Shopping time! What items have helped the most?



  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    - food scale
    - measuring cups and spoons
    - HRM- Love that thing!
    -a nifty water bottle
    -a Swim cap.. omg that thing a life saver when I swim laps!
    ----I NEED a blender. Pronto.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i do a lot of what everyone has listed. i am not so serious about the scale thing. i kinda have this theory that i dont want to be using a scale in a few years. so i want to learn how to eat without one. if i cant view the calorie content, then i usually dont eat it or guess on the high end on mfp. i also dont want to invest in a heart monitor. i think any exercise in general is more then i use to do sitting on the couch 3 months ago. i also dont want to be walking around with a heart monitor a few years from now lol.

    must have for me is lots of plastic storage containers. i plan meals in advance and store and freeze them. i will measure out serving sizes of dry items and put in plastic baggies for me to grab and go. i also invested in myself. good shampoo and strong body washes and deodorant. good shoes. sports bras and cotton undies. t shirts and shorts. i also upgraded my cellphone so i have internet so i can listen to pandora with my workouts. i always buy cases of bottles water. i also got a gym membership. i have an elliptical at home. but i like the variety of going to the gym. they also have a spin class i love. lots of medium size towels for sweat rags when working out.

    just in general, think of you! i got a cheesy little foot mas sager from the thrift store for 3 bux that you soak your feet in with bubbles. i also got face mask stuff, nail polish, etc. girlie items. i reward myself most of all for my hard work. and they are rewards that are not food related. back in the day, a reward was going to get ice cream. look for sales. our thrift store does a 1.23 sale every month. reward yourself with a couple new outfits for your losses. one week i tried a tanning package for a new client special. when i lost 30 lbs, i went and got my hair colored at the beauty school down the street. the better you feel about yourself, the more you want to continue on,

    good luck!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    These are the things I have found most helpful:

    The bin. Because when I stop eating, I put the remains straight in there and I can't return to eat the rest that way.

    Digital scales.

    Good footwear. Three pairs, so they're always fresh.

    Sports bras. They should be the law for everyone over eight years old.

    Seam free full panties. They're not glamorous or even pretty, but I've seen women with bleeding blisters from wearing lacy thongs.

    Socks. Proper socks.

    I think they're called yoga pants in the US? Basically, they're really comfortable and wash well.

    A big padlock for the lockers at the gym.

    Running headphones for my iPhone.

    An armband for my iPhone.

    A filter bottle. Because I don't like water, but it makes it bearable.

    And a small towel. So I can wipe off the equipment at the gym instead of the skanks who just leave their crotch sweat where it falls.
  • amandatiffany90
    Definitely got some inspiration for must-have items from this list - didn't even tink of "proper" exercise underwear or socks, really
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    If you're wondering what your BF% is, get it tested. It cost me $50. It's worth it.
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    If you're wondering what your BF% is, get it tested. It cost me $50. It's worth it.

    where did you get it tested?
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    Food Processor. <3 I'm in love with mine and I make so many good things with it.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    food containers, water bottles, ziplock bags, microwave, ipod, a pair of decent sports shoes!
  • rkfmfp2013
    I'm loving my Fitbit One for motivating and tracking steps, flights of stairs, and sleep.
    Just bought a food scale so I hope it helps, especially after seeing something on the inacurracy of calorie counts, and learning portion control skewed from US portion increases over the years.
    Water bottle, and good workout wear.