Not loosing weight due to my period?

Hi guys! I was wondering about something, I've been eating very healthy and exercising, but for the past 3 days my weight hasn't budged. I was wondering if this could be due to the fact that my period started a couple days ago? Just wodering because I feel like I'm working hard but not seeing any results. :)


  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    I haven't been tracking here for long, but I did notice that when I had my TOM, I not only stopped losing weight, I gained some!

    Likely you're not gaining fat at all (unless you're eating a ton of junk food right now); it's water retention. Keep eating healthy and exercising and it will vanish by the end of your TOM and may even take some of your weight with it. (I know I dropped about two pounds a day or two after TOM ended).

    Sucks being a woman sometimes, doncha think? :)
  • fidgety513
    That will DEFINATELY effect your weight.. You may not see any results for a few days AFTER your cycle ends even. Unfortunately that's yet another downside to having a period! just keep working and it will come off! I personally slacked off for my cycle last month and GAINED weight back... so now its like I have to take 2 steps back in order to move forward again...

    Best of Luck!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Sadly it's true I always gain 3-5 lbs during the first 3 days of my period but I lose it about a day after it ends. Hang in there and keep working hard! :-)
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    What I hate is my chocolate cravings during that TOM. I want it sooooo bad!!! I have a hard time not giving in. A little bit just makes me want more!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Never never never step on your scale a few days before or the first few days of your period. Never.

    Why? You can fluctuate a few pounds just from a regular morning to regular evening. Pms can give you another five pounds of bloating and water retention, just cuz. Then pms cravings hit you and suddenly you're lurching after people, begging for theory snacks like a pseudo-zombie, and if you had it on good authority that their brains were made of chocolate covered pretzels, you'd be smashing open their skulls with the nearest blunt object without a second thought.

  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    My weight fluctuated 5 to 10 pounds through the month, with the lowest right after TOM. Start weighing yourself once a month or accept that water retention will affect your weight.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    It could have something to do with TTOM. Hormones definitely contribute to weight fluctuations. Three days is hardly anything to worry or fret about. Crazy as it may sound our body weight can and does fluctuate up or down between 0-10, YES, 10 pounds in a few days. Its based on food choices, sleep, stress, metabolism, activity level and hormones. Relax... It isnt all about the number on the scale!
  • vkw1
    vkw1 Posts: 88
    its getting worse for me.I am having TOM either every 2 weeks or 6 weekly so I lose around 1.5kg one week then nothing the next or put on a bit.I am about to go for a walk to compensate for the wine I will drink later:drinker: Had a bad week with TOM and headches so that's what I will do...Good luck to all the ladies with TOM
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I have not weighed myself in a few weeks but I could tell I was losing weight from the feel of my clothes. I haven't been particularly hungry either. Yesterday I had my period and was feeling fluish so I was eating all the time. I might have gone 100/200 calories over my allowance (as I was eating out it was hard to tell) but didn't go overboard either. Today I feel like I have gained 8 pounds or something. Not weighed myself but my jeans feel so tight.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    I get very bloated and keep my water weight instead of losing during TOM - I try to cut way back on sodium to even it out :)
  • Luminr1
    Luminr1 Posts: 10 Member
    :laugh: this made me crack up!!
    Never never never step on your scale a few days before or the first few days of your period. Never.

    Why? You can fluctuate a few pounds just from a regular morning to regular evening. Pms can give you another five pounds of bloating and water retention, just cuz. Then pms cravings hit you and suddenly you're lurching after people, begging for theory snacks like a pseudo-zombie, and if you had it on good authority that their brains were made of chocolate covered pretzels, you'd be smashing open their skulls with the nearest blunt object without a second thought.

  • Luminr1
    Luminr1 Posts: 10 Member
    I can gain up to 2kg before and during my period! It's awful! I wait now until 3 days after to weigh again :)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I like weighing during my period.. had I not last month, I wouldn't have known I actually lost weight before, during and after. Not for the faint of heart though...

    You will likely gain before your period and you will not lose that weight until the day following the last day of your period.
  • SugarPlumPixie
    SugarPlumPixie Posts: 7 Member
    I often gain up to 2kg (4lbs) but since I started taking Magnesium (helps with the pain) my weight doesn't go up as much.
  • kkaci5
    kkaci5 Posts: 59 Member
    Just wait until after it's done -- then there's a good drop. BTW for those fighting chocolate cravings -- supplement with magnesium instead -- chocolate is a decent sort of magnesium and that's often why we crave it (I wish I'd known this through my pregnancies!!)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Just wait until after it's done -- then there's a good drop. BTW for those fighting chocolate cravings -- supplement with magnesium instead -- chocolate is a decent sort of magnesium and that's often why we crave it (I wish I'd known this through my pregnancies!!)

    Holy heck, really? It's my TOM now and I nearly ate all the kids easter eggs yesterday!!

    My weight goes up when I ovulate and in the week before my period. Now that I'm thinner, you can notice the bloating become much more obvious - it sucks! I weigh when my peiod finishes.... otherwise I'm just depressed, lol
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Hi guys! I was wondering about something, I've been eating very healthy and exercising, but for the past 3 days my weight hasn't budged. I was wondering if this could be due to the fact that my period started a couple days ago? Just wodering because I feel like I'm working hard but not seeing any results. :)

    You will feel bloated and retain water... My advice, stay away from salty foods..keep exercising. Do everything what you would do "normal" a few days... those extra pounds will cease.

    Good Luck!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Did no one else learn about this stuff in middle school health class???

    For most women a period causes water retention and often constipation. It's NORMAL.
  • S_Arr_Uh
    S_Arr_Uh Posts: 77 Member
    TOM aside, very rarely will you see a difference in 3 days. The only time I see a difference in 3 days will be the 3 days before my weekly weigh in. And sometimes that doesn't even show up till the MOMENT that I use the scale.
  • LdByron10
    LdByron10 Posts: 4 Member
    Wading int o a mine field here, and I know it. My recommendation is to hit the scales one day a week. Especially during TOM because daily will drive you crazy. Track your food. Make yourself accountable for this. Track your exercise. Trust the program to work. You can't cheat the records and skip the liquid calories or say it is a half a cup of something when it is really 3/4 and have this work but I am down 22 pounds in 68 days and It works. Once a week on the scales and know your may go up every now and again but time over time The line is going left to right in a declining motion.