n00b to this site, but years of experience

Hey everyone! I've had this account for a while but haven't really used it...
It seems like there's a really awesome community here. I LOVE IT!
I'd love to share fun exercises and techniques to help you guys achieve your goals.
I've got my own goals and one of them is leaning down like crazy and doing some crazy gymnastics and parkour goals.

Add me on here =)

oh and follow me on Instagram, I post a lot about fitness!

keep training, stay motvated! good luck!


  • HeaDak3
    oops my instagram user name is @headak3
  • go3gurl2go1
    Awesome! Could always use new ideas for workouts.

    Do you have any workouts or techniques on how to build up your strength to do a hand stand? It's a quirky goal of mine...I've been trying to do them against a wall so far and can probably hold it for like 20 seconds lol!

    Good luck with your goals!
  • HeaDak3
    HeaDak3 Posts: 32
    Very nice! If you can hold it for 20 seconds, you should try now doing handstand push ups against the wall. To supplement that, do shoulder oriented strength exercises like shoulder presses with a barbell or dumbbells.

    Sorry for not replying sooner! I'm bad at getting back at this. Good luck!