Lost weight, but gained inches...?

I weigh and measure myself every Friday. I have A LOT of weight to lose and its coming off steadily. I workout 5-6 days a week, but only for about 30 minutes. I usually lose about 4 pounds a week (my diary is open so you can see I'm not starving myself to lose weight, I'm just fat :)), and several inches, when I weighed this morning I was down 4 pounds, but I gained inches in my calfs and thighs (which, btw, have stayed the same for months until today, they just went the wrong way!). I gained inches in my arms. Everything else stayed the same, except my waist, I lost 1 inch, which is awesome, but its not 4 pounds worth of awesome. I'm worried that my weight loss is either all water which would suck or muscle loss, which would suck even more. On the flip side the inches in my arms and legs could be muscle gain. I'm just so confused by this mornings results.


  • Icedrgn
    Icedrgn Posts: 17
    Two theories I have is you measured differently than normal or your body is retaining an abnormal amount of water. Weak theories... sorry.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I suggest measuring yourself only once a month. You're probably not measuring in the exact same spot, you're applying different tension to the tape, or you're retaining water.

    Focus on your diet and exercise. As long as the weight continues to drop you're golden.
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    It's always possible you're not measuring exactly where you did before. But, I can attest that my recent routine of walking about 10 miles per day on an incline has increased the size of my butt and thighs. I can only assume that I'm building muscle faster than I'm losing fat. Yes, I'm losing pounds, but my butt and thighs are bigger right now. I know I'm doing everything right, so I'm not stressing over it - and my rear end looks awesome, so I'm not complaining!
    PS - my waist has lost inches, it's just my butt and thighs that have increased.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'd measure monthly personally. Also, it is very difficult to measure in exactly the same spot every single time. I usually do measurements 3 times and then take the average.

    You could be holding onto some water as well. You cannot build appreciable muscle on a calorie deficit, so it's 100% not that.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Sweetie you have lost 81 pounds there is no way that can be call water weight. Wonderful job you have done so great! What I would say is try measuring once a month, that's what I do and still get on the scale every week. That way with only doing it once a month you are more likely to see a change. Stay with it you are doing fabulous :)
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    Measure the morning after your rest day (before you work out).. That gives your muscles time to repair and push all of that water out.