Zombie Run App



  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    You all have me convinced, I'm going to download this today ;)
  • tariana
    tariana Posts: 4 Member
    I am using the 5K. As I was a sedentary, some people recommended me to start with the 5k. By what those people told me, the regular app has no much of coaching as the 5k, it is more about getting supplies and completing mission. The 5k however gives more orientation. The story is about you being prepared to become a runner. You will not have to get supplies (sometimes you do, but they won't even show when you access the website).

    The first week is lighter and you have Sam to orient you. From the 2nd on you'll have the doctor to tell you how and when to run. You won't be running for more than 3 minutes without hearing someone from the base. Usually the doctor saying things like: "you are doing great, 2 more minutes"

    The 2nd week starts with 10min walk, 10 min walking and running (15s of run) and the 10 last minutes for free-form run.
    On the 3rd week you will start with 5min walk, 5min run, 10min walk and run, 2 min stretching and 8 min free-form run.
    And I'll stop by here, because I'm still at week 3.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    It also works with winamp. I have a droid, so I loaded a playlist (zombie music heavy, of course) with that and it plays fine. The voice acting can be atrocious, but the story is fun and nothing is as motivating for a short sprint in the midst of a run as a horde of zombies behind you (and those little buggers can apparently book based on how fast they chase me).
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    It's a great app. I found the easiest way to deal with it was to put my iphone on airplane mode - I don't like getting messages when I'm at the gym, so it's the quickest fix for me.

    I've started on the treadmill with the 5K and then I'll move outside later in the year when I can jog for more than 15 seconds at a time :)

    And the second season is out very soon.

    Actually, I'm just off to go and do a training mission now.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have both the regular app and the 5k training. It makes running much more fun than just listening to music.

    The original app assumes you already run. But you can also walk and either walk faster or do a light run during the zombie chases. It has a story line that builds throughout the missions.

    The 5k app is for beginners. I'm not a beginner, but I've been using it to make running in winter weather more tolerable. I'm in week 7 now. There's also a story line.
  • I've been using the app for my walks and it is a lot of fun. I like the stories/missions and gathering things along the way to help build the town.

    Even though it is premised around running, it does not really seem to matter if you are doing something other than running. I use it for walking, but I bet you could also use it for biking or hiking. I don't turn on zombie chases though as a walker. Maybe when I have gotten a little fitter, I can start using it for a run :-) In the meantime, it makes walks more interesting.
  • SMrickC
    SMrickC Posts: 6 Member
    Love Zombies Run however, it does not integrate with MyFitnessPal like Endomondo does. I am using the 5K training run and am on week 2 Workout 3. Have been repeating it several times since I feel I am not ready to move on to Week 3..

    For past couple jogs have been using Endomondo. Hope they integrate Zombies Run to MyFitnessPal.

  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I love it because its funny and easy:)
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    I'm now a fellow Zombie Run user! Completed the first mission today and I can tell it will be very motivating for me to work out regularly.

    I learned that the update is coming out in mid-April so I'm psyched! 60 missions total - 7 to start off with, then every week after that, they will release 3 new stories. They will also allow you to buy a Season Pass if you can't wait ;)
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    Love Zombies Run however, it does not integrate with MyFitnessPal like Endomondo does. I am using the 5K training run and am on week 2 Workout 3. Have been repeating it several times since I feel I am not ready to move on to Week 3..

    For past couple jogs have been using Endomondo. Hope they integrate Zombies Run to MyFitnessPal.


    You should be able to just use Zombies, Run! and Endomondo at the same time. I've done that with Digifit and RunMeter.
  • SMrickC
    SMrickC Posts: 6 Member
    Love Zombies Run however, it does not integrate with MyFitnessPal like Endomondo does. I am using the 5K training run and am on week 2 Workout 3. Have been repeating it several times since I feel I am not ready to move on to Week 3..

    For past couple jogs have been using Endomondo. Hope they integrate Zombies Run to MyFitnessPal.


    You should be able to just use Zombies, Run! and Endomondo at the same time. I've done that with Digifit and RunMeter.

    @jasonheyd Thank you, both work fine together on my Droid X...
  • FitAtFortyFour
    FitAtFortyFour Posts: 10 Member
    Can someone who has done/is doing the Zombies, Run! 5K training program post the workouts by week?
    I don't want the mission spoilers but it would be really nice to know what the upcoming exercises are going to be.

    I've done Couch to 5k in the past and see that this training program is different so trying to figure that out.

    The company that designed the 5k program that the app training is based on, Up and Running, has e-course that cost 49 pounds. Jeesh.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

    I just completed week one. Super excited to start week two on Sunday.
  • Boxykins
    Boxykins Posts: 7 Member
    Yes. I really hope they do so too. I have a windows phone, and for some reaon they didn't want to invest more time in developing the app for that platform- so on my runs they don't track GPS and speed accurately. I'd like to add those runs to Endomundo and MyFitnessPal but for now I just have to manually input the data (which make me feel like I'm cheating...)