I feel like quitting..



  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I agree that if you believe that you can't lose weight then you won't lose weight. We are all proof that it can be done and you are no better or worse than any of us. You can do this - you just need to want it more than failure and McDonald's. I suggest you go to the Introduce Yourself board, start a thread about your situation and request friends. Be active on these boards, read the Success Stories board, search for threads that interest you and read them, and start logging your food and exercise. Look for people that are successfully losing weight and send them a friend request with a note explaining that you could use support and inspiration. Seeing what other people are eating and their workouts will inspire you to keep trying. And remember...you're human. You will make mistakes. You will not do this perfectly but keep trying. Also, consider that losing weight doesn't require what you may be thinking it requires. Read this thread and consider trying it out for a month. You can actually eat quite a bit of food and still lose weight.

  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I've felt that way until recently. Even now I'm kind of on the fence. I suggest taking your measurements because sometimes the scale doesn't move or even goes up but you're still getting results in your measurements. For a good few weeks my scale was going down but my measurements weren't. That's what really frustrated me. Seeing results on the scale but not seeing them on my actual body was brutal. I recently started running and am seeing results again. This week I lost 1/4inch around each thigh and the same around my chest. It's not much, but at least things are going in the right direction.

    I have an elliptical and can't do more than 15-20 minutes in a row on it. It makes me feel inadequate when I see people on here who use it for 45 minutes at a time. I don't understand how they can do it. It takes some time but just keep doing what you're going, be active as much as you can, eat healthy foods, and it'll happen. It's frustrating that it doesn't happen as quickly as we think it should.

    Feel free to add me for support!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    It sounds like instead of the logging and eating a certain number of calories, you are trying the "I'll just torture myself by always eating less than I really want to, skipping meals I really wanted, always thinking I could have done better, and always feeling guilty about it." If you aren't logging and counting calories, please try it for a while. When you do, all of the above goes away and you can actually enjoy every single thing you eat and have much better control over things.

    Have you read anything on strength training yet? That can get you started.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    "I don't like myself and I can't stick to anything, so why did I even think I could do this? Why shouldn't I quit and forget about this?"

    I hope you understand that this attitude is the reason why you've never succeeded. Please change your self talk. You deserve better.

    This. Be kinder to yourself and you'll find you're much stronger than you think. Giving up now will only ensure that, six months from now, you'll be asking yourself where you'd be if you'd started when you said you would.

    Make this time count. Time will pass either way.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    Stop looking at your friends success as a negative. She is living proof its possible. You need to do this for yourself. If you want a macdonalds have one but log it here then try and exercise to burn some of it off. Its not the end of the world to have a burger. A brisk 30 min walk around the block should make some impression on the calories you consume. You don't need to become a marathon runner of triathlete to be healthy.

    This is not a diet site. Its a lifestyle change tool. I had no clue whatsoever how many calories and how much fat were in certain items that i thought were "healthy". I made cauliflower cheese with low fat cheese sauce thinking yeah veggies.. low fat sauce.. My eyes almost popped out the sockets when i put it on here and looked at the calories. I also had no idea how many calories different exercises burned off.

    Take each day as it comes. I used to obsess over food all the time and obsess about my weight and yanno what... spending so much time thinking about food and being healthy MADE ME MORE HUNGRY. It takes time to change the way you think. I am the classic yoyo dieter. I lost 40lb.. put 50lb back on. lost 30 put 20 back on. I was driving myself insane. Starting out is the hardest part of this journey and your here... You already took that step.

    There are a tonn of wonderful people who will ad you and support you every step of the way, there are forums for venting and or advice, recipies etc..

    Your not alone, doing this is tuff but its not impossible. The weight you want to lose took time to put on so in turn it takes time to come off. But it WILL come off.

    Feel free to hit me up with a FR, that applies to all.

    Good luck on your journey. You CAN do this xxx
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I've waited my whole life to quote Don Draper from Madmen. "Listen, I’m not here to tell you about Jesus. You already know about Jesus. He either lives in your heart or he doesn’t." The thing is this; People can tell you a hundred different methods for weight loss. You can compare yourself to anybody in the world. You can spend money on ridiculous magic pills, or do things perfectly sensibly. But at the end of the day, if the desire to stick to this whole thing, and truly change yourself isn't there, then nothing anyone else says or does matters.

    Rather than just immediately chucking it all in, take a day or two and ask yourself what you really want. If you want to change, then do it. If you want to lose weight, and get healthier, then do it. If you're not willing to stick with it through all the setbacks (and lets face it, setbacks are par for any course, especially weight loss and fitness) then nothing anyone else says or does matters. You can get out of the mindset if you really are willing to change.

    Fortuitously, a friend dropped this video into my inbox this morning. Please watch it. http://youtu.be/lsSC2vx7zFQ

    X a million!

    I struggled for a long time. "I'm fat, I've got to do something, I'll start monday." Monday would come and I would make up an excuse why I couldn't do it that day. Then it was "oh I'll start next Monday." My point is, until it clicks in your head you're basically just torturing yourself. Like anything else in life, YOU have to be ready to change, before any progress will be made.
  • dollylohaze
    Heyy don't get like that. Just give yourself time to succeed! I know it sometimes feels like everyone ELSE loses weight and we ourselves don't, can't, it'll never happen to us, but it will. And ignore the friend's journey. She will feel exactly the same as you do about this but about something else, I can guarantee. We all have our downfalls, our weak points and our bad days. But you're doing great, stick with it and be kind to yourself. Theres very few other people who are gonna love you as well as you can love yourself <3
    KNITWITD Posts: 2
    Please don't quit. It has been a disappointing week for me also, but I refuse to let disappointment defeat me again. Just look at the things you did that you feel were positive and focus on them. Take a good look everything and move on from here. You can do this...Remember this may not be a sprint for you, it could be a marathon..But it will be worth it.... I have another 85-90 lbs to go ...a long journey, but I will not let one week spoil my chances to be who I deserve to be...By the way, this is my first post...Usually not a big poster, but I think you are worth it!!!
  • zahid222
    zahid222 Posts: 233 Member
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    My friend dropped seventeen pounds. Want to know what I dropped? Nothing. In fact, I gained. I'm so disappointed with myself...I just can't get over it. I don't like msyelf and I can't stick to anything, so why did I even think I could do this. Why shouldn't I quit and forget about this? I feel psycho...like I'm one of those people who are obsessed with their weight. That's what I feel like I'm becoming...

    I jsut can't get out of this mindset, nor can I fight my food addiction...

    this was me a hundred times before trying to loose weight either by myself, with friends, in a contest. It never worked. I always ended up just as fat or fatter than before I started!

    I have now lost about 45 lbs (finally) and this is how I did it:

    1. Started a paleo lifestyle
    2. I read all the paleo books, watched all the documentaries, and learned the science of the lifestyle and WHY it was so good for me. When I was bored on saturday I watched movies on netflix about the american food industry and read books. that kept me from "bored eating".
    3. I found a good support system online of people who were doing the same thing I was
    4. I focused on my diet instead of exercise. for a few months I didnt have an exercise plan. I focused solely on my diet. perfecting it as best as possible. Sure, I still took walks or meet a friend at the gym every now and again but it wasnt my focus..I didint have a plan. I put all of my energy into my diet
    5. I taught myself that this is a lifestyle change. I am not doing this temporarily. I will do this forever. my body will reach the weight it wants to stick at and thats fine and thats healthy! until then, I will keep enjoying the weight loss.
    6. once I felt in control of my diet, I hit my exercise. I am still working on that. It is still a struggle. but, I have a plan and I stick to that plan. and I plan on change it up as my body and strength changes
    7. I realized what food really was. food wasnt a blanket or something that made me feel good or bad or sad or lonely or depressed. food was fuel. food was the ticket to health.
    8. I realized that the size of my pants or whether I could look good in a bathing suit no longer mattered. I was overweight, obese actually and thats scary. What matters is my health. I will literally killing myself by stuffing my face with foods I thought were healthy (low fat cookies, baked chips, low fat cheese, etc) and then over exercising because of guilt.
    9. I gave myself structure. I have a planned schedule every day of the week, things I must accomplish. Monday-gym-bible study. Tuesday-work-yoga class with co workers. Wednesday - Work - circuit training class at gym and then dinner with bff, thursday work-night class (getting MBA), Friday work-gym, saturday -relax-chill-grocery shop-meal plan Sunday-food prep for the week - circuit training class with bff. my plans are all focused around my health: mental, physical and spiritual. :D
  • sdalhall
    sdalhall Posts: 160 Member
    Forget your friend and her loss. You are the only person you're competing with. I started a little over a year ago and didn't see any results for 4 weeks. Around the one month mark, the scale started to move and I started to be able to tell a difference clothes-wise and in the mirror. I think my body was changing the whole time, but just not in immediately visible ways. If you give up now, you'll miss the day when you step on the scale or put your pants on and say, "finally, it's working".

    As one of the posters above said, the time will pass either way. But, a year from now, you can either look back and think about how glad you are that you stuck with it, or you can be sorry that you have to start all over again a year later. For years, I would start and then stop when the rewards weren't immediate enough. I'm so glad I didn't give up last February. Now I'm still not where I want to be, but I'm closer than I was then. :flowerforyou:
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    Add me! Look at my diary! I don't care but don't give up!!! :)
    IT GETS EASIERRR! :) Talk to me, I'm sure I can help XD

    DIeting is hard, but it's a lifestyle change. Don't give up anything completely or you'll never stick with it and I agree. Cardio now, strength training later.