Ladies - do you log your period weight gain?



  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    Nah, I wait until it's over then log that spectacular loss at the end:)
    I do weigh myself during it though, just so I feel like a fat *kitten* with the extra water weight and I won't eat up the whole house :)
  • VeeSecrets
    VeeSecrets Posts: 28 Member
    Glad u brought this up cus it happen 2 me i Iogged it then the next wk I loss 4 lbs so I guess I should have waited
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    How are you supposed to learn about your body if you don't record your weight, even if it's on your period?


    Weighing and taking note in my mind. Not recording cos the next week I'll just have a loss anyway. So it's not a true gain and it's not a true loss is it? One will negate the other. Ive only ever once recorded a gain...this year for first time because it stayed for two weeks. Any other time ive gained its a temporary fluctuation (i weigh daily). For me personally I don't bother recording weight gain during Tom...but I seriously know what my body is doing even if I don't record it.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Thank goodness for this post. My first year on MFP, I lost 50lbs and didn't gain a pound at all during TOM. I'm restarting MFP after my hiatus and I've gained a pound so far during my second day of TOM. I've recorded it on paper but I don't log anything on MFP until I've gone down on the scale.