My 100mile Challenge



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Wtg all!!! You are all doing fantastic!!

    With this weekend being a US holiday, I know it will be hard for many (myself included) to eat healthy, let alone walk. So I plan on increasing my walks today, Thursday, and Fri AND increase my water intake all weekend long to help flush out some of the sodium.

    If I can late Sat or early Sun, I'll have my stats posted. Enjoy the rest of your week and have a very happy, safe, and healthy 4th of July! XoxoxoX Bru
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Before or after your workouts, consider jumping up and down for a few minutes. The activity may improve your performance, according to a study done at the University of Texas at Tyler.
    After six weeks, the runners who did the plyometrics improved their running economy (the amount of oxygen you use when you run) by 4 percent. That means they used less oxygen to run the same speed, making running feel easier. That's good news, because even a small improvement in running economy can mean big improvements in running performance.
    Here are three of the exercises the runners did. Before you do any of them, warm up by jumping lightly up and down 10 times with your feet close to the ground. After doing these exercises, your legs may be a little sore at first. That's fine. It means the exercises are working.

    1. Bend your knees as much as you need to and then immediately jump as high as you can five to 15 times, taking a short break between jumps.
    2. Bend one leg as much as possible, then jump as high as you can off of that leg. Land on both feet. Do this five to 10 times on each side, taking a short break after each jump.
    3. Jump in a spring-like fashion about 6 to 8 inches off the ground 15 to 30 times without taking a break between jumps.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm not going to report my whole post, but check out my thread:
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    I've not walked as much as I want too this week. Been busy with the kiddo's but did walk around WalMart (not shopping, it was intentional!) and put in another 1.5 miles. I got a few strange stares but who cares??? I did my walk and THEN I shopped but did not count those steps. Started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Crunch this morning and it was a really awesome work out. I did a few modifications for my exercise level but for the most part completed it with no problems.

    Bru, I think it is great about your shirt. Don't let the idiots steal your victory girl! :)
  • NWgardener
    NWgardener Posts: 28
    Haven't walked as much as I've liked, but here is the latest tally. Only a quarter of the way there. Probably need to change my ticker to a turtle!

    WAY TO GO to the rest of the group!

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hey all - thought I'd report my progress... it's been a not-so-great week because I came down with an ear infection and strep-throat. Spent Tues-Thurs feeling crappy then dragged my but to the dr. on Friday. The meds are working great and I'm feeling about 75% back to normal. Should be 100% by Monday. Hope to make up for this week's relative inactivity by pushing a bit next week.

    Started challenge: 6/26 -- Miles already reported: 5.3

    This week:
    Monday 6/28 - 1.7 miles
    Saturday 7/3 - 1.7 miles

    Total: 8.7 miles down, 91.3 to go
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    I am starting late but want in. Now if I could just figure out how to make my ticker move
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hope you get better quick. Glad to see I still have people in this challenge :)

    Here's this weeks progress:

    I screwed up my tracking somewhere, so here's my correct numbers...

    Here's my miles walked each week with my running total 75.24
    Week 6/8 -6/12 13.89
    Week 6/13- 6/19 22.82
    Week 6/20-6/26 16.96
    Week 6/27-7/3 21.57
    Week 7/4-7/10
    Week 7/11-7/17
    Week 7/18-7/24
    Week 7/25-7/31
    Week 8/1-8/7
    Week 8/8-8/14
    Week 8/15-8/8/21
    Week 8/22-8/28
    Week 8/29-9/4
    Week 9/5-9/8

    Edited : To make your ticker move, you have to update make sure you make up a pin and bookmark that page so you can update it. Then put the new link in your signature :) That's it!!
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    just trying to see if ticker is working
  • sammsamm17
    So i have been slacking on the walking because of vacation and everything that has been hitting me all at once so this is what I have done so far.. Man I need to get on this.. I am so determined once I return from vacation on tuesday!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Good morning :smile:

    Thank you BrunetteWife for staring this challenge..:flowerforyou: I hit my 100 mile mark yesterday, using my pedometer. It made me realize how much I really do walk .. :smile: It's the little things (strides) that you choose to do that makes the HUGE difference, to help get you closer to your goals!

    :drinker: Cheers your ALL doing wonderful! :drinker:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    :drinker: WTG Callie!!!! Congrats!! :drinker: I'm glad to see a completion!!! I've amped mine to 200, so far so good.
    I do start week6 of Couch to 5k this week and that means longer jogging is in my near future :noway: I've NEVER been a runner (just ask my p.e. teacher in grade school, didn't have to in highschool, thank goodness!)

    Keep up the great work all. Make sure you stretch, drink plenty of water, and rest up too!!! "see ya around the block" :heart: Bru
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Thanks Bru :smile:

    Your doing GREAT!

    Best of Luck w/ your Couch- 5k... I bet you'll get addicted to that runners high!!! :heart:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, my laptop battery charger died on me, so I am doing everything by phone for now. Just thought i'd give a heads up because my ticker won't be moving and I may not be able to track my miles anyway til I get a charger.

    I hope you all are doing ok and aren't in too much heat. Remember to pace yourself,drink water (somedays you'll drink much more than others) and stretch before and after, especially if you a feeling stiff. Days of rest are good too!! I think today will be a dancing day since I can't track anything and it looks like rain. Have a great week all and "I'll see ya around the block!"

  • mddomain
    mddomain Posts: 34 Member
    Well, I've been AWOL for awhile. Treadmill died, again, and I've just been really busy. I did manage to get in a few miles since my last post. I've added 5 miles to my ticker. Headed to the gym when hubby gets home to get in a few more.

    BrunetteWife, thanks for the info on that study from UT Tyler (my alma mater - Go Patriots!). I will definitely try the plyometric exercises you shared. Anything that makes running seem easier seems like a good deal to me!
  • mddomain
    mddomain Posts: 34 Member
    Just got home from the gym, where I got in another 2.5 miles. :flowerforyou: I'm up to 14.75 now. With it being so hot outside, it's going to be tough to get the miles in except on the treadmill, and I'll have to wait until hubby gets home to watch daughter, but I will get it done.

    I have been following a beginner's running program that I got from a friend, and I was doing it just fine, but the workouts were 45-60 minutes in length, and I don't always have that long at once since I can't use my treadmill at home, just at the gym where time is limited. I noticed today that the program I was using was a 10K program, so I decided to switch to a 5K program and see how that goes. Tonight I used the Couch to 5K app on my iPhone, and it is pretty cool. Since I've already been running 2 minute intervals, I started at Week 2, and it was just enough of a challenge. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to do it again!

    Glad to see we are all still plugging along and some have even increased their goal mileage! :drinker: Nice work everyone!
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    So I have been terrible about keeping up with this and have only walked 10 miles since the last sign in. I hurt my knee doing the JM30DS so had to scale back on some things. Hoping things start feeling better in the next day or so. It has also been brutally hot here so walking in this heat wasn't something I wanted to do anyway! Great job everyone!! I love seeing the miles add up!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hope you all are doing well! It's late, and I'm a bit it's short and sweet tonight.
    Here's my miles walked each week with my running total 92.71
    Week 6/8 -6/12 13.89
    Week 6/13- 6/19 22.82
    Week 6/20-6/26 16.96
    Week 6/27-7/3 21.57
    Week 7/4-7/10 17.47
    Week 7/11-7/17
    Week 7/18-7/24
    Week 7/25-7/31
    Week 8/1-8/7
    Week 8/8-8/14
    Week 8/15-8/8/21
    Week 8/22-8/28
    Week 8/29-9/4
    Week 9/5-9/8

    See ya all around the block! Bru
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hope you all are doing well and not getting overheated. It's really humid here, thus I haven't moved my ticker very much. I'm headed out of town tomorrow afternoon and won't be home til Sunday evening, so I'll post my stats tomorrow before I head to the Ozarks. Enjot your weekend all!! Bru
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    8Weeks left til this challenge is over, do I have anyone left still doing the challenge? *Sings* "Allll byyyy myyyyselllffff"

    LOL, anyway, with eight weeks to go, my average per week is almost 12miles til the end.

    Here's my miles walked each week with my running total 109.18
    Week 6/8 -6/12 13.89
    Week 6/13- 6/19 22.82
    Week 6/20-6/26 16.96
    Week 6/27-7/3 21.57
    Week 7/4-7/10 17.47
    Week 7/11-7/17 16.47 (short 1.5days due to mini vacation out of town)
    Week 7/18-7/24
    Week 7/25-7/31
    Week 8/1-8/7
    Week 8/8-8/14
    Week 8/15-8/8/21
    Week 8/22-8/28
    Week 8/29-9/4
    Week 9/5-9/8
    Started at 100miles 6/8/2010, bumped to 200miles 6/25/2010