Discouraged College Student

I am a college student and while I was in high school the highest my weight ever got was 170 my sophomore year. My Junior year my mom put me through Jenny Craig and I was able to get down to 150. I pretty much maintained that even though my goal was somewhere in the 130's. When I started college, I wasn't active and the cafeteria food got to me. I gained about 12 pounds my first semester and was the most I have ever been in years at 162 lbs. Now I have cracked down and am trying to reach 150 by the end of the semester. I have been doing well and was at 153 (almost there!!!) but I began drinking a gallon of water a day and making sure to document the calories I eat and the calories I burn... I have gained 2 pounds and I don't understand why... I am losing motivation and I am afraid now that I am at 154 I am not going to get to 150 by the end of April (when semester ends). Any ideas of what is going on or any motivation??


  • I'll admit hun, I don't know a lot.. but I always get angry myself when I work my butt off and I gain weight. Then everyone always tells me "muscle weighs more than fat." Maybe try measuring yourself or taking pictures? Weight changes so often even throughout the day.
    Also, when I started tracking my food/exercise I was being ..biased I guess. I would guess my workout was worth a crap ton of calories only to find out my 700 or so in my head was actually like 300.
  • Yea that is true muscle does weigh more... just a little discouraging I guess. You are probably right about tracking calories, I have an accurate count for how much I burn but it might not be a totally accurate count of how much I eat... Thanks for the tips
  • also based on when you weigh yourself, you may be just holding onto water. in a given week my weight fluctuates around 4 pounds (weightlifting and running) will cause your muscles to hold onto water for recovery. especially since you are drinking so much water. Just make sure you weigh urself the same way everytime. This means if you weigh yourself in the morning continually do that, also same day of the week is usually good for official weigh ins. If its just 1 week of gains dont worry. keep at it and by the next weigh in you should drop the weight.
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    Im guessing its water weight. It will come off.
  • spaghetti93
    spaghetti93 Posts: 140 Member
    2 lb is probably just water weight and doesn't seem too worrying to me.
    Im a student too and the dining hall options can be really terrible. My school provides nutrition information but there is NO WAY it is accurate. also its impossible to measure. The worst thing is a meal plan is not only ridiculously overpriced but required, so I had to spend about 1000 dollars on food that I don't want that could be going to healthy groceries (or.... other things.) Luckily I have found ways to get my money's worth and also stay healthy.
  • blaiwa
    blaiwa Posts: 6
    Are you exercising? Remember Muscle weighs more than fat.
    Sometimes, the number on the scale it's just that: a number. Maybe you are leaner but since you gained muscle you are not seeing any progress.
    If you are not, just start over, don´t give up!
  • zolakt
    zolakt Posts: 4
    im a blogger and iv just started a health, fitness and motivation blog. Mainly to help me and inspire me but also to inspire others!! Im also at uni so might be a helpful avenue on your journey :)


  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I would say its water weight. You have to work hard with weights to gain muscle weight.

    The thing is, if you don't reach your goal in April, there is nothing wrong with May. You will get there.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat.
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I agree that muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound no matter what it's made of. Fat just takes up more space on your body than muscles do.

    Like a pound of butter, which is solid like a muscle, to a pound of say cool whip, which is fluffy and would take up more space.

    Of course, there are two schools of opinions on the subject and that is mine.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    weighing certain number doesn't matter. you're not going to have the same body as in high school, everyone's body is different after puberty. you need to find out your body fat %. You might already be at a healthy bf% which is somewhere in the 20's, it also depends a lot on how much muscle you have and your body type. stop focusing so much on the scale, and build some muscle.
  • Trisha_e
    Trisha_e Posts: 27
    I'm in college too and trust me, it's hard to lose weight with 'Chik fil a express' offered in the cafe. and it's easy to use tests as an excuse to not exercise or eat healthy. If your college offers free exercise group classes, like Zumba and Kickboxing, go to them! They're free and they're so much fun!
  • klmoorman
    klmoorman Posts: 8 Member
    COuld mindless snacking here and there that you aren't tracking possibly be a problem? Sometimes i'll just say o its only a bite or a few chips.. i don't need to log it and thats when i usually gain a few stubborns pounds