Getting rid of Abdominal Fat when post menapausal



  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    WOW Cma You go girl!!! It seems like sugar and carbs are big!! Caffiene and lots and lots of excercise.
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    I checked out the Dr Oz sight I've heard the MUFA idea before.. Has anybody ever tried coconut oil?? I've heard that works..
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Not the Pest If I could ever get to the fitness level you're at now I'd be very happy...
  • hs1956
    hs1956 Posts: 16
    I'm 56 and postmenopausal with an initial goal of loosing 16 lbs. I've only been at this program a little over a month but the belly is receding and I have lost a few pounds. Loosing weight is slower this time (I lost weight eight years ago and it came back after menopause three years ago-sigh). I never had issues with weight until my 40's (and that was due to lack of exercise and eating big meals with my swimmer children-way too many calories). Eating better, exercising and strength training are helping to reclaim parts of my body. Using a tape measure and has been rewarding more than the scales. One thing I had not considered in learning more about this is how my calorie intake has changed as a result of age.

    In general, keeping track of what I eat seems to be helping. The tape measure is rewarding even if visibly things are, at this stage, disappointing.
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks hs1956 I like the tape measure idea. I don't keep track of that like I should Thanks for the input!!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm 59 and have been maintaining at 123 pounds, 5'6", size 4, since September of last year. My original goal weight was 135 pounds, which had been a good weight for me in my 30s and early 40s. It didn't look so good on a reforming couch potato in her late 50s, though. My belly and midsection were still very flabby at that weight. At 123 pounds my belly still isn't flat by the standards of the average 20-year-old who has never had any kids, but it's flat enough. I'm not at all unhappy with the way I look in most clothes, I just don't wear bikinis anymore.

    In my case, at least, I think the difference had a lot more to do with age and menopause related loss of muscle mass than with any real change in the way my body stores or utilizes fat. As an apple, my abdomen was the first place I packed on the fat and probably would have been the last place I lost it, regardless of my age. I just had more of it to lose, relative to my BMI, because my lean body mass was lower. In other words I was skinny-fat at 135 pounds and now I'm just skinny.
  • crislane1
    crislane1 Posts: 4 Member
    hello group. i am 40 years old and been post menapausal since i was 27 years old. i am pretty active with cycling, swimming and walking. trying to get more active. i currently work 3rd shift as a 911 dispatcher and sleep most of the day away. i am trying to get my bad eating habits under control. any advise to exercise programs or foods i should try that might help me to lose weight. when i moved to tenn 18 years ago i was 155 pounds. i have put on 80 pounds. my weight has yo yo'd since i was 13 and i was laid off 2 years ago and went thru depression and unmotivation and have gained 30 pounds since sept 2011 :( any advice is welcomed.
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 59 and have been maintaining at 123 pounds, 5'6", size 4, since September of last year. My original goal weight was 135 pounds, which had been a good weight for me in my 30s and early 40s. It didn't look so good on a reforming couch potato in her late 50s, though. My belly and midsection were still very flabby at that weight. At 123 pounds my belly still isn't flat by the standards of the average 20-year-old who has never had any kids, but it's flat enough. I'm not at all unhappy with the way I look in most clothes, I just don't wear bikinis anymore.

    In my case, at least, I think the difference had a lot more to do with age and menopause related loss of muscle mass than with any real change in the way my body stores or utilizes fat. As an apple, my abdomen was the first place I packed on the fat and probably would have been the last place I lost it, regardless of my age. I just had more of it to lose, relative to my BMI, because my lean body mass was lower. In other words I was skinny-fat at 135 pounds and now I'm just skinny.

    ^^^this. I'm 50, post menopausal and 5'6"
    I started one year ago at 153ish, and have been maintaining for the last month or so at 115ish. I work out 3x per week (my only exercise) and lost the weight pretty linearly :-) at a rate of about .5 to .75 lbs a week. It took nearly a year of hard work. My tummy is flat, finally, even after a pooch from my c-section (twins) 21 years ago. I'll never wear a bikini (gads the stretch marks and lose skin!) but it's certainly possible. Ate around 1400 cal a day and greatly reduced carbs ( usually under 120 a day) and dairy, although I have no idea if that really made a Hugh difference in itself...
  • crislane1
    crislane1 Posts: 4 Member
    ^^^^thanks. i am trying to modify my eating...i think thats going to be the hardest thing. i am working out a lot more and getting back to being very active and burning calories. just need to eat less...and thats hard. thanks for your insight.
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi,,,,Im 58, post menopausal,,,,,been on MFP for 2.5 monthes and have lost 20 lbs,,,,,,4 inches in the abdominal area. Yes,,,,,it can be done. Still have another 55 lbs to go, but, Im really startingt to believe, I will be able to have that flat belly again....feels good.
  • crislane1
    crislane1 Posts: 4 Member
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member

    My Fitness Pal. :smile:
  • Optifast VLCD. I'm shedding weight and most of it is on my tummy.
  • crislane1
    crislane1 Posts: 4 Member
    its not much but i have lost 3 lbs so far.
  • marielaem
    marielaem Posts: 202 Member
    I've been doing the 5:2 eating plan and have noticed a marked reduction in belly fat.
  • PaulJRaymond
    PaulJRaymond Posts: 100 Member

    MFP is the forum you are on. MyFitnessPal
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Been there done that. I went on the Dukan Diet 12/31/11 and lost 46 pounds in 2012. (But I cheated I used another website before switching to MFP and log every calorie). I am 54 years old, 5'8' and weigh 128 pounds. I no longer eat bread, pasta, potoatos or rice... I spent most of adult live weighing over 140 pounds, shot up in 2011 and decided I wasn't going to let menopause turn me into a soggy lump. I do yoga, walk, walk,walk,walk and Barre 3. I wear a Nike Fuel band to count up all my calories burned and my MFP Food calorie goal is set to a basic sedentary life style because I have a desk job. My post menapause ab fat is gone. I do not crave all the foods that I overate anymore.

    So I found the book "The Menopause Makeover"... it doesn't matter if you are pre peri or post, this book as a game/life changing read for me. It is available on amazon kindle... I can't even tell you how many women have thanked me for the book referral.

    I found another book women of all ages should read - Ballet Beautiful.

    I also make sure I never set longer than 50 minutes at my job and home now. An exception is church or a funeral or wedding.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    ^^^^thanks. i am trying to modify my eating...i think thats going to be the hardest thing. i am working out a lot more and getting back to being very active and burning calories. just need to eat less...and thats hard. thanks for your insight.

    I just wanted to add, I eat more Volume wise, but different things. I eat an apple instead of bread, a small amount of nuts instead of a bag of chips, fat free frozen greek yogurt instead of ice cream. And I never drink less than 64 ounces of water a day, and I never drink any carbonated drinks - but I do have tea and coffee in addtion to my water.