
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    you are probably just bloated. give it sometime

    And lay off the 'I'm on holiday' type of meals. So lower sodium, healthier choices, that kind of thing.

    It was always going to be a permanent chance of lifestyle, not a eat less get thin then finish and eat everything kinda mission.
  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    It's water weight gain. The best way to deal with it.... More water. It will help you get the salt out of your body and of course take that water with it. Watch your sodium intake for a while and you'll be just fine
  • pghlulu
    pghlulu Posts: 42
    You did not undo the work you did. Think about how far you've come! You've done well and had great success!!

    Like others have said, very likely it's mostly water weight, and perhaps a tiny gain. Drink lots of water to help shed it. It might take a few days....same happened with me after Easter dinner!

    I am very petite (short/small) and yet I've fluctuated up to 6 lbs/day when having a bad sodium/calorie day.