What is your heaviest? Lightest? Where are you now? Goal?



  • amjelot
    amjelot Posts: 8 Member
    Height: 5'6"
    Age/Gender: 30/Female
    High Weight: 182 Jan 2013 :(
    Current Weight: 156 as of today!
    Lowest Weight: 130ish in high school, and again in 2007 before having my daughters in the past 5 years and gaining a ton of weight.
    Goal Weight: 130/135- I want to be back in my size 2 jeans! Hopefully by vacation this July!
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    height: 5'5"
    age/gender: 20, female
    highest known weight: 243 lbs
    current weight: 227 lbs
    lowest known weight: i weighed around 185 in high school, i've always been overweight in my young/adult life
    goal weight: i have three goals right now. 1) 199 lbs (onederland) 2) 170 lbs and 3) anywhere between 150-169 lbs
  • skeezmour
    skeezmour Posts: 2 Member
    Height: 5'8"
    age/gender: 44, male
    current weight: 264 lbs
    lowest weight: 145 in junior year of HS (wrestler) 165 normal (and did some amateur modeling at that weight)
    goal weight: 1) get back under 200# so I can start running again 2) 180# and I get to start buying the good motorcycle gear I want 3) I want to be at 160-170# as my normal range (wife will be stunned to see me in my old Dress Blues)
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    I will go from when I started this journey, since at some point I was 0lbs

    Heaviest 415
    Lightest 215
    Now 229 (dang holidays)
    Height 5'11"
    Gender Male
    Goal 190lbs
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    Height: 5'9"
    Age/Gender: 20/Male
    Highest weight- 290
    Current Weight- 194
    Current body fat - Idk
    Lowest weight- 194^
    Goal weigh- 160-170 idk will know for sure when closer
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    26 yrs.

    Heaviest: 202 the day I had my son
    Pre pregnancy: 135
    Lowest: 115 in 2006 (I was 20)

    SW: 185 (1/1/13)
    CW: 164

    1st GW: 145
    Ultimate GW: 135
  • hearts895
    hearts895 Posts: 12
    I seem to fluctuate daily between a pound either direction but here are my stats:

    24 years old, Female
    Height: 5'6"
    Small frame
    Not much self esteem but I'm very determined to get back to my LW/GW!

    Weights in lbs:
    HW: 120
    LW: 107-108
    GW: 108-105
    CW: 111-112

    Currently doing 30 Day Shred, occasionally running, regular walking, occasional elliptical at the gym, doing my best to keep 800 cal/day diet.
  • DopeyDudleyDursley
    22 year old, Male
    Height: 5'9"

    Weights in Pounds
    Highest Weight: 155
    Lowest Weight: 125 (High School days)
    Goal Weight: 135
    Current Weight: 143
  • koootenay
    koootenay Posts: 126 Member
    Height: 5'2"
    Age/Gender: 21 female
    Highest weight- 206 lbs
    Current Weight- 200 lbs
    Current body fat - about 46%
    Lowest weight- Born 6 lbs I think?
    Goal weight- 145 lbs
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    Age/Gender: 37 Female
    Highest weight- 209 lbs (95kg for us advanced metric people)
    Current Weight- 130 lbs (59kg)
    Current body fat - no idea
    Goal weight- 143lbs (65kg)

    Took me from 8th Feb 2012 till early Sept 2012 to reach my goal weight. Since then I've been trying to maintain without luck, I keep losing weight. I'm not complaining cause I can now fit into my 19yo sons clothing. I've gone from a size 20-22 down to a 10-12. I'm fitter than I've ever been, more motivated than I've ever been & making no excuses as to why I was fat.
    LINIA Posts: 1,142 Member
    I am about 5'1"
    Never had to even think about weight until last five to ten years, even after having children always bounced right back to abt 105 lbs. I have to admit that, in general, I prefer healthy foods and actually dislike many desserts other people love.

    -- LW:114 (105 almost entire life)
    -- CW:122--
    GW:115-117(u just have to want it badly enough)

    Health problems from arthritis and osteoporosis are having a negative impact on my QofL.
  • Fit147
    Fit147 Posts: 209 Member
    Height: 5'6.5"
    Age/Gender: 46/Female
    Highest weight: 220 pounds
    Lowest weight: 126 pounds (and dropped menses so I know that weight is too low for me.)
    Current weight: 189.5 pounds
    Current body fat: 39% (I think)
    Goal weight: 147, just like my name says

    I am 30 pounds down on MFP and 40 pounds to goal. Quite excited this AM as I haven't been in the 180s in about 5 years. In another 2.5 pounds, I will be at my second personal goal - weight before I had my two adorable kids. My third personal goal is 162, the weight I was married at. My final personal goal is 147... Best weight for my height and frame. And 15 pounds below my marriage weight. Bonus for the hubs.;)
  • goombasmom
    goombasmom Posts: 70 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    Age/Gender: 38 Female
    Highest weight- 181 lbs
    Lightest weight- 128 lbs
    Current Weight- 164 lbs
    Current body fat - no idea
    Goal weight- 139 lbs

    I might revise my goal weight when I get closer to it. I've been lower, but that was before my son was born.
  • newlifeforlucas
    Height: 5' 4 1/2
    Age 19, female
    HW: 130, when my depression led to a lot of binge eating and inactivity (excuses i know:/)
    LW: 109
    CW: 111.2
    I don't know my body fat %, different online calculators give really different results
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Height: 5'1"
    Age/Gender: 31 Female
    Highest weight- 203 lbs
    Current Weight- 188.7 lbs
    Current body fat - 49.6%
    Lowest weight- 112 lbs
    Goal weigh- 115-126 lbs
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Height: 5'11"
    Age/Gender: 22/Female
    Highest weight- 240
    Current Weight- 211
    Current body fat - I have no idea.
    Lowest weight- 170 - Freshman year of college when I was 19
    Goal weigh- 150
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    Female, age 49

    Highest weight: didn't own a scale at the time, but I'd guess 220 or so. I started eating less and doing some exercise and saw some results--was so proud of myself, figuring that I had to be under 2000...until I went to a friend's house and stepped on their bathroom scale and saw 213. Devastated.

    Current weight: 160

    Current body fat: online calculators put it between 22% and 28% depending on which measurements they use. I should get calipers...

    Lowest weight: 135, but I was still only 20 or 21. As a full adult, probably closer to 140-145.

    Goal weight: 152, at the moment.
  • domdoan
    domdoan Posts: 30
    height - 5'9
    Heaviest: 250lbs
    Lightest: 167lbs
    Current: 191lbs

    My goal is to be in the single digit fat percentages at least one point in my life. Build muscle and see some striations. And be a strong strong strong man!
  • Boobarella2
    Height: 5'4

    Age/Gender: 24yr female

    Highest weight- 328lbs was the heaviest I know of.

    Current Weight- 303.4lbs

    Current body fat - No idea.

    Lowest weight- Not sure, between ages 13-15 I lost alot of weight to the point I was anorexic, I had no idea at the time and when I was told/ had it explained I quickly went the oposite lol.

    Goal weigh- 150lbs to start and then see where I want to go from there.
  • kirstieamba
    Height: 5'7

    Age/Gender: 23 years old female

    Highest weight- 180lbs

    Current Weight- 164.5lbs

    Current body fat - No idea.

    Ideal weight - 140lbs
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