New and in need of some motivated friends

hello everyone =) my name is Jessica I have had this app for, awhile but honestly don't really use it well all of that is about to change.i am extremely motivated at living a healthy positive life and loosing the weight to help with my health, self confidence, and most important my personal happiness.Unfortunately I have no friends on myfitnespal yet.i am looking for positive people who I can go on this weight loss journey with please add me :)


  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Welcome to MFP...good luck on your goals.
  • kazoo94
    kazoo94 Posts: 3
    hi jessica dont know your story but assume you wanna be healthy i have been on myfitnesspal for a few months & love it i dont chat at all because i dont wanna deal with all " studs etc" but i hope you have good luck & if you want i can tell you why this site works for me good luck
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Welcome to MFP Jess :)
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    hey i'm emily, been on n off this site a while but i now have my coach n a mate on here which helps loads so i'm adding you if thats ok? more the merrier is how i see it lol
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    feel free to add me ...there are great people on this site with a lot of knowledge...
  • Hello, Jessica.....I joined about a month ago and have had really been excited about how much this has been able to to help me make healthier choices with my food and also exercising. I think we all need all the support we can get. :happy:
  • Hey jess im n the same boat as u im looking for friends. I just started this app its been a couple days now and I have been making better eating choices and I been drinking a lot more water :)
  • Shani_Shoo
    Shani_Shoo Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Jessica, welcome to my fitness pal and good luck on your journey. I will send a request through. I post everyday and love this site and all my friends.
  • Just sent a request. :)

    I think this is a great site for checking in and celebrating success together. I don't post often but I do regularly update my stats. I like signing in and seeing how my friends are doing, and love when people post encouragement for me. Here's to all of us achieveing our goals.

    Others posting are welcome to send a friend request to me, too!
  • wagsie
    wagsie Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Jessica, My name is Julie, I have sent you a friend request too, been on here just under a year, I've lost just over 30 lbs now, so something seems to be working, I log in every day and try to leave comments where I can to encourage people, it's great to get them back also, it helps to kno other are going through the same things or just to be congratulated for doing well. Hope you do really well on this healthy road you are starting :)

    Any one else who wants to add me please do, you can never have enough friends!
  • jmarchany87
    jmarchany87 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for the adds and positive comments I am feeling really motivated:(
  • Sharonsja
    Sharonsja Posts: 7 Member
    I have also had the app for a while and have been on it for the past week. Would love to add you. I also need all the motivation I can get. What I love about being involved in the community is that there is always someone to give advice you r not alone
  • EniBee
    EniBee Posts: 274 Member
    Hi, i've been using this app on and off a year now and it really did help me watch my food intake and weight. When I stopped using it, my weight crept up! So, I am back and in need of good motivational friend!!!! Please!!!

    Had a bad day yesterday, towards the evening, I had my neigbhour come round for a chat and we were talking about the calorific value of nuts and peanut butter- which we checked up on myfittnesspal. well, when she left, I went in search of nuts and found some and ate quite a bit! So, I have temporarily fallen off the wagon.
  • stephaniethomas80
    stephaniethomas80 Posts: 190 Member
    New friends are always welcome feel free to add me as well :)
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    I lost 17 lbs in 5 weeks, this app is great. I don't add people as I dont want another facebook here. I am very motivated. This app is great, scanning products, all foods in the world I guess are here, so easy to eat healthy! Stay focused and good luck:)