Trying everything to lose 100 lbs

Hello :o) I am new here as of today! Have been on Weight Watchers twice this year with no luck. Am doing Shaun T's Rockin Body 4-5 times a week AND started taking raspberry ketone and in a nutshell I'm very frustrated with the rate I'm losing weight which is next to nothing :o( Now I'm here and I'm gonna try this. Just got me a heart rate monitor and am determined to find SOMEthing that works!!!

I hope having a community of others will help me as well :o)


  • kristacali
    kristacali Posts: 30 Member
    What works for one person might not work for another, but I lost 100 pounds myself. The way I did it was I got a group of people together who all wanted to lose weight, and they were all different sizes, not everyone was as overweight as I was. We all put some money into the pot and decided to be competitive about it. We would all weigh in once a week, and whoever lost the most body fat percentage won for that week (and whoever won the grand finale got the money in the pot, I think we put 20 in each so the pot was over 100 bucks). The money was not the real motivator for me, it was the fact that I had to be held accountable. So in addition to the pressure of knowing I had to weigh in each week and didn't want to show a big fat ZERO, I also started taking Herbalife protein shakes to replace two of my meals a day. I was single and lived along, so breakfast and dinner worked well for me, as I would eat lunch at work. You need to plan your meals ahead of time so you aren't making a decision while hungry.

    I joined a gym and starting walking on the treadmill at an incline, start slow and build your endurance. Walking up hill burns so MUCH more than walking flat. So when I am at a good place I can burn nearly 500 calories walking for 30-40 minutes uphill. I want to burn as many calories as I can in the smallest amount of time. So, healthy snacks, working out a couple times a week, some good support and motivation from others...and my herbalife shakes. I lost 10 pounds the first 10 days I started this, so that motivated me like crazy.

    Add me if you want, or if you need some encouragement!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Welcome to MyFitnessPal!

    I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot of people, many with similar goals, to help you along your way. Remember that this isn't a race, though. You have a destination, and you will get there, but go at your own pace.

    I wish you the best of luck!
  • Blondie251975
    Blondie251975 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me too, I have a lot of weight to lose! The exercise is great, but just keep in mind that you cannot outrun/outwalk/outwork-out your fork. Food intake is where it's at!

    I am down 40 on a 100+ pound attack on fat! Let's do this!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Take it slow. You've got this.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Contrary to what most people here will tell you, WHAT you eat matters. It matters more than anything else for many of us, especially those of us with metabolic issues. Obviously, obese people often have metabolic issues.

    Weight Watchers not only took my money, but they destroyed my health, and that of some of my other family members. They've backed off of their low fat madness somewhat, but they still aren't giving the best advice imo. And Points? Useless. I need to know my macro ratios to keep myself healthy and progressing.

    Save your money. Do some research. Try a different lifestyle and different foods. Judge what works by how your body feels. You CAN lose weight effortlessly and without hunger by eating healthy food. Find out what is "healthy" for you.
  • Fitnesscruising
    Hi there, I'm new here also. I'm looking for the same results, as you are. Have you tried talking to your doctor about your weight problems, not being able to lose anything with everything you've tried? I did, and my doctor suggested medication for my sugar (diabetes) yeah, strange, when I'm not yet diabetic, but, I'm lossing weight!

    Good luck!
  • TheSavouryWife
    Sounds like you and I are in the same boat. However, I have done Insanity by Shaun T, Turbo Fire with Chalene Johnson and some P90X. What I have found, and what my trainer friends say, is that most programs offer cardio but muscle is what burns fat. So in order to see better results, start building muscle. Do resistance training and such and do cadio only 3 times a week for about 30 minutes each. I am in no way a personal trainer but 5 years ago, I did exactly that. It took me 1 year and I lost approximately 75 lbs with training and changes to food lifestyle. Now I'm back because I lost my will and my way. I have gained back almost all the weight. I am doing weight watchers, fitness pal, going to the gym and using "Slim Quick" diet supplements. I just started doing all this too so I hope to see some results in a few weeks.

    Keep at it and you will find something that works for you.
  • hendrinajgarcia
    I too, like you, tried all kinds of diets. Until I recently got it. It wasn't a diet that I was after, the one that will take all the pounds off, it is a lifestyle change. It was at that point that I hit my fridge and toss everything that was not natural. I lost over 45 pounds. Right now, I hit a plato and belief it is because I stopped meeting other's with the same mindset. We don't weigh in front of each other, but we talk about the challenges we face and that makes us all feel and understand that what we go through is normal. It is important to find a group that is on your type of mindset. Don't go with the "peacocks" who want to show off. Be with those who will be supportive and motivating when things go bad and be happy with you when things go well. The world out there is judgemental enough.

    Before you start your journey, find the spot in your heart and in your mind that "gets" it and "feels" it. It is these inner motivations that will make it a song for you. You could make it otherwise too, but it is just so much harder. Make peace with who and what you are. It is only when you know where you came from that you will be able to know where you going to.

    Luck is not what you need, its loving yourself.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    It works!(just look at some of the numbers on the reply's) slow and steady wins the race...and remember you didn't put it on in a day so you are not going to take it off in a day.

    Remain consistent,honest and above all positive.

    You've got this! :)
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Hello, I am Linsey. I sent you a friend request but I joined MFP on 1/20/13 and have already lost about 25 pounds so I can type of some tips. I really up my cardio at the gym if you can do that do it so wonderful if you can get in 30/60 minutes of cardio 3/4 times a week. Also add in strength training in wonderful if you can ever other day. Another thing I did in the start of my diet is not log 100% correct like a rounded cup of this and that or just guess or stuff in the start it was okay I guess I still say changes but now I try to log as correct as I can and if I round anything I put it as 1.25 cups even though I wasn't that much just to show myself I should do that. Feel free to message me if you have any questions :)
  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I agree with the other post about everyone being different, you just have to find what works for you. The juices and supplements are healthy, but from my experience there is no magical cure, or special diet that will work any better than the next. Just finding foods and a routine that works for you and your schedule and keeping the calorie intake and output in check. LIke for me, my gluttonous moments are at night with the family.... its hard to live with two sons, age 17 and 22, and a man who NEVER ever gain weight and not be tempted with crap foods lol... so i keep it low throughout the day at work, so i can spend 600 calories on dinner. And so far its working pretty well :) Im 14 lbs down since the middle of February, and the planks and running are getting sooo much easier. I cnat wait to see what another 14lbs will do.

    You can add me if you like... were all in this together trying to live healthier loves :) Good luck in your journey!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    If you stick with this you will see results. I went from 146 to 125 and this was the easiest thing I ever done. Welcome aboard
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Also instead of look at this as a diet look at it as a lifestyle change. Don't deny yourself your favorite foods just eat them in moderation. If you fall off track one day just jump right back the next. I tell myself when I want more of something that I can have more tomorrow :}
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    You need to figure out your TDEE and BMR and eat between the numbers. If you workout a lot you need to eat more to fuel the fire. If you do not want to eat a lot then tone down the workouts. Under eater and over training are 2 common errors made by people who think they should be losing and are not. Weigh and measure food and be completely honest, extra tastes and bites of food that you may think are meaningless can add up quick. This is for the rest of your life. Do not cut anything out completely that you do not want to live without forever. Good Luck on Your Journey.:flowerforyou:
  • cmserene
    cmserene Posts: 8
    Wow, everyone here is so awesome and helpful! I am already feeling very optimistic and motivated :o)) Thanks so much for all the great advice and the warm welcome ♥
  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    You need to figure out your TDEE and BMR and eat between the numbers. If you workout a lot you need to eat more to fuel the fire. If you do not want to eat a lot then tone down the workouts. Under eater and over training are 2 common errors made by people who think they should be losing and are not. Weigh and measure food and be completely honest, extra tastes and bites of food that you may think are meaningless can add up quick. This is for the rest of your life. Do not cut anything out completely that you do not want to live without forever. Good Luck on Your Journey.:flowerforyou:

    " Under eater and over training are 2 common errors made by people who think they should be losing and are not"...i completely agree with that. I dropped 2.5# a week in the first month and then just stopped, so i increased my calories to my base rate for a few days, and when i went back down started losing again. Ive only been at this for a short while so there may have been other factors involved, but ive heard alot about the need for 'cheat days' and how they can keep you from going into the fearful 'starvation-mode'...
  • TakingControl13
    Hey. Im also trying to lose 100 lbs. Ive lost 7 lbs so far. Food has been a challenge. I dont eat a lot but what I do eat isnt really healthy. Youre plate should 20 20 40. Son aiming for that. Ive stopped drinking soda. You need to drink half of your weight (in ounces) to stay hydrated. And just keep moving. Im doing hip hop abs and im getting my heart rate monitor today. Add me if you like.
  • marfar7
    marfar7 Posts: 6 Member
    I lost 104 lbs with the help of the Lapband. About a year ago, my band slipped, causing my dr to take out some of my "fill" - making my restriction much less than it had been. I've gained 21 lbs this past year. Last year, I was within 9 lbs of my goal of 135 - so now I have 30 to go. I know that 100 lbs seems overwhelming - I remember being there. Just take it 10 lbs at a time. Thin to yourself "I need to lose 10 lbs" - then when you get there, reward yourself (a massage, a new outfit, something non-food!) and start with another 10 lbs to lose.

    So now with a less than desirable lapband, I'm having to white-knuckle it. I tried Atkins in Feb (lost 12 lbs only to gain back 10 of those after eating carbs). It just doesn't work for this carb lover. I'm 6 classes away from my BS in Nutrition, so I know "what" to do. It's just doing it. I started this past Monday tracking my calories and I've lost 1 lb this week. Not great, but I'm sure it'll stay off, unlike the Atkins diet. And I'm much less grumpy!!

    Good luck to you! If I can lose 100, you can certainly do it. I've been on every single diet out there. And the Lapband isn't "easy" either. You really have to work at losing. Alot of people fail cuz they can't figure out how to work with their bands. Take care!

  • lself0924
    lself0924 Posts: 113 Member
    Trying to lose a 100 also! Good luck!