I really need help getting started?

Okay I am at my peak weight which is 290 pounds. Last year I had lost weight from 280 and only weighed 240. Then I got a job a sonic and gained all of it plus more back. Well last year I had lived with my sister and she really motivated me and did it with me. I never ate out or had junk food or soda and did the treadmill about 2 or 3 hours a day. Well now i live with my mom and i have ate out about 2 times a day plus junk food and tons of soda. I just dont have motivation now to get started again. I'm 17 and I dont have a set schedule at work. Im better at eating a strict diet menu and exercise plan. Well right now i have a sprained ankle and cant really do the treadmill. Please help me. What do I do? I really need to lose weight. I feel ugly. Even when I was at 240 I felt so much better. I just don't know how to get back there....


  • hirra_akhtar
    You know that expression, "Out of sight, out of mind"? Personally, I've found that just keeping my long-term goal in mind isn't as helpful as seeing it. At first, I started following a fitness blog on tumblr and seeing pictures of fit, healthy people who have the body I want was SUPER motivating. So I created a "wall of motivation" in my bedroom and it's basically pictures of healthy people, inspirational quotes that help get me off my butt, and even healthy food, as well as a personal progress chart. I even made the lock screen on my ipod an inspirational picture! Another thing I did was change my mindset so that failure is literally not an option. Even on my worst days, when I've binged and I haven't had time to exercise, the thought of quitting is ludicrous to me. Remember, if you give yourself the option, that little part of your mind that wants to give in will keep nudging you until you do. Also, like you said, it's easier when you have a strict plan. Plan out not only what you're going to eat, but your whole day! Obviously, you'll have to keep it loose as it varies from day to day, but try to stick with it as best as you can. It'll make you feel so much more organized and consistent. And instead of eating the Sonic food, bring your own lunch and make sure it's something healthy but filling so you won't want any of that junk! As for your sprained ankle, I don't know of a ton of exercises you can do with that, maybe just focus on strength training until it's healed? And above all, don't worry! You'll get there!
  • Kingacat
    Kingacat Posts: 33
    Have you considered a personal trainer to support you? My husband was trying to convince me for ages to have 6 weeks with a trainer from our work gym. I kept saying no because I thought he would humiliate me and think I was fat. I finally said yes after discussing my fears with the trainer. I have done 4 sessions so far and it's been the BEST decision ever. He supports, motivates and pushes me to work the best I can for me. I feel so much motivated now. I can feel the effects already. I have loads more energy which is increasing my motivation. I've joined up for some classes and also started running again. I can even run on the treadmill which I've never done before. That was a great session!
    The trainer will be able to design a specialised plan that's right for you. I know it can be expensive but it's a great investment to start you off. Best of luck
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Simply make your food the night before and stick to what you make.
    Learn how and when to eat.
    Lift weights 3-4x a week.
    walk as much as possible.
    Sleep 6-9 hours a night.

    Rinse and repeat.

    PM any Qs.
  • kellywitcher13
    I still don't know what to do. What do I eat? Specifically.
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    We can't really make a meal plan for you, eat things you like - just in moderation.
    Make protein a priority, many of us overlook it and wonder why we're tired after working out because we eat just carbs instead.
    Drink lots of water.
    Don't be fooled by labels. Just because the chocolate bar says 'organic' - it's still a damn chocolate bar.
    Eat more vegetables, they're low in calories and can fill you up as much as junk food.
    Eat nuts and seeds.

    Just find what works for you. :flowerforyou:
  • kellywitcher13
    How do I avoid the temptations at work? i was trying to be good today but i ended up eating 2000 extra calories......
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    Idk how much this will help, but for me exercising makes me control my diet. I mildly despise working out so I would t want to ruin the burn I tortured myself with. Plus, it's easier not to binge when you're happy.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    How do I avoid the temptations at work? i was trying to be good today but i ended up eating 2000 extra calories......

    I work at a grocery store and find that if I bring my lunch with me I actually eat that instead of buying fried deli foods or chocolate bars.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have found that in any kind of change, I need CONCRETE goals and guidelines.

    "I will spend less money" didn't work. "I will stop buying expensive coffee on the way to work." DID work.
    "We will spend less eating out" was a failure. "We can go out for fast lunch once a week and a sit-down dinner every two weeks" was a guideline we both understood.

    Same with health changes. "I will get in shape." What does that MEAN? "I will eat better" Better HOW?

    I picked three areas to improve: Sleep, my diet, and my activity.

    I made a clear, simple, attainable goal for each one:
    1) I will be in bed each night by 11:15 to get a full night's sleep.
    2) I will track everything I eat in MFP for two weeks to see where my eating is going astray
    3) I will walk at least 30 minutes every workday, either by walking to a farther bus stop in the morning or by going out to walk on my lunch hour.

    Those three things are concrete, specific, and attainable. It's much harder to blow those off than "I will get more sleep." or "I'm going to exercise more." "Exercise more" becomes "Well, I walked up the stairs this morning." But "Walk 30 minutes daily" is something you can't rationalize away.

    After I'd done the tracking for awhile, I found I was already meeting my MFP calorie goal, simply because I could see the food as it added up over the day and I'd realize that an after-dinner handful of peanuts was going to make a big difference in my day's calorie count. So that goal changed to "track everything in MFP and stay below my goal."

    Get a calendar for your fridge or an app for your phone that tracks habits. There are a lot of really inexpensive options. Every day, you mark whether you met your goal or not. You can see streaks of "doing it right!" adding up, which make it easier to keep going.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I still don't know what to do. What do I eat? Specifically.
