3,100 calorie deficit and still gained a pound?...What gives



  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Stewie, what do you mean about 4680 deficit? Do you mean that's how many calories you burned working out? I don't know what your daily caloric intake needs to be for your size and weight but I know for me, right now, it's 1200 minimum calories. When I exercise, it usually runs around 1500 per day. Do you eat your exercise calories? I know I have seen many, including myself, not grasp that concept but the more you work out, the more you need to fuel your body so it doesn't start burning lean muscle mass instead of fat. Someone wrote the other day the way your body burns. It went like this:

    1st - burns food you have eaten that day
    2nd - lean muscle
    3rd - fat

    Like in other words, you need to eat calories which build muscle, so it doesn't get torn down I mean. Then, as the muscle develops the fat is burned. I am not an expert and can't say this is how it works for everyone, but for me it does. Also, I know many winners on this site it works exactly that way.

    Again, I am not saying I am right, it is just an opinion. And for all I know, when you say deficit, you are eating those calories. And I don't eat all of mine but I try to. No one's perfect right;)

    Anyway, I am beat up good tonight and got to hit the hay after a long week of work. I have lost 4 lbs in I think 15 days and I also have lost 3 inches in my waist and butt. Haven't measure my upper parts, lol:) But maybe I'll get to that this weekend;) My food diary is open to anyone that wants to see how I eat. Some of it is repetitious and boring but that's just because I am not that creative, yet. But I hope to learn from many of you here;) Denise
    I'm in the same situation, so I wish I could be of more help. I weighed myself this morning and I gained 1.3 pounds since last Friday. My calorie deficit for the week was 4680, so I should've lost at least a pound :(

    Before this week, I wasn't drinking more than 4 glasses of water a day and this week I've been drinking 8-9 a day. I've also been working out a lot more the past 2 weeks. Could I be retaining water? I took my measurements this morning, so hopefully I'll see progress this way.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi NW, My deficient is how many calories below my maintenance. I maintain my weight at 1800 calories/day or 12,600/week. I averaged 1130 net calories/day or 7,920 for the week. Since I ate/burned 4,680 calories below my maintenance weight, I should've lost at least a pound. It's frustating, I hope I see weight loss next week. It seems like when I exercise and really try to do a healthy diet I either see no results or very slow, but if I don't exercise and just watch my calories and barely try, I lose weight easily. I'm trying to make a lifestyle change with regular exercise, especially since I just turned 30.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I agree that it's unlikely you would gain a pound of muscle in a week... but it's just as unlikely that you would gain a pound of fat. You would have to be taking in a LOT more calories than you required. So even if your estimations were slightly off it wouldn't explain it.

    I think everyone's point with the 'muscle weighs more than fat' by the way was that you could still be getting smaller and weighing more... I don't think anyone ever truly means '1 pound of muscle weighs more than 1pound of fat'. I don't really understand why the saying annoys people so much.
  • Naokoheart
    Naokoheart Posts: 161
    I'm in the same boat I gained a pound this week too,I burned over 6000 cals. ;/
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I sure know what you are saying. I am doing better now because I am not trying so hard. I am not able to do my regular exercise because I have some pain going on. I am so excited though as I get to see a sports medicine doc the 19th. I'm sure it's only some carpel tunel thing;)

    Have a beautiful 4th!! an mfp pal, denise:)
    Hi NW, My deficient is how many calories below my maintenance. I maintain my weight at 1800 calories/day or 12,600/week. I averaged 1130 net calories/day or 7,920 for the week. Since I ate/burned 4,680 calories below my maintenance weight, I should've lost at least a pound. It's frustating, I hope I see weight loss next week. It seems like when I exercise and really try to do a healthy diet I either see no results or very slow, but if I don't exercise and just watch my calories and barely try, I lose weight easily. I'm trying to make a lifestyle change with regular exercise, especially since I just turned 30.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Good points:) I know I sure like the looks of a pound of muscle over a pound of fat though;) Have a great 4th!! an MFP pal, denise:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I agree that it's unlikely you would gain a pound of muscle in a week... but it's just as unlikely that you would gain a pound of fat. You would have to be taking in a LOT more calories than you required. So even if your estimations were slightly off it wouldn't explain it.

    I think everyone's point with the 'muscle weighs more than fat' by the way was that you could still be getting smaller and weighing more... I don't think anyone ever truly means '1 pound of muscle weighs more than 1pound of fat'. I don't really understand why the saying annoys people so much.
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    This might seem crazy, but if you've had any disruptions in your routine that could also contribute. I had a few sleepless nights this week and ended up with a 0.8 pound loss on the scale when I've been averaging about 2.2lbs per week. The only thing I can point to is a lack of adequate rest and a disruption in my schedule.
  • highgear
    highgear Posts: 30 Member
    I just returned from vacation and was 15 lbs heavier (in 10 days!). Three days later after being back on my program I have shed 10 of those pounds. All the eating out put a TON of salt into my diet and I was retaining water.

    Usually after a week of heavy running I'll put on a pound or two. I attribute this to the muscles in my legs being swollen and holding onto water.

    Weight Loss / Fitness is more like Chess than Checkers.
    You have to look at the long term results, not short term gains / losses.
  • mnmike59
    mnmike59 Posts: 1
    If you drink Pop, you could be retaining more water weight than you should. Among other bad things.
    I had this problem. Soda is something I have a hard time giving up. I have in the last couple weeks and have seen rewards for it. By way of the scale and the way I feel.

  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Oh yeah, that can throw me. Especially if I skip a meal or get less sleep then I need which is about 7 hours. There are so many things that can make me fluctuate that I like to stay off the scale. I like that tape measure much better;) Happy 4th, denise
    This might seem crazy, but if you've had any disruptions in your routine that could also contribute. I had a few sleepless nights this week and ended up with a 0.8 pound loss on the scale when I've been averaging about 2.2lbs per week. The only thing I can point to is a lack of adequate rest and a disruption in my schedule.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I will get a sugar withdrawal now if I eat too much or drink it so I try to steer clear. I ate a donnut for example, and in about 2 hours I felt sick to my stomach so I chugged some water and ate a healthy snack.

    If you drink Pop, you could be retaining more water weight than you should. Among other bad things.
    I had this problem. Soda is something I have a hard time giving up. I have in the last couple weeks and have seen rewards for it. By way of the scale and the way I feel.

  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I've heard it takes 3000 or so calories to gain a lb but don't know for sure. I suspect most of your weight was water;) Salt will do that to me! Happy 4th and congrats on getting a vacation:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I just returned from vacation and was 15 lbs heavier (in 10 days!). Three days later after being back on my program I have shed 10 of those pounds. All the eating out put a TON of salt into my diet and I was retaining water.

    Usually after a week of heavy running I'll put on a pound or two. I attribute this to the muscles in my legs being swollen and holding onto water.

    Weight Loss / Fitness is more like Chess than Checkers.
    You have to look at the long term results, not short term gains / losses.
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Jade's early comment has it right... last week I hit an early plateau despite not eating much of anything and exercising more, well under my calorie allowance each day. I was pointed to this thread which has a lot of information as to what may be going on.


    Sure enough, I began eating a bit more to include my "earned" exercise calories and the weight started to come off again.

    Don't discount water retention either. You need to drink a lot of it... it helps balance out your fluid levels in your tissues. Drink too little, and you may retain water, just as your body may go into starvation mode and hold onto body fat and slow down metabolism. The article I linked above has more info.

    It's very very hard to count "eating out" calories. Restaurants are notorious for sneaking in butter, oil, fat and carbs that you don't know are there. Also, portions may be much larger than you'd serve at home. The best thing to do, if possible, is to ask for dishes without sauces or dressings.. or have them served on the side and only dip into them sparingly. Ask for foods to be broiled, steamed or grilled... without added fat.

    Good luck
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Ditto and excellent post. Those "eating out" suggestions are great! Denise:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Jade's early comment has it right... last week I hit an early plateau despite not eating much of anything and exercising more, well under my calorie allowance each day. I was pointed to this thread which has a lot of information as to what may be going on.


    Sure enough, I began eating a bit more to include my "earned" exercise calories and the weight started to come off again.

    Don't discount water retention either. You need to drink a lot of it... it helps balance out your fluid levels in your tissues. Drink too little, and you may retain water, just as your body may go into starvation mode and hold onto body fat and slow down metabolism. The article I linked above has more info.

    It's very very hard to count "eating out" calories. Restaurants are notorious for sneaking in butter, oil, fat and carbs that you don't know are there. Also, portions may be much larger than you'd serve at home. The best thing to do, if possible, is to ask for dishes without sauces or dressings.. or have them served on the side and only dip into them sparingly. Ask for foods to be broiled, steamed or grilled... without added fat.

    Good luck
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Exactly! The zigzagging is really a good deal. I do it by accident pretty much. If I try to be to rigid/perfect, I don't shape up as well or as fast. Plus, the way I understand it, even after we exercise we still burn, for hours!! And if we aren't fueled up enough the body doesn't burn stored fat before it starts grabbing lean, muscle. I think that is how it works but I've been wrong before. I don't know how to explain it well but I know it works for me and lots of cool people on this site that have reached their goals without starving or being sick and tired of working your butt off exercising. I mean lots of people love doing that and that's great. But if you are like me and enjoy taking a walk or swimming for a half hour, you can still end up healthy and lookin good!! Denise;)
    There's a good chance your body is holding on to fat because you're burning so much so fast. Are you eating your exercise calories? It's important to do that! I know that it's SCARY to add...400 extra calories in that you just burned off. But after reading about the importance of it on the sight-I read it, and forced myself to eat 1600 calories a day (when I was just eating 1200 and exercising) and I broke my plateau that I'd been at for MONTHS! Try "zig-zagging" for awhile. Eat whatever it is you're eating, then eat at least half of the calories you are burning in the gym the next day, then go back down. Your body will be kicked into starvation mode otherwise, and will hold on to weight for energy (I didn't believe it at first. But it works, I promise!)
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