what is the hardest thing you find to give up



  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    I don't give up much just only eat it here and there. I did However give up soda. Every blue moon ill have a root beer float or somethingas a cheat but I never just sit and drink pop. Not worth it
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    I havent given up anything. I learned moderation!
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
  • jessichri
    jessichri Posts: 81 Member
    Cocaine and sex...


    And drinking beer every other night to excess. Its alot of fun and all the cool kids are doin it.
  • emilysuelemus
    emilysuelemus Posts: 66 Member
    at first the refined sugars and carbs but now that Ive been without so long...Im good. I view it as poisen to my body!:love:
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Chips!!! But haven't totally cut them out. But very rare do I indulge because I can't stop once I start!
  • jennagoogles13
    Being able to eat homecooked meals with the family every night. It sucks just lingering on the outskirts of the kitchen having to steam veggies...
  • SKMC0214
    SKMC0214 Posts: 58 Member
    Honestly nothing, if I really want something I have it but in a sensible portion. I have found that lately, I just think about food differently now, it is all about choices. Reading labels was an incredible eye opener for me. But I have also learned to find alternatives to my very favorite things. Like spaghetti with tons of store bought meat sauce and a bi-zillion calories, is now spaghetti squash with homemade sauce low sodium, with fresh veggies mixed in and mozzarella and Parmesan cheese,which is under 300 calories for a huge serving. I feel to have longevity in this journey you cannot totally restrict yourself, but rather adhere to limits. If you deprive yourself, I feel your will have a greater tendency to fail. Best of luck in your lifestyle change and journey. :)
  • MzCongeniality70
    MzCongeniality70 Posts: 352 Member
    Cocaine and sex...


    And drinking beer every other night to excess. Its alot of fun and all the cool kids are doin it.

    I :heart: you! Hahahahah
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Cocaine and sex...

    You're doing it wrong if you've cut these two things out of your diet.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I love it, and just a little is never enough...
  • amjelot
    amjelot Posts: 8 Member
    Cheese and pasta! I've tried adding it into my diet in moderation occasionally, but I always bloat and gain a few lbs back, even with teeny portions.
  • JessicaN1979
    JessicaN1979 Posts: 142 Member
    I think "home time" is the hardest thing I had to give up. I am very much a home body and while I do not have children, I do have two fur babies (Yorkies) and I do feel guilty that I work 8 hours a day, come home to let them out just to leave again for another hour or hour and a half to spend at the gym. I have found a way where I only have to be away two nights a week that I work now (working out Tuesday and Thursday nights plus Saturday and Sunday when I don't work) so that I am not gone as much.

    As far as foods, I pretty much eat what foods I want, just in moderation. I found when I gave up things I liked I never stuck to it anyway, so now I just try to make sure it works in with my calories and if not spend more time working out. I gave up soda for the most part, but I even have one of those once or twice a month if I want (but I have found now that it is crazy sweet, since I really only drink water and tea now).
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    not cut out anything yet, but reduced my diet soda intake.
  • hjensen2263
    hjensen2263 Posts: 68 Member
    I completely agree! I feel like crap when I eat junk food, but for some reason, I still give in sometimes and eat it!
  • rebecca8787
    I'd say junk food. Mcdonalds, and Chinese takeaway.

    Also, lager & cocktails... lol
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Generally I haven't given up anything, but recently I've decided to stop drinking wine...at least for a while. I can have a mixed drink or 2 but with wine, it's just too easy to suck down a half a bottle (or more) without batting a eyelash. Then not only have I consumed all the wine calories, but then I want to munch as well.
  • acm2789
    acm2789 Posts: 29 Member
    sweets definitely....i try moderation but it seems once I have a little I just don't stop myself. I'll have one day great with nothing then 100g of sugar from sweet treats the next day. I don't have that problem with the chips and soda I've cut out (and have on occasion) hopefully I'll get there with sweets!
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Fast food and other restaurants in my area because I like to eat 3 meals a day and be full and it is not possible with their calories,sodium and so on. Smoking cigarettes and pot because I cant breathe when I exercise with the first and I eat the whole house on the latter. Getting drunk or drinking wine because it has too many calories and I like to get drunk and on top of that the hang overs and heal time are outrageous at this point in my life . My online gaming that I used to do 12-16 hrs a day. Pretty much have turned my world upside down to make this life change. Is it worth it? YES Do I love it NO....could it have been prevented YES. Will I die without them NO. Will I be able to do those things again? Hell yes when I get to a point I am not so fat and have my psychical self under control I can dabble here and there with one or the other. I miss my whole freakin fat life, but will it stop me HELL NO!
  • nannukka
    nannukka Posts: 52
    Candy, chocolates, pastries. Not that I have cut them out totally. No. I can not. I will not. NO NO NOOOOO. But the fact that I have to bloody moderate it, is sometimes driving me bananas. Moderation and portion control sucks. And I will do it, since I have to. But it is still hateful thing to do ;) (amazingly I am getting used to this. little by little and I love heybales and his spreadsheet that allows me to live life more relaxed)