I HATE the start of a weight loss plan, I am so impatient!

I used to feel more motivated and up for it at the start of all my past efforts to lose weight as it was new and I was fed up of eating junk and didn't miss it at the start as I had had a recent 'fix'. However nowadays I feel really different, at the beginning I struggle to motivate myself as I don't have anything to go on to do it (e.g. weight loss).

I am a week into trying to lose weight and though I have managed to lose 2 pounds in my first week, which I am very pleased about. I feel so impatient and as though I can't be bothered which I know is ridiculous as I really want to do it. I know once I lose even just a couple more pounds I will change and feel more motivated. I guess I just need to work on my patience and persevere as it is just nothing but impatience, but 2 pounds isn't enough to motivate me yet.

Does anyone else feel the same and hate the start? Any tips or advice on how to keep motivated at this stage? :smile:


  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Don't quit and you won't have to start again.

    I also know this feeling, it's great to have lost 2lbs but I hated seeing single digits. I started feeling better when I was in the double digits and that's also when I knew: I never want to go through that again. Just keep your eye on the prize (health) and keep going. Don't be too tough on yourself. I've learned that it is ok to not be "on track" 100% of the time, 80% of the time also works :)
  • leanneakaliz
    leanneakaliz Posts: 229 Member
    I personally find I am more motivated at the start but during times when I lack motivation I turn to a hobby. I started running in January and although first of all it was to help me lose weight I now love it! So when I lack motivation to eat really healthily I focus my attention on improving my running which then helps my diet still :)

    My advice would be find a workout you enjoy to help your weightloss and turn it into a hobby :)
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    Don't quit and you won't have to start again.

    This ^^

    My problem was going all gung ho, hurt myself at the gym trying to do too much then thinking I physically can't go back for a week. Then not going back. This time I picked to sort out my diet (as in nutrition intake) first, then started at the gym.

    Slowly slowly catchy monkey :wink:
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    It might help to not think of it as a "weight loss plan". That implies there is an end to it. Maybe it's helpful to think about this process as a small change to your life and not worry so much about the result. Just keep logging, move around a little more and see what happens! It's very rare that things in our life turn out the way we envision them. And sometimes, they actually turn out better! Trust the process and enjoy the ride!

    Good luck! :smile:
  • I know exactly what you mean! I've only lost 2kg which is great but I feel impatient too, it's sounds like nothing! But I just think to myself, what if I got back on those scales tomorrow and I had put back on those 2 kg?! I would hate myself! So that's what keeps me going, the fear of gaining it back and ruining all my hard work!!
  • gemmaleigh1989
    gemmaleigh1989 Posts: 241 Member
    Tired of starting over? Then stop giving up.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Don't quit and you won't have to start again.

    Yep - was going to say the exact same thing!
  • Yes... I know this feeling very well... in fact , due to being ill, I'm here again today.:embarassed:
  • I can relate so much, i'm very impatient too, but stick with it, it's worth it when you start seeing results :smile:
  • Shirlls123
    Shirlls123 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks everyone, you've helped give me some motivation. I don't think it helps that I have quite a short concentration span lol.
  • iamlaprell
    iamlaprell Posts: 71 Member
    We are all impatient, but I can tell you from experience, one day soon you will look back and realize that it really didn't take as long as you were afraid it would. Three months ago I started this journey and I would never have imagined I'd make it this far in that short an amount of time, I had set a lofty goal for myself to reach my goal by August (my birthday) and honestly felt it would be a struggle. One month in, I decided to take my before pictures (I was so busy walking and working out the first month I forgot) and then I took another picture six weeks later and I was amazed at the difference!!! I never in a million years thought to see results that quickly but I did and you can too.

    So, if you're that impatient how about setting a short term commitment, say "I will work out and eat right everyday for 4 weeks" then take a picture (just sports bra and shorts so you can see everything) then at the end of the four weeks, take another picture, put them side by side and really look and see what differences there are. Trust me, once you see the changes only four weeks can make there is no way you will want to stop! And just realize that it took years to get into your current shape so to expect to reach your ultimate goals in just a couple weeks is unrealistic and will only damage your motivation.

    Good luck and you can do this!!!
  • I hear you! I didn't even make it through the first day! But I am not going to beat myself up about it. today is a new day and we can all choose one change to make for 1 day and aim for total health and not big numbers on the scale. One of my favorite quotes goes something like this. "big leaps get too much attention, it is the courage to put one foot in front of the other that deserves recognition" :love:
  • Exactly as someone else said: WE ARE ALL IMPATIENT. It's not just you. You either want to do this or you don't. It took you a while to put on that weight didn't it? It's going to take just as long to take it off (unless you go nuts with calorie deficit and training which is pretty rare for most people--and usually very suboptimal anyway).

    As someone else said the key to sticking with this long term is to throw in the occasional CHEAT DAY! That will give you a reward to look forward to on the weekend. But you gotta be strict on the calorie restrictions. The cheat day will slow your progress a little but it will keep you from quitting.

    Of course if you started doing regular cardio like 400 jumping jacks a day you'd burn that fat MUCH faster.

    I'm getting impatient too....so you know what I'm going to do? Cardio 5 days a week. Along with the calorie deficit that will do it! Like I said it's suboptimal b/c I'll probably lose over 2 lbs a week this way which means I may lose some muscle. But I want to get to my number NOW.