Eating back exercise cals (quite a large sum)

This week I started a deficit on cals after bulking up. The cardio that I'm doing is 75 mins of stair jogging (3 times a week) at the master staircase in my neighborhood. I know that exercise cal burning calcs, charts, etc are to be used only as a guideline, but without a doubt jogging stairs will burn cals rapidly (I go quite hard). Many of the sources I've come across have projected about 1,000 - 1,200 cals burned for the 75 mins that I jog.

Should I eat back that many cals? Is 75 mins overkill on cardio?


  • Laurlkat
    Laurlkat Posts: 16
    Have you thought about getting a heart rate or activity monitor to get a more accurate idea of how many calories you are burning?
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    I think you should invest in a heart rate monitor but if you cant that's cool too. Also if you're not trying to lose weight then go ahead and eat back those calories and you'll be fine. If you are trying to lose weight then you'll be okay to keep some of the calories out. 75 min is not overkill on cardio, it just depends on what you're doing it for, like weight loss, making your heart stronger etc
  • sandie2sweet
    sandie2sweet Posts: 12 Member
    I am not eating enough! I eat under my 1200 and then I burn about 650-700 so I am always under by 400+ what should I weight loss has stopped,but I am still dropping sizes.................I really would like to do a little of both at the same time. I started at 197 and now 155 size 14-16 now 7-8...going to Hawaii on May 31 would like to be a size 6.......Plz HELP
  • tracyschreier
    tracyschreier Posts: 81 Member
    I never eat back my exercise least not all of them. Not sure how this is working since I've only been doing this for a week, but I seriously can't imagine trying to eat back a thousand or more calories.
  • snooj
    snooj Posts: 69 Member
    Use that cardio to put you in a deficit. What's your maintainence calories with the exercise? Eat less than that.
  • sandie2sweet
    sandie2sweet Posts: 12 Member
    I agree! I don't really know if I can even eat more then I am? But my weight loss has hit a brick wall for the pass 3 wks. I haven't gained and I haven't dropped? But I have dropped in inches. I really would like to do both at the same time for awhile?
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    You have to stop thinking about the scale... get out of that mindset. You said that you are dropping in size but not in weight. You are probably gaining muscle and losing fat but it doesn't matter what the scale says as long as you are looking better, always remember that. We always tend get bummed out when we see that the scale isn't moving... put that thing in the closet for a week or two and keep going. I'm sure that you're doing fine.
  • DerROK
    DerROK Posts: 14 Member
    New to this site and think the calorie burns are way exaggerated and are based on your self percieved effort.

    Followed the tips I saw a few days ago suggesting use a HRM

    Jumped on an Exercise Bike pushed hard 130HR with 155/160 HR spikes when I stood and sprinted.

    Self Percieved Exercise Bike vigerous from tool allows me 543 calories back
    Keiser compute calorie burn reading linked to my Polar HRM gave me a 238 calorie burn reading.

    Thats alot of over eat calories if I don't use a HRM!

    I am also skeptical about eating back too many of your calories unless you at 5% body fat ^^ Make sure you are consuming your body req in protein and quality carbs and nutriensts and don't abuse the calorie eat back I would suggest is best, although I am only new to this tool (but not Life ^^).

    Good Luck and enjoy the stairs ;)
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I ate back all my exercise calories last night. Over the course of about twenty minutes.

    It felt really GOOD.

    But I'm still very hungry on waking, the following morning. Which tells me they weren't overestimated at all.
  • I never considered getting a HRM. I'm not a fan of having extra accoutrement on me while I work out. Even my iPhone is too bulky. I just go with my ipod nano (the square one with a clip). But I am interested in finding out how many cals I burn during my stair works outs, so I might check it out.

    Last year for 8 weeks I did the same stair routine and shed fat, my love handles went away and my abs tightened up. This go around I'm paying much more attention to nutrition.

    My maintenance cal intake is around 2400. I'm 5'9", 158lbs, work out 5 times a week (3 cardio days, 2 weightlifting days). My goal is fat loss with keeping as much of the muscle I gained during my bulk over the winter.

    This first week of cutting I set my cal intake to 2,000. I feel it's low, but not once during the week did I feel weak or hungry at all. There was a few days where I was short on my fat macro, but some natural natural butter took care of that.

    For next week I'll be bumping it up to 2,100 with these macros: 210g (carbs), 158g (protein), 70g (fat).
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I am not eating enough! I eat under my 1200 and then I burn about 650-700 so I am always under by 400+ what should I weight loss has stopped,but I am still dropping sizes.................I really would like to do a little of both at the same time. I started at 197 and now 155 size 14-16 now 7-8...going to Hawaii on May 31 would like to be a size 6.......Plz HELP

    It's always best to start your own thread if you have questions.

    To the OP that seems like a lot of cardio. I would cut back on that and do more weight lifting. Yes the only way to tell what you are burning is get and HRM with a chest strap. It's very easy to overestimate your exercise calories.
  • Tyoni1630
    Tyoni1630 Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss. It seems that your weight loss has hit a plateau so you have to shake up your system. So change the food combination you're eating and your exercise routine get some healthy on the go snacks for your calorie intake. I also struggle with getting enough calories in but I am hoping this tracking will help me to be mindful. Good luck and enjoy Hawaii.
  • To the OP that seems like a lot of cardio. I would cut back on that and do more weight lifting. Yes the only way to tell what you are burning is get and HRM with a chest strap. It's very easy to overestimate your exercise calories.

    I currently am doing two weightlifting sessions per week and am lifting about 75% of what I'm used to. I'll be tweaking my cardio sessions as my program progresses. Eventually I'll take away a stair day and instead do a medicine ball/kettle bell routine.