LADIES-Novasure (endometrial ablation)?? Anyone??



  • Oh2BeMaintaining
    Oh2BeMaintaining Posts: 188 Member
    I had a hysterectomy, and I am a nurse, worked in OB/GYN, use to assist the docs with Novasure procedure...seemed painful per my patients, but nothing but amazing results reported afterwards.

    I had my ablation in a same day surgery center 4 years ago, it was the single best thing I ever did for myself. I had very heavy bleeding for years and it was getting worse. I was a little nervous about general anesthesia and the reviews online are terrible but I trusted my doctor and I needed relief. The day of surgey we went in and I can say the worst thing was the IV and waking up with the worst cotton mouth I have ever, ever had! Once I was awake enough to go home my husband helped me into the car and I spent the rest of the afternoon drifting in and out of sleep, between the anesthesia and the pain meds there was no way I could stay awake. I do remember as I drifted in and out that the cramping was pretty intense but it is a pretty foggy memory because I was never awake long than 30 -- 60 seconds and I would drift back. By the next day I was fine, awake and by mid day I didnt need the pain meds any longer. I didn't have a period for the first year and for the last 3 years it's been very light ( panty liner) and it only lasts a day or two.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I did the ablation. No you don' t have to be put under. If your doctor does it that way, just find another OB who does it while you're awake. It's fairly painful but the worst of it only lasts for about 5 minutes. My doctor was wonderful about helping distract me through it. I have had three children all without drugs at all and the ablation was like early labor........but not as bad as hard labor.

    I didn't have a period for a few months, then it came back and it was SUPER light. It's been three years and now my period is about 1 day of semi-heavy and two days of super light and it's done. Before it was 7 days at least of EXTREMELY heavy and I became anemic as well. It was TOTALLY WORTH the few minutes of discomfort to do it.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I really recommend Implanon. Its also a stick in your arm. I felt it for about a week after, but now I don't feel it at all. It stays in for three years. I'm actually really happy that it stopped my period completely!
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    ABOUT TO PM U :)
    I did the ablation. No you don' t have to be put under. If your doctor does it that way, just find another OB who does it while you're awake. It's fairly painful but the worst of it only lasts for about 5 minutes. My doctor was wonderful about helping distract me through it. I have had three children all without drugs at all and the ablation was like early labor........but not as bad as hard labor.

    I didn't have a period for a few months, then it came back and it was SUPER light. It's been three years and now my period is about 1 day of semi-heavy and two days of super light and it's done. Before it was 7 days at least of EXTREMELY heavy and I became anemic as well. It was TOTALLY WORTH the few minutes of discomfort to do it.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    So the Novasure is only good for 5 years?

    I think it depends on the person, I have a couple of friends who had it done as well, one of them hasnt had a period since it was done 4 years ago, another had light spotting for about a year and started back with heavy periods again. Like I said, mine were good for about 3 years, very very light, only needed a pantyliner on my heaviest day, not anymore though. Another thing it did not help with was PMS, still got bloated, still moody, still got very tender breasts, it only corrected the bleeding for a while. Its definitely a lot easier than getting a hysterectomy, you could always do it first and see how it works for you.
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I had Thermachoice done in the office about a year and a half ago. The procedure was somewhat uncomfortable 8 minutes of intense cramping. I had horrible nausea/vomiting with about 6 hours of SEVERE cramping afterward. After that all has beeen good. Very light periods with no cramping. I am a recovery room nurse and saw my MD at work before my follow up office visit. After my feedback he has supposedly changed his protocol to help with cramping and nausea.
  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    I had Novasure under general anesthesia and the worst part was cramping upon waking from the procedure. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Since having it done I have had very light periods but still have PMS. It was a very good choice for me.
  • I had Novasure done several years ago. I was not put under just given a valium. It was quite painful and the cramping is worse than labor but that only lasted for 2 days. I had very heavy periods before and now mine are very light and last only 3-4 days instead of 10. It was a great choice, I just wish I knew the amount of pain the procedure would cause. Best of luck to you.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I had a endometrial ablation...the surgery was fine I recovered very quickly...but it didnt help with my cycle at all...I was recommended to have it done a second this stage I havent tho.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Novasure Jan 2010.. only light spotting one day per cycle. . .LIGHT!!! LOVE IT!!! Be forewarned, the scar tissue can cause monthly cramping to be amplified. It's not the right choice for everyone, but I'm super happy with it!
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    i had ablasion done last year and it failed! not only do i still get my period every month, it's messed it up i spot anywhere from 5days to 2 weeks.. i was told afterwards that there is 5% of women it wont work on and if your overweight the hormones in your body will regrow the lining. with in the next 2 yrs depending how long i can hold it off i'll be getting a hysterectomy..
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    I had a "failed" attempt at ablation in the doctor's office in August - they ended up not doing the procedure. It was not a good experience. However, I had it done under general anesthesia at the hospital just a few days ago and it went well. It was a very short procedure, I woke up feeling good and took 3 Aleve the day of surgery, 2 the day after, and nothing after that. Very little pain involved at all - basically a little cramping and that's it. Of course, I have no idea what result I will have yet, but I guess I'm just saying, don't be scared. It was very minor (for me anyway) and I was home by noon (even after being put under).
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Commenting again on this since I just had my second cycle since having my ablation done. Very, very light spotting. Still crabby and tender breasts as you would normally get but the bleeding.....TOTAL transformation so far! I am SO glad I did it!
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Worked for a year. Much lighter now tho.
  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    I had it done 2+ years ago, and haven't had any bleeding since. Mild cramping, and PMS moodiness and bloating, but nothing more than a little brown spotting every now and then. I had horrible flooding and cramping prior, and it was the best decision ever! I did go under, but it was with a local, and was told that not everyone falls asleep, they just "relax." It did hurt for 2 day or so after, worse on the first day...nothing a few Percocets couldn't take care of! Find a doctor that can do it in a way that you feel safe with, it really is worth it!
  • I had the novasure done yesterday. I decided to have it because of heavy periods and 2 of my friends have had great success. I had it done in my doctors office. I was not put under, just some drugs to relax me. I DO NOT recommend having this procedure done awake. It was extremely painful! I hope it was worth it, only time will tell.

  • miacari
    miacari Posts: 1 Member
    I was recently thinking about how glad I was that I had the Novasure procedure done, which made me think I need to post some positive reviews out there. I was one of those who did a lot of research and was truly terrified after all the negative reviews, but was also reminded that most people who have a good experience never bother to tell the world (at least not all the world they don't know). I had it done last September. I had the Essure procedure done a few months before. Essure was slightly more painful recovery time, making Novasure a walk in the park for me. And I haven't had a period since (it's now July). Couldn't be happier that I did it!
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I am at home recovering from a tubal and ablation. I know this is the best decision I could have made.
  • tammi_t
    tammi_t Posts: 20
    OMG...I had the ablation about 3 years ago and I no longer have a cycle---THANK GOODNESS--OH HAPPY DAY!!! I used to have the worst cycles. I had to plan my life around my cycles they were so bad. If you're able to have the procedure done (and you no longer want to have children), I'd say go for it. I'm not on hormones, but I do take OTC Lydia Pinkham (liquid) to help with the sudden hot flashes. I wish you the best with your decision.
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    I had it done in November 2011. Worked fabulously. No period at all.

    My friend had it done after having a D & C. Didn't work at all for her. She ended up with a complete hyst. Her family has 9 cases of ovarian cancer in the last 3 generations, so it was probably the best move for her anyway.

    PM me, if you like.