didnt lose an ounce! disappointed!

No idea how its happened. I weigh 71.5kg and my calorie goals/results have been to lose 2 pounds per week...

Sat - Allowance 1539 cal +300 cal exercise = ate 1640 (100cal remaining)
sun (+284 exercise) . On target
mon 137 cal over target
tue (+400cal exercise). On target
wed At this point i'd lost nothing, so reduced my calorie target from 1539 to 1340. Came on target
thu (+ 320cal exercise). on target.
fri t (including 370 cal exercise) 400 cal under target. not lost anything so decided not to eat my exercise calories
sat weigh- in. Still weight 71.5kg

really disappointed with this since ive been on target every day for a week. Its been a long diet week! And no results to show for it. Anyone know how this could have happened? Ive been very exact with my calorie counting, Ive been weighing foods and making sure my intake is exact.


  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    1. It's only been a week. Give it time. Plus sometimes the change shows up in inches lost, not weight on a scale. I often do even swaps of fat for muscle and can go a month without a change in weight, yet drop a size.

    2. With so little to lose, you have to be a lot more precise with your macros. I can't see your diary so I can't tell if you are eating well or take in a lot of sodium or fats or sugars.
  • adammarkwalker
    thanks for that. guess ill just keep fingers crossed and keep at it. im exercising 3 times a week now which is something i havent done for 2 years!

    My problem is theres probably too much sugar in my diet. Other then that its coming in on target. So I guess thats something i can work on!

    thanks :)
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    I totally understand your frustration - I have a very hard time losing weight no matter what I do
    However - it is difficult to judge from just one week - our bodies are very complex. It could be water weight from salt intake, muscle mass from exercising - or normal fluctuations (have you been weighing at the same time everyday?), maybe you are losing inches? have you tried keeping track of your measurements instead?

    but - if you actually havent lost weight - could it be because you are inaccurate or you underestimate your calorie intake? i would say give it another couple weeks.

    Another point - I would try and weigh yourself less. once a week is more than enough. weighing everyday can make us obsessive and concentrating on the number is not all you should concern yourself with - even if you never lose a pound, eating better food and exercising more gives us energy, helps us sleep better, improves our skin, improves mobility/strength and SIGNIFICANTLY reduces the risk of dying from diabetes, heart attack, stroke, cancer, hypertension etc etc . in other words - the number is not everything and shouldn't be your number 1 gauge for success, i know it helps to see the number going down and can be a huge motivator - but if you stick with it you will see success!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    thanks for that. guess ill just keep fingers crossed and keep at it. im exercising 3 times a week now which is something i havent done for 2 years!

    My problem is theres probably too much sugar in my diet. Other then that its coming in on target. So I guess thats something i can work on!

    thanks :)

    what's your BMR? TDEE?

    go here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    find out what it tells you. don't eat less than your BMR.

    ETA: Sugar doesn't make you fat.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Body Fat%?

    Most important numbers to know.
  • Fairlieboy
    Fairlieboy Posts: 84 Member
    Sugar doesn't make you fat? Read David Gillespie Sweet Poison or check out Facebook Sweet Poison & the most recent science and the short of it is sugar (the fructose part of sucrose) does. Glucose has hunger feedback loops & is metabolized fine. Fructose has no feedback for hunger, is more addictive than cocaine & is metabolized differently than glucose. The sugar companies are in full defensive mode but do the reading & make up your own mind. Simply eliminating sugar from their diet has provided more weight loss than dieting to thousands of people over the past couple of years since Gillespie's book.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Sugar doesn't make you fat? Read David Gillespie Sweet Poison or check out Facebook Sweet Poison & the most recent science and the short of it is sugar (the fructose part of sucrose) does. Glucose has hunger feedback loops & is metabolized fine. Fructose has no feedback for hunger, is more addictive than cocaine & is metabolized differently than glucose. The sugar companies are in full defensive mode but do the reading & make up your own mind. Simply eliminating sugar from their diet has provided more weight loss than dieting to thousands of people over the past couple of years since Gillespie's book.

    sugar, by itself, doesn't make you fat. Just like drinking a coke or beer doesn't make you fat.

    feel free to defend that all you want, but a caloric surplus is what makes people fat. You can eat sugar, carbs, fats, protein, whatever.. so long as you're under your TDEE goal... you'll lose weight.

    I don't need to buy a book or like a facebook page to understand it, either.
  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    Hey I'm no expert and only a couple months in, but the one thing I have learnt is patience!! You have to give it time a week is not enough! And I can never begin to understand how weight loss happens I can have 3 almost identical weeks, but the first 2 lose nothing or .3 of a llb then suddenly 3rd week 2 llbs drops off. Don't give up and keep up the good work it will happen
  • Richard269
    try not to weigh yourself every day ! keep it to the same time and day each week
  • adammarkwalker
    thanks for the help everyone. A lot of VERY interesting things.

    If I go by the most accurate calorie counter..... my BMR is 1734. My TDEE is 2080.

    So I should be eating 1734. That seems a little high.... especially when myfitnesspal says 1400.

    Guess I could give eating 1700 an attempt if what im doing doesnt show any loss over the next week.

    thanks for the advice everyone!
  • Fairlieboy
    Fairlieboy Posts: 84 Member

    sugar, by itself, doesn't make you fat. Just like drinking a coke or beer doesn't make you fat.

    feel free to defend that all you want, but a caloric surplus is what makes people fat. You can eat sugar, carbs, fats, protein, whatever.. so long as you're under your TDEE goal... you'll lose weight.
    That is the issue. People have to know & control their TDEE. When they don't, then eating sugar in foods bypasses their self regulation of food intake. It's ok for mfp members - they already know. But why did they get to needing to track TDEE?
    BTW. Coke has sucrose (fructose+glucose) , beer has maltose (glucose) so beer is ok in a 'sugar' limited lifestyle.
  • tlbohnert
    tlbohnert Posts: 12 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me. As a matter of fact, I was under calories all week long and pushing it hard with my trainer (my sister) NOTHING!! I cried thru my session and the following week she took my measurements and I lost and inch in my arms and 1 in my waist. My sister is certified as a personal trainer and she hates the scale. She says that health, fitness, inches lost and reshaping are what's important! Don't fret because stress causes weight gain... Keep on going!
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    one week huh? Wait until you've done if for 7 years and have nothing to show for it.