Who's running their first marathon this year???



  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I'm hoping to do my first full at Disney World in January (so not quite this year, but almost)!

    I started running last summer and I just did my first half a few weeks ago in 2:00:53! I am also signed up to do another Half in August (and am hoping to break 2 hours on that one). I'm currently running between 25 and 35 miles per week, although last week I went a little crazy and did 43, with a new distance record for me of 14 miles on Sunday!

    Since I'm spending a lot of money to go out to Disney World for my Marathon (hopefully - registration opens next week!), I want to be very prepared (no walking) and definitely would like to do it in under 5, if not 4:30, so I'm looking for any and all advice as well!
  • weiserdb
    weiserdb Posts: 1
    Doing my second marathon 4/28/13 in Oklahoma City. I ran my first one March 9th in Las Vegas called the Red Rock Canyon and I didn't realize it would be so hilly we climbed 3300ft so my time was 4:50 but at least I can say I ran one. I am hoping to run this one in Oklahoma in under 4 hours. I ran a 25K March 2nd in 2:10.19 which is my PB so hoping with a little luck and no cramping I can do it. Good luck to you on yours and have fun..
  • monkeyriley
    monkeyriley Posts: 51 Member
    @Kavery29 -

    I personally, read a lot about what marathon training looks like, what the requirements were and signed up. At that moment I could walk on a treadmill for 40 minutes and I was about 3 weeks into the the beginning to run program by Runner's World. I signed up in early March for an October Marathon.

    Everyone I worked with thought I was going to fail because I was struggling with injury just getting to a 5k (funny, I don't work there anymore, when people suck, they just suck).

    So, I finished the beginning to run program, ran my first 5k in years, kept running using a simple 3/4 days of running for about 4 weeks, got my knees, hips, and legs feeling 200% better and started the 17 week training program (16 + 1 extra just in case), knowing i could run maybe 4 miles when I started.

    The best thing that came from that is that I signed up to run with others for group runs, etc. which added a lot more fun to my training, going from huffing and puffing to have full conversations while running, and learning that not all runs are the same and some just go easier than others.

    Chasing goals is fun! Good luck!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Im running my first Half marathon..does that count? I ran my first full Last year. :)
  • johnnygizmo
    johnnygizmo Posts: 59 Member
    Thinking about the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in St. Louis.
  • kaitlynsmom
    kaitlynsmom Posts: 140 Member
    Running my first half this year. The Seawheeze in Vancouver on Aug 10
  • wfnugent
    wfnugent Posts: 30 Member
    Hamptons Marathon on September 28th. One day before my mom's 69th birthday.

    Running (and MFP and a lot of good support here and at home) has helped me lose thirty pounds. Running a marathon will honor and support her by raising money for the Lustgarten Foundation. She is fighting Stage IV pancreatic cancer and while there is no winning, she is keeping it at bay. If she can (and does) get up every morning and say "I can do this," I can put on a pair of sneakers, train every day, and go 26 miles 385 yards.
  • gooose7
    gooose7 Posts: 7 Member
    This Sunday I'm running my first ever Marathon, I've done a couple of 20 milers recently so I'm quite confident I'll make it, although my ankle is giving me some grief, I would love to start he race injury free , fingers crossed !!! Good luck to all of you fellow Runners !!