3 days into 30 day shred....



  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    sooo day 9 of da shred.... feeling stronger i can feel my abs getting stronger too!!! this is sooo swesome i love it!! one more day of level 1 then its on to 2 im actually excited about it.... m sure i won't be when i do it tho anyhow hope everyone is still doing well !!

    Awesome job! Last night I shredded then I did 20 minutes on my elliptical! Then this morning before work I even shredded! I am feeling sooo awesome! I cannot believe how I am actually starting to tone up! Not to mention I was actually able to do 15 push ups (modified) in a row! I have no upper body strength so that is a huge acheivement for me. YAY YAY!

    So is it normal to do each level 10 days? Or should you wait till level one gets easy then move to the next?

    first of yay for the push ups!!! that was a biggie fo me too m so wimpy lol and i dont know how doing the shred makes me feel better but it sure does. i spent allll moring and half the afternoon in court felt horrible and tired but did my day 10 and now i feel great!! i have heard different comments on how long to do the levels i am going 10 days because i am comfy with 1 now so thats how im going to do it. but if u dont feel comfy going to 2 by day 10 stay till u are i say....hope that helps

    Thank you! Yeah I was really impressed when I was like "holy crap I just did 15 straight?!" lol. Court all day? aww I hope all is ok. One thing with the mood thing is that if you have something to look forward to it does help and with you being into shredding is really awesome. Plus excercise is a great way to alleviate stress! Keep it up. Let me know how level 2 goes! I think I am going to try it on day 10....eek. 4 days away!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who curses at her for those side lunges and strength :P I just finished Day 2 of Level 1. I tried the video a few months ago, and couldn't handle it, but now I'm back at it with a vengence! Good luck everyone!!!

    Yes they are evil! It IS a form of torture! lol. Welcome! Glad you are on a mission! Keep us posted as to your status! It feels great with this workout. I cannot believe how my body is already changing from it. Awesome!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Alright guys! I hope everyone is keeping up with the Shred! I just got done this morning with the shred level 1. Almost ready to go to level 2!! I'm scared! lol. Anyways,on top of the shred I did 20 minutes on the elliptical also. As i am typing this my four year old just leans up on me and was like "ewww your sweaty!". lol. Yes, I did break a huge sweat this am. And it feels great! Well I am going to get my butt in the shower! Hope everyone has a great day and is able to keep up with their work outs over the holiday!

  • bugs759
    bugs759 Posts: 22 Member
    anyone have a "guess" how many calories are burned doing the 30 day shred level 1? Anyone wearing a body bug maybe?
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    day 11 of da shred.. 1st day of level 2... other than the fact that i am completly spastic :laugh: with some of these new moves i did pretty well it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be however i do have to admit i didnt use my weights today because i wanted to make sure i got the form down correctly but tomorrow im adding the weights... so not looking forward to those v raises but its allllll good cuz its gonna make me look alllll good lol!! happy 4 th ya'll!! stay safe and cool!:glasses: :happy:
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    day 13 level 2 welllll.. planks aren't too bad neither is jump training... i just dont like v raises and military presses not bad tho...
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    day 11 of da shred.. 1st day of level 2... other than the fact that i am completly spastic :laugh: with some of these new moves i did pretty well it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be however i do have to admit i didnt use my weights today because i wanted to make sure i got the form down correctly but tomorrow im adding the weights... so not looking forward to those v raises but its allllll good cuz its gonna make me look alllll good lol!! happy 4 th ya'll!! stay safe and cool!:glasses: :happy:

    That is awesome!!! I didn't shred on Sunday. :( But I did go 8 days in a row. Anyways if I follow the levels each 10 days tonight will be my last day at level 1. Then tomorrow I will be at level 2. EEK!

    I would have replied to your post sooner but I didn't realize that there was a second page! LOL. Yes I know I am new to this! Well I better get back to work.
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    :laugh: [
    day 11 of da shred.. 1st day of level 2... other than the fact that i am completly spastic :laugh: with some of these new moves i did pretty well it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be however i do have to admit i didnt use my weights today because i wanted to make sure i got the form down correctly but tomorrow im adding the weights... so not looking forward to those v raises but its allllll good cuz its gonna make me look alllll good lol!! happy 4 th ya'll!! stay safe and cool!:glasses: :happy:

    That is awesome!!! I didn't shred on Sunday. :( But I did go 8 days in a row. Anyways if I follow the levels each 10 days tonight will be my last day at level 1. Then tomorrow I will be at level 2. EEK!

    I would have replied to your post sooner but I didn't realize that there was a second page! LOL. Yes I know I am new to this! Well I better get back to work.

    level 2 isnt toooo bad lots of plank positions but i like them. i so didn't want to do it today but i did so its day 14 level 2 m jus so tired from the baby not sleeping well because he has a nasty cough and the docs wont or cant give hime anything other than breathing treatments that we already do soooo im dragging my butt today. gonna do my shred and crunches and push ups tomorrow and MAYBE walk... gonna try anyhow! anyways i know your gonna do great on level 2 just yell at her like i do and you will be fine!! :laugh:
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member

    level 2 isnt toooo bad lots of plank positions but i like them. i so didn't want to do it today but i did so its day 14 level 2 m jus so tired from the baby not sleeping well because he has a nasty cough and the docs wont or cant give hime anything other than breathing treatments that we already do soooo im dragging my butt today. gonna do my shred and crunches and push ups tomorrow and MAYBE walk... gonna try anyhow! anyways i know your gonna do great on level 2 just yell at her like i do and you will be fine!! :laugh:

    Well I did my last day of level one then decided to check out level two. I made it through half of level 2 before stopping because my ankle started to hurt. I think I will actually like level two better. Who knows. How are things going for you?

    So a little one is sick? aww. I remember those days. It does get easier though when they get older and are able to communicate with you better as to what is exactly wrong. For the cough did you try some vick's?
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    So I measured myself last night....Lost 1 1/2" around my hips since the first...WOOHOO!!! I hope everyone has been able to keep up with the shred!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Level 2 Day 1! ~~~Well, i made it through it! It really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. But I will know how bad it actually was when tomorrow morning rolls around! LOL, I hope this workout slims me down though! From everything that i have read is that this workout you don't drop the weight but I really need to tone up. With how much the weight has fluctuated there is some areas for sure that I need to tone up. I really need to drop the weight though too. WOW this is a ramble! Sorry, I better just stop typing!
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    So I measured myself last night....Lost 1 1/2" around my hips since the first...WOOHOO!!! I hope everyone has been able to keep up with the shred!

    congrats on the lost!! thats great!! and for doing well on level 2 i agree i like 2 better than 1 i think its firming up the back of my thighs now!! no realy inches lost but its ok it'll happen!! oh and did u mean to put vicks on him or in the vaporizer ???
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    So I measured myself last night....Lost 1 1/2" around my hips since the first...WOOHOO!!! I hope everyone has been able to keep up with the shred!

    congrats on the lost!! thats great!! and for doing well on level 2 i agree i like 2 better than 1 i think its firming up the back of my thighs now!! no realy inches lost but its ok it'll happen!! oh and did u mean to put vicks on him or in the vaporizer ???

    Put some Vick's on his chest. It will open everything up so he can breathe a little better. If he is really young do not use a whole lot. A little bit goes a long way with that stuff. A vaporizer would work too. Also, try taking a shower with him in the bathroom with you. Don't use the fan and let the moisture help with his breathing. I used to have a really big bathroom and I would bring my little guys swing in there and let him swing while I was in the shower. It seemed to help alot.
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    So I measured myself last night....Lost 1 1/2" around my hips since the first...WOOHOO!!! I hope everyone has been able to keep up with the shred!

    congrats on the lost!! thats great!! and for doing well on level 2 i agree i like 2 better than 1 i think its firming up the back of my thighs now!! no realy inches lost but its ok it'll happen!! oh and did u mean to put vicks on him or in the vaporizer ???

    Put some Vick's on his chest. It will open everything up so he can breathe a little better. If he is really young do not use a whole lot. A little bit goes a long way with that stuff. A vaporizer would work too. Also, try taking a shower with him in the bathroom with you. Don't use the fan and let the moisture help with his breathing. I used to have a really big bathroom and I would bring my little guys swing in there and let him swing while I was in the shower. It seemed to help alot.

    thanks for the tips i have 2 older boys but they have NEVER been this congested like my baby is (11 months) so it's kinda new to me which is kinda funny my other two are 10 and 6 so it has been a while since they were small and im grateful for help lol!! i didn't shred today for the first time because i went to the river to swim for a bit had an interview at a drs office and then by the time i helped my hubby with dinner, we had to go help my neighbor move some heavy stuff so i had no time to do it but i really wish i had i miss it . anyhow im rambling so im going to shut up lol
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    been dong the shred but i did miss sunday since i was gone all day with family. yesterday was good tho just have to add another day to my shred
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    Has anyone done level 3 yet? To mix it up a bit I decided to try it last night. It wasn't exactly a mistake but I wasn't ready for it - I don't have the upper body strength necessary for this level so I'm going back to level 2. I think a few more weeks on level 2 and I'll be ready to move up.

    Has anyone done her "No more problem areas" workout? I just picked it up over the weekend and haven't even taken the shrink off it yet.
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