Fitness Experts! Please help me with a workout schedule!

This is what I have:
Access to the gym
Rowing machine (old and clunky but it works)
Interval Training dvd (bodyweight exersises)
Circuit training dvds
EASportsActive2 for PS3
A step
Mountain bike
Weights: not heavy ones only 5lb, 7lbs, 10lb and 12lb.
I've been fluctuating up and down a few pounds for months now and seem to be stuck at this weight 142-ish.
SW: 191 (August 2011)
CW: 142-ish
GW: 130 possibly 126
Age: 36
I've lost 49lbs and it has taken me 20 months. I can't seem to get past 142lb. I don't have any set routine and have just been doing whatever, whenever. I NEED A PLAN!!
What should I do and how often? How many days strength training? What should I work and when? Interval training, how many times a week. I want to know what to do to get the best results.Tell me what to do please! Someone design me a workout plan!


  • SlinkyAndHerAmazingBunsOfSteel
    Anybody? :)
  • Icedrgn
    Icedrgn Posts: 17
    Consult with a fitness trainer for the best results but I recommend 30 minutes of cardio a day and 3o minutes of strength workouts 3x a week.
  • juliekins64
    juliekins64 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi there, I am not an expert ok.
    If you are using lower weights and or body weight I would do that 3 times per week. If you lift heavy 1-3 times per week. I would also add 2 days of cardio, more if you feel up to it. I would not do intense cardio on the same days as your do weight training unless you are only lifting small weights then it's doesn't matter.

    Use your step up with weights in your hands. Do lunges and squats while holding your weights.
    Use your 12 lbs (or heavier) and do shoulder presses, flyes, bench presses (google it).

    Using any of the items you listed will help you but it depends what your goal is, lose weight, sculp, get stronger, etc...

    Cardio burns calories, cardio intervals burns even more calories and weight training burns the most.
    The reason the internals and lifting burn more is because you continue to burn long after your workout, increases your metabolism also because it causes you to have a greater muscle mass which requires most calories to maintain.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Have you recalculated your daily caloric need since you've lost weight? Make sure you are logging as honest and as accurately as you were when you started. Make sure you're working out with the same intensity (which probably means more weight, longer distances, and/or faster speeds, depending on what you do).

    To your question... what do you enjoy doing?

    I'd lift 3-4 times per week and do cardio 2-4 times per week. Cardio can be whatever you enjoy, whatever you'll bust your *kitten* doing. Lifting, well anythign is better than nothing, so if you want to do a circuit on machines, that's fine. Free weights and compound lifts will give you more bang for your exercise hour.
  • PureAdamic
    PureAdamic Posts: 185
    How much can you squat?
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    You seem to be like me! I'm 21. I started at 170 and I am also 5'2. I have been stuck around 141 for the past 2 weeks. It's annoying and I don't really seem to know how to get past it. I am also trying to get to 125-130.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    You seem to be like me! I'm 21. I started at 170 and I am also 5'2. I have been stuck around 141 for the past 2 weeks. It's annoying and I don't really seem to know how to get past it. I am also trying to get to 125-130.

    2 weeks isn't very long, but if in another 2 weeks you aren't seeing any progress try cutting cals by ~10%. Weight loss always comes down to a calorie deficit. If you aren't losing weight, you aren't in a deficit.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    get heavier weights.
    lift weights that are challenging for you, meaning you can do less than 12 reps with them in each set.
    Learn the compound lifts- squat, dead lift, over head press, bent over row, bench press
    make sure your gym has a squat rack or cage

    split your routine into 3 days a week with rest days or light cardio in between.
    you could do a full body workout with those lifts 3x week, or split up the parts
    M-squats W-upper body F-Deadlift

    simple, you need very little time
    for cardio try to keep it light
    if you have the energy, 1-2 days of intense cardio a week max

    make sure you're eating enough protein
    drinking your water
    and sleeping and resting your muscles enough
    your muscles are built during rest, not in the gym

    you can find lots of great info reading
    mark rippletoe's book starting strength
    and eat train progress forum/group
  • lmoore1006
    lmoore1006 Posts: 7 Member
    Weight loss always comes down to a calorie deficit. If you aren't losing weight, you aren't in a deficit.

    Say it again cause it can't be said enough. :~)
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Go to the gym, pick up a kettle bell and start swinging. Then, drop to the floor and do burpees until you can't get up. Then, Grab a bar and pull yourself up over and over. Then jump on a treadmill for 60 seconds at the fastest speed you can go, jump off for 60 seconds and repeat until you are to tired to go again. Then- focus on diet. I'm guessing with all you have available your diet is probably the issue.

    Honestly tho, hire a trainer for a few sessions. It is the greatest investment I ever made. You will learn some new stuff, find motivation and encouragement, and it will get you started again.