Weight won't budge



  • qdvalerie61
    I have the same thing happening; very frustrating
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    My problem is eating 1200 calories per day. I can't even reach the 1000 per day. I'm just not a big eater.

    From your profile you have nearly 60lbs to lose so I honestly think you're kidding yourself when you say that you can't reach 1,000 calories a day because if that was truly the case you wouldn't be nearly 60lbs overweight in the first place. It sounds more like you've got yourself into the mind frame that the fewer calories you eat the better....and that's not really the case.
  • kmcosgrove115
    kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member
  • JenniferMary_9169
  • PopsGils
    PopsGils Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for replying all you guys! Diary is now open... don't judge me! Prior to the past few weeks I was on roughly 1300 - 1600 cals a day and havn't lost any weight either which is why I started to have 1200.. or thereabouts.. just confused. I walk the dog but havent been gymming since december and even when i did gym 3 times a week that didn't make any difference to my weight.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Did you log when you were on 1300-1600 cals a day as there is nothing before 24th March at 1200 cals a day.

    I suggest working out your TDEE - see previous links, eating TDEE - 20% for FOUR weeks and then reassessing. Log everything everyday and hit your macros and cal targets.

    Then reassess and see how you feel.
  • Caligali1
    If you aren't eating enough, your body will stay in starvation mode and hold on to fat to keep alive. You body had to know that food is coming in regularly so that it will burn unwanted fat and shed weight. Also, your body could be bored with the workouts that you are doing. I know after I turned 32, by body changed and I had to figure out how to workout all over again because what my body used to respond to, didn't work anymore. My body got bored after a week and literally no matter how long I biked or did the treadmill, by body did not care...it was bored! I just started the INSANITY DVD's on April 1, and my body is loving it.Try a change in your workout routine, do something different everyday instead of the same machines, increase intensity too.
  • PopsGils
    PopsGils Posts: 68 Member
    Nope the last time I logged was last year before the past few weeks. TDEE is confusing! i thought bmr and rmr were hard enough! A few years ago i dieted quite hectically and went down to 112 but gained it mostly all back as soon as i started eating normally again. But that was back in 2010 so my body should be working normally again now but it is just not!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    PM me your age, weight, height, goal weigh and I'll work it out for you :flowerforyou:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Nope the last time I logged was last year before the past few weeks. TDEE is confusing! i thought bmr and rmr were hard enough! A few years ago i dieted quite hectically and went down to 112 but gained it mostly all back as soon as i started eating normally again. But that was back in 2010 so my body should be working normally again now but it is just not!

    You really, really need to log and be as accurate as possible. Weigh your food. I know it can be tedious, but it really helps identify any tweaks you need to make.

    Pick a reasonable target, eat to that number, log accurately, in 4 weeks assess results and tweak accordingly.
  • PopsGils
    PopsGils Posts: 68 Member
    I am actually quite pedantic about weighing and measuring what I eat and drink, so that isn't a problem I don't think. I thought 1200 cals was a reasonable target for a pound a week weight loss and the first week was fine but the next week back up a pound.. so i am just confused now what to do to lose weigh apart from running a blooming marathon. I used to be able to lose weight from diet alone so not sure whats going on now...
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    1200 is far too low from the numbers you gave me. I'd eat 1700 for 6 weeks, measure weight, body measurements and take photos. Eat 1700 cals a day and log everything - then after 6 weeks reassess. :flowerforyou:

    You also might want to try lifting some weights to help keep muscle mass.
  • kopoba11
    kopoba11 Posts: 12
    If you want to get to know your body better log your weight and body fat every day.
    Scale which can measure body fat is only $100.

    It's not hard to do and you start seeing patterns and understand your body function.

    1.3 lb can be just poop and pee and if you do not know your body fat % no matter how approximate then you are totally in a dark.

    Weight yourself in in a morning every day after you empty your bladder but before breakfast.
    Measure body fat % before dinner or per scale manufacturer recommendations.

    myfitnesspal is all about logging the more and better you log the better understanding you gain.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    If you want to get to know your body better log your weight and body fat every day.
    Scale which can measure body fat is only $100.

    It's not hard to do and you start seeing patterns and understand your body function.

    1.3 lb can be just poop and pee and if you do not know your body fat % no matter how approximate then you are totally in a dark.

    Weight yourself in in a morning every day after you empty your bladder but before breakfast.
    Measure body fat % before dinner or per scale manufacturer recommendations.

    myfitnesspal is all about logging the more and better you log the better understanding you gain.

    There is no need to weigh every day and as weight fluctuates you could end up making yourself miserable. scales are not great at estimating BF - callipers are better if you can be bothered. I prefer a tape measure as you can lose inches without seeing the scale move too much.
  • kopoba11
    kopoba11 Posts: 12
    Everybody has their own approach to life and we absorb and process things.

    To me weigh loss is about process, understanding, experimenting, learning your biody, tracking.

    Motivation and psychology aside, overtime you will learn more by logging everything everyday.

    As far as accuracy of BF using scale, if you are using the same instrument all the time and at the time recommended by manufacturer you gonna get reflective and representative reading.

    If I see that over 3 months my body fat went from 25% to 20% and my weigh loss is 15lb, I can deduce that scale is giving me good enough reading to follow as a guidance for my body fat %
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    My problem is eating 1200 calories per day. I can't even reach the 1000 per day. I'm just not a big eater.

    I'm not surprised if you're limiting your carbs to 50 or below. Ketogenic diets suppress the appetite. They'll also cause you to dump a lot of water weight in the beginning if you have it to lose, which is why a couple of weeks of SB phase I was prescribed for me. I had swollen feet and ankles and sleep apnea, which my doc was blaming on edema, which he was blaming on my weight and poor diet. I couldn't have stayed on a low carb diet for any longer than 2 weeks, though, because I couldn't eat enough, and because at my age at the time (57, same as you) I was afraid of trashing my already depleted muscle mass. That was the last thing I wanted to do as a noodle armed reforming couch potato in my late 50s.
  • PopsGils
    PopsGils Posts: 68 Member
    THANKYOU AmberAngel.. my original post has just been totally taken over! "i have something similar..except its completely different" ..who does that? Waste of time me starting this thread now its been taken over!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    . Ah, old post, never mind.