Getting through cardio!



  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    Elliptical with some really good fast music while watching Netflix closed caption. :)
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    Zombies, Run! App = <3
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Just like a lot of people suggested.. Insanity (which I'm doing now), Zumba love love love me some Zumba! Love the classes, love the dvds. Turbofire is loads of fun! Jogging with your playlist on yip yip. That's just things I do that keep me interested.
    HJMAYES Posts: 72 Member
    Running 3 miles, zumba, Flexcity Fitness, and Boxing.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Classes work well for me, it gives me that push knowing everyone else is up early getting their workout in. It inspires me to push harder, I think more so than I would on my own. For me a class acts as a commitment where as an at home workout I can wiggle out of. :blushing: :laugh:

    Lots of great ideas shared for at home workouts though if that's what you do!:drinker:

    I agree with an earlier poster that said why do it if it's boring.. find something you really enjoy and maybe don't think of it as exercise but something fun like biking, running, playing sports with friends, volley ball league. Etc. Sometimes not thinking of it as a workout helps a great deal
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Classes are a lot more fun than machines, so the time flies :smile:
  • MissFitee
    MissFitee Posts: 106 Member
    stationary bike - fiddle with my phone, read or study, sort out my workout
    running - the app Zombies, Run! it tells you stories and makes you run from zombies while you're at it

    if I really want something fun i do intervals of some sort(running, jump rope, tabatha etc) doesnt get as boring when it keeps changing
  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    HIIT :)
  • EmAnCiNaS
    EmAnCiNaS Posts: 35 Member
    Jogging/running, good tunes on my ipod and let my mind wander.

    I like to do this too.. the tunes that i use are both slow and fast.. and I like to run following the rythim of the music.. And i sometimes sing to them.. (people driving by my might think i am crazy and that i am talking to my self while jogging) but i like to sing to the song, because it takes my mind away from the thinking of water and wanting to stop in the middle of my run.
  • MamaC77
    MamaC77 Posts: 104 Member
    I am currently doing Rockin Body with Shaun T. I am loving it. But I love dancing. I also love Zumba classes. Running on a treadmill just doesn't work for me. But if its nice outside i'll take my dog out for a jog or walk while listening to some good tunes. Hope you find something to keep you motivated to get through. Good luck!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Jogging is very zen for me - just breathing and moving my feet. I do this once a week. My other two cardio workouts for the week are fast and furious: 15-25 minutes of HIIT training. It's very intense, short and goes by very quickly :) I'm too busy sucking wind to get bored lol.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Tabata, HIIT and vodka.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I do cardio that I enjoy...I do not do cardio that I don't enjoy. For me, pretty much long walks and I go for a 30 minute jog a few times per week.
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    Being outside! You could hike, bike, run. jog, rollerblade, join a parks and rec soccer or baseball team, rock climb, ski, play tag with you kids... It's no longer cardio, it's just having a great day doing something fun and enjoying the view, time with friends or family, the river, the wildlife. I personally enjoy running in the evening along the river. Four miles outside goes by in no time compared to watching the tenths of a mile slowly tick by on the treadmill.. Fifteen minutes feels like an hour at the gym.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I go running and I have a start point and a finish point. I get through it by listening to music and I have a running app that tells me how far I have run and the time I have done it in, which is pretty helpful.
    If I do cardio at home it's a workout DVD and I do pretty high intensity ones so I don't have time to get bored in between dying, haha.
  • Crossett0803
    Crossett0803 Posts: 7 Member
    A woman I go to the gym with has a tough time getting through her cardio. She goes through the machines in a circuit: 5 minutes on the bike, 5 on the treadmill, and 5 on the elliptical. If she goes through that circuit twice she has half an hour of cardio in. She doesn't get bored with it and it goes by quickly for her. For me, I have to have my ipod.
  • Angie52732
    Angie52732 Posts: 66 Member
    If I am on the treadmill or the bike I will take my tablet and watch a movie on netflix. I only get to watch it when i am doing my cardio :). When I am outside I play fitradio on my phone....tons of stations to choose from
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I find cardio boring and useless...however to keep up my cardio health I do HIIT 2x a week for 20 minutes a pop. It isn't easy, but it isn't boring either!!!
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    My gym has individual TVs on most of the cavrdio machines. If I don't get one of those machines, I just listen to my mp3 player... singing along to the songs gets me through it.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    step aerobics, kickboxing, kettlebell circuit classes :) I love classes